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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Want to just walk around? It's more lively now that people are coming back from vacation." She said to Cecilia, sitting at the edge of the bed.

@ScaraByte (( What are your plans for CeciliaxEvylon? ))
Lux looked at her and paused for a moment what she said and the voice in his head both resonating all in one. As to why this was happening he didn't know but it seemed like they were working together. "Y-yeah... I guess so though I don't know for sure.." He said before pausing 'Alright... thanks for the support' he thought back to it. "Sorry I don't mean to be spacing out.... I was just thinking. You said your personality and interest was pushing lovers away... But uhm" He pause again before looking at her, "You're quite attractive... I don't mean to be hitting on you and i'm sorry if that weirds you out. But I just uhm... I want to see if that's true... w-would you want to maybe go out sometime?" He said before blushing slightly and realizing what he just said. "O-of course! if you don't want to you don't have to" He said feeling kind of odd and at the same he hoped he didn't just do this as someone's cruel joke.

@TaraSobiki @Darkri ((Sorry if this is weird xD Trying to put it as he would say it and it ended up elongated))

Cecilia nodded, "We could go take a walk if you'd like. There are quite a bit more people around now so you're right about that." She said smiling and then looking at her, "Anything else I should change first though?"

@TerrinX ((Idk... it'll go places))
A pause and a blank stare is what he got in response as Kisetsu didn't seem to register this. It might of been because a voice in her head was talking to her or because Lux just asked her out but when she did seem to register her eyes widened and she looked like a dear in headlights. Her face turned red and she automatically broke whatever eye contact they were sharing. This was odd since with other people this has never happened, but that was probably because she found them extremely annoying or just plain creepy. She didn't feel like Lux was a creep or annoyance "Su-Su-Sure..." she responded in a half mumbled stutter.

@ScaraByte (This isn't that weird.In my opinion.)

Lux let out a relieved breath before realizing that now he just asked a girl out on a date!. His face went slightly more pink 'S-she said yes!' He thought slightly surprised that she had said yes in general. Maybe this.. Minak person was able to tell what others wanted? If that was the case.. did that mean that Kise had wanted to go on a date with him before he even knew it? His mind went in circles for a moment. "C-cool so uhm... when exactly will you be free again?" He asked wanting to make sure she had time to actually go on the date since he did remember she had plans for her time in the school. Then he remembered something else, they weren't even friends from what he last remembered about her.


@TaraSobiki (Deer in the headlights.... Sawsbuck... hmmm)
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Evylon blushed. "Well, her and my mom both taught at the same school before she came here..." She said almost biting her tongue to stop her rambling. Squeezing Cecilia's hand as they walked around a corner.

Cecilia saw the blush, "So i'm gonna guess her and your mom had a little... fun?" She asked somewhat assuming about things and taking ideas into account. "I suppose that makes sense... Oh, atop of that Your mom seems to have an interest in women... how exactly did you come to be?" She asked now just curious about things over all.

Kisetsu continued to avoid eye contact with the male but now realized that she just agreed to go out with someone she just met in front of the school. Here she is talking about waiting to completely understand the person but now she had excepted a invitation to a date without a second thought and they weren't even friends. She froze when he asked about her schedule "Well...I'm free whenever...I mean I have nothing planned..." when she becomes nervous she usually has spaces between her sentences or words. She only ever stuttered when she was completely caught off guard which did not happen often.

@ScaraByte (I couldn't just ignore it. The joke was perfect, I needed to make it!)
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"My entire family is lesbians and female, some gene or whatever, though my mom did date a few guys, no one really knew how we were born..." She said blushing deeply. "I guess if anyone could find out its you?" She said giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek as they walked.

Lux nodded, "A-alright... well I uhm. I'm glad you actually accepted, I'm gonna promise you that i'm not some egotistical maniac... My ego is actually rather small. Just a new guy who's able to date a... pretty cute girl" He said looking at his feet before speaking again though he decided he should take his words a bit more into account so he didn't come off in a negative light to her. "Sorry if this all seems rushed... I remember we technically aren't friends from statements i'm uhm.." He said before moving a hand to the back of his neck nervously. "I understand if you just said yes to seem nice and all... you don't truly have to do it if you don't want to.. I would understand" He said still not planning to look and see her staring at him. Making eye contact generally wasn't the best idea for him, since eyes were like a window to the soul and if yours is vulnerable then.. it's an easy way to mark a target.

@TaraSobiki (True it was perfect xD )

Cecilia nodded and smiled before moving a bit ahead of Evylon still holding her hand and walking backwards grabbing her other hand. With a quick move she gave Evylon a little peck on the lips still walking backwards. "I'll do my best to figure that out. Though I may need to have your mother come here... after all you can't see someone's anatomy without them near" she said cheerfully her eyes shutting at the end a slight glow flashing from them.

"I mean, I guess, she probably wouldn't hesitate to visit. Hell she would proposition to work here. My mom loves being around me ever since my sisters moved away." She said shrugging, not really paying close enough attention to notice anything out of the ordinary.

@ScaraByte (( Evylon is so crashing that date to hit on Melody xD ))
Cecilia opened her eyes and nodded, "Alright then... maybe i'll get her to apply here and see if she could be a teacher... out last ones had a bit of an... incident you could say" She said holding a very tiny sinister tone.

