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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Lux was walking out around the entrance of the school prints of his steps left in the snow as he moved. He let out a breath some of the heat coming out as he breathed. His eyes scanning for anyone or a large crowd that he may need to avoid in the future. His gold colored eyes looked about not really seeing a large crowd maybe a few people here and there but otherwise things would probably be good.
Melody wondered about many things like classes, students and food also club activities. Participating in a club would be good. Probably should do a few extracurricular things also. she thought about the things that she would do and made a mental list. Oh yeah! I need to practice my introduction. she started to rehearse her greeting to herself.

Noah stood up "I won't find anything right here." he said and walked off to find somewhere or something more interesting.He wasn't worried about classes or anything, he was worried about keeping himself entertained. He walked down the halls but then paused for no apparent reason. He turned around slowly, spotted a window and smiled a little.

"Ah..Probably shouldn't do that again." mumbled Clay as he got up from the snow he was previously laying in. He brushed off the snow quickly. He then realized that he was even colder and now wet "I really shouldn't have done that.." he rubbed his shoulders to attempt to warm up which didn't help in the least. Water and the cold don't mix... he groaned and proceeded to the entrance of the school.

Kisetsu had been standing patiently near the entrance, not because she was waiting for someone but because she was taking in the atmosphere. She had no problem with any kind of weather or any preferences. She enjoyed everything alike and didn't see why anyone could hate a season. She had just got here and the island was amazing in the best regards. While enjoying the coldness she noticed a person. "Are you looking for someone?" she decided to speak to said person.

(You don't have to read the first 3, you can skip to the last one.)
Lux looked in proximity to the voice he heard with that he looked to a girl and paused for a moment to see if they looked like they were preoccupied. "N-not really i'm just looking around. Being new here and all it's uhm... well, Quite interesting to say the very least about it" he said looking back at the building glad that it seemed quite spacious. "Are you new here as well?" he asked not sure whether this girl had been here awhile or was like him.

She nodded slowly "Yes. I arrived not too long ago." she replied flatly with a emotionless expression. She wasn't one to give out names to people she just met and considered asking for the male's name first. Though she felt as if that would of been impolite "I am Kisetsu. What is your name if I may ask?" she was being as nice as possible but his nervousness made her a bit wary of him for whatever reason.

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He looked at her and nodded, "I'm Lux.. it's nice to meet you Kisetsu." He said with a little smile still slightly nervous about things. He calmed himself down a little bit and became more natural and open to things. Though he wasn't entirely open he was less skittish now so he was a little bit more ok with being open.. but only slightly. "Anyways... what made you want to come to the school?" He asked his tone more normal compared to earlier.


(@Kira Times Welcome back)
The male named Lux had appeared to become calmer. Kisetsu's wariness apparently went away after Lux became less awkward with speaking. She had to think over his question "I suppose it was because the purpose of this school interested me...Well it might also been because the vast amount of nature here. It's nice and peaceful." she stopped herself before she started going on and on "I don't want to take over the conversation. Why did you come here Lux?"
Lux smiled, "Even if you did take over the conversation it would be nice to learn more. You're interesting." he said before thinking for a moment and looking at her. "Well... I came here mainly due to the reason that I was told it was a good program. My elder brother came here and then my mom wanted me to do the same" He said with a small shrug since he didn't take it too deep. "That's pretty much the only reasons.. besides the fact if I didn't I was going to be going to some one off the island".

"Thank you Lux." she was put off by him saying she was interesting but wasn't going to show it outwardly. She tried to think up a subject that would relate to the conversation "Hmm. My parents don't seem to dote on me too much. I have two younger siblings. My parents said I could do whatever I wanted to do but they kept listing the reasons I should go. Though I was planning to learn here anyway." she basically went on about her reason until she stopped herself. "Sorry. I don't have much to say that's interesting."
Lux shook his head, "No. Truthfully your story... or rather what i've heard of it so far was rather interesting." He said smiling reassuringly hoping that he could figure out something else to go on or something else to talk about. "It's good that you had a plan for yourself already figured out since that would let you get to where you were planning on going sooner." He said still quite happy before pausing again and thinking about things as he could. "What do you want to do now though... being here and all" He asked before waiting for a response.
Penelope walked around the school, her eyes focused completely on the book she's reading. Today was her first day but at the moment she didn't care for class or dormmates, she just wanted to finish this story. By the time she finished, part of her knew she'd regret it but the other part of her said 'Screw it and get to the end, worry about real life later.' So, of course it was this line of thinking that had her suddenly bumping into someone. "Ah!" she shrieked, falling to the ground and dropping her book.
"You are too kind Lux." she felt a bit sheepish now that he was bringing up that question. She thought about it for a second before responding "Well now that I am here I don't plan to just slack around but I also want to have a enjoyable experience. So I was going to do more things with agriculture and relations but also take time to meditate daily and possibly make some friends." she nodded to signal the end of her monologue "What are you planning now that you are here?" she had taken great interest to the subject at hand.


Melody turned around after someone bumped into her and started to panic a bit. She saw a girl on the ground with a bunch of books she had appeared to drop "S-Sorry! My fault completely!" she started to pick up the girl's book quickly but paused to read the cover of each one. "Oh! This is a good book you have here..." she said while stacking them. After she was done she attempted to help the girl up "I-I'm Melody! My apologies for getting your books wet." since there was snow the books had gotten slightly wet.


(Sorry I had to do something. But I'm back!)
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Penelope had been in a daze as she watched the girl gather her books. She gave her a smile as she accepted the help and pulled herself to stand up. "I'm Penelope. It's really okay, I mean I should have been watching where I was going," she said with a smile. She took the books from Melody, pleased that at least the girl knew good literature when she saw it. "Perhaps I could loan you a couple of these when they dry off. I've read most of these twice, except that one I was just reading." She looked at it, the one on the top of the stack. She wondered what possessed her to think she could carry five books and then read one more without anything going wrong. "Anyway, a little snow shouldn't damage them completely."

@TaraSobiki ((S'all good!))
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Lux smiled looking at her, "I understand not wanting things to just be spent slacking. Your plan does sound like it would be fun though" He said before looking down at the ground for a few moments his eyes seeming to be deep in thought. "Well.. I'm probably going to attempt to become the top of my class in math since I do love to do math in the long run. Maybe go to a few dances or something... make some friends." He said before looking back to her. "Other than that I don't know for sure... you can never predict everything that will happen to you right?" He asked her happily.

She nodded in agreement "If people could do that I'm sure much less terrible things would happen to others." she looked at the ground "I will wish us both good luck." she looked back to him "We can tour together if you wish. I think we are acquainted enough and if you think we aren't touring might give us a chance to." she suggested her offer with no enthusiasm in her voice. Mostly because she felt like getting excited over this would be embarrassing. "I don't think we are close enough to call each others friends and I'm sorry if that offends you."


Melody stood there nervously playing with her hair "I'm still sorry...I would be extremely honored if you would let me borrow your books!" she now thought the way she said it was creepy and how terrible this first encounter was. She thought of turning invisible and hiding somewhere but she was determined to get through their conversation "So...You like to read?" Melody mentally slapped herself because of the idiotic question she just asked.

Lux shook his head in denial, "I understand completely about the whole friends thing. We just met today after all so I wouldn't expect it that much." He said in a normal tone. "Though we can go touch the building... I figure it may be fun... plus maybe them we'd be better acquaintances." He suggested as he moved out of the snow and under closer to the doors at the entry way opening one, "After you if you'd like to come around with me" He said smiling.

Penelope grinned widely at the question. "Oh yes! It's my favorite thing to do. Fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, history..." She felt herself getting excited, felt her cheeks getting warmer as she thinks about books and the possibilites within the pages. "I like it when authors can make a character so dear to the reader, to the point that they feel like family, or a close friend," she said. She realized that she was close to talking Melody's ear off until night, so she shook her head slightly. "What do you like? Any passions you have?"

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Kisetsu didn't hesitate to walk in. She turned around to face him "Then it's settled. Also you can call me Kise if my name is too difficult." she added quickly "Not that I think you're dumb but my name can be difficult to pronounce." she turned away from him and started walking in a random direction. She walked pretty fast but she was sure he was close behind and if he wasn't she would go back to get him then apologize for leaving him there in the first place..


Melody still felt that the questioned she asked was dumb "Stupid!" she yelled out without thinking but quickly corrected herself "Not you!" she gulped and calmed herself down. "Y-Yes. I have a few passions of my own..Such as singing! I love to sing, especially when I can make someone feel better with my songs. I like the creativity that usually comes with it and the chance of changing someone's outlook on life. I enjoy making my own songs the most!" she could of sat there all day talking about music and songs.

Lux followed after her making sure to go at the same speed as she was and keeping everything he could watching the school. "Hey uh... Kise. You're moving a little quick there... it's fine that your enthusiastic to tour the place but... wouldn't you rather be able to slow down and take in all the sights?" He asked looking at her now and walking a tiny bit slower.

You want it clean I'll get it clean and the names Minak by the way, This is easy you should try living with 16 sisters. That what I had to go through. Picking up the stuff ,just go relax and you don't have to pay me I'm at your service.

@Kira Times
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She slowed down when he said that "Sorry. I'm not moving this fast on purpose, this is just my natural walk speed." she felt this was good time for a story "Where I come from. My whole family hustled everywhere so you kind of get used to moving fast after awhile." she slowed down a little more so she could walk next to Lux.

(Had to eat.)
Ami looked surprised "Sixteen! How much magic energy does your parents have!?" she said and scratched her cheek awkwardly "Ignore my previous question. I'm glad we actually have gentlemen here."


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