@TerrinX (Feel free to crash the Melody one just know i'm not in that one xD )
Kisetsu shook her head slowly "No....I...want to.." she was surprised by her own words. Kise's face turned even redder W-What am I saying.. she thought and looked up at Lux "Well...I guess this...signals the end...of the tour I mean!" she turned away from him but before leaving she said "I'll see you later....koibito." then speed walked away. Since the last word she said was in Japanese he would hopefully never figure out the meaning. She now proceeded to panic quietly I don't have any 'cute' clothes or any idea what to do on a date...I think I've lost my mind.

"Hey. Lady killer." said the still wet and cold Clay. He had somehow 'overheard' their conversation and he found it hilarious. He move towards the guy with a huge smile "You should of just screamed out I'm reeeeaaaallllllly desperate. Do you not realize that women like a little confidence?" his voice was neither extremely feminine or manly so it was hard to tell from his voice what gender he was.

@ScaraByte(Cause I just wanted Clay to show up.)

@TerrinX (Names Kisetsu but just call her Kise.)
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Evylon got chills. "Seriously, that's the cheesiest thing you could say. Prof. Psychi and Des's decision to move out into the country together was good, getting away from Sil seemed worth it, though she probably stalked them....Unless she's still here somewhere." Evylon said looking around nervously.

@ScaraByte (( I AM GOING TO SEDUCE HER xD @TaraSobiki ))
Lux thought about some weird word he'd never heard the koibito whatever that was it was an interesting thing. Then he heard the other person talk about how he was desperate. He sighed and laughed still looking at his feet. "I guess you're kinda right there... though i'm not desperate.. I had some person in my mind tell me it was good idea... plus she was a nice girl... I like her..." He said and looking at his feet. "I am kind of odd in that regard though huh?" He asked his voice becoming quieter as he continued into his talking. He turned his head to see the person, "You look kinda wet there... y-you uhm... want some help?" He asked the person not entirely sure as to if this person was a guy or a girl.


Cecilia smiled "She likely did.. she was waaaay too obsessed with her sister" She said before thinking 'Especially after I had to reset the world to fix what she did.' She finished her thought then. "But anywho maybe we can find something fun to do together?" She said before pausing. "Also... You won't be hearing from either of those three for.. quite awhile..." She said finishing her thoughts.

@TerrinX ((You can if you'd like to try... I have an idea on how Cecilia will react to that hehe...))
"Cecilia, stop saying crap like that, you sound like a bad horror plot with terrible foreshadowing and an obviously evil character that's trying way too hard to be subtle." She said in one breath, chuckling a bit. "If you like movies that much, I made a few for you, they're in a box under in the theater, though I would watch them alone," Evylon said winking at Cecilia. "But I won't mind if you share. Actually, I think it would be...Fun, if someone else found them first" She giggled at the thought. "Anyways, why don't we have some sort of meeting so all the new arrivals can greet each other, who knows there might a be a few cute girls too," Evylon said biting her lip.

@ScaraByte e
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Kise was searching her luggage for clothes but could only find plain clothes. She didn't plan on doing any dating stuff but she now realized that she should of brought stuff in case of such emergencies. She refused to get disheartened and decided to buy a outfit but the thing was she had no idea what to buy. I'll...find another girl to ask out. she thought and excited to find another girl to ask.

Clay made a pout face "Are you saying I'm not cute compared to her..." he pretended to be sad for a second before perking up. "Juuuust kidding." he sneezed "Y-Yeah I am." he giggled and sneezed again "That didn't sound wrong at all." he shivered a little."Jokes aside, yeah I could need a little drying off." he shook off the water while spraying it everywhere. Despite that he still wasn't dry.


@TerrinX (Good luck with that. She's a challenge xD .)
Cecilia smirked, "Not even two days of you being back and you're already planning on getting a new girlfriend." She said slipping her hands out of Evylons and spinning around so she wasn't facing her. She smirked and pretended to be crying as she walked bringing her hands to her eyes and hiding her face as she walked.


Lux smiled at that after wiping a bit of water off his face. "Hang on a second i'll get ya dried up real quick" He said as he backed up a little and looked at the other person. "Just stay still ok?" he said before moving his hands in an odd pattern drawing a symbol in the air as his dialed down heat wave went around Clay and hopefully would dry him off with a little bit of steam coming off. Afterwards there as no sign of the heat wave. "That uh.. any b-better?" He asked looking at then though he was still confused on whether or not it was a boy or girl.

"Cecilia!? We talked about this. I love you and only you....Yes I dance around a bit but I'm yours!" She pleaded feeling guilt rise in her like a flood.

Cecilia looked back at her and smirked, "I know you are... though the dancing around is the flaw in it I will admit... but then again. Everyone has their own flaws.. some of us just won't admit them" She said sticking her tongue out at Evylon now. her face clearly showed she hadn't bee crying though. "I think i'll probably end up watching those movies... when you leave me alone and go off for some other girls" She said with a little shrug.

His eyes sparkled "Thank you!" he smiled cutely and spun around "All dry." he giggled and jumped on Lux. "Hug!" he hugged him for a few seconds and let go. "Thanks again! In return I will be your wingman!" he assumed the desperate acting guy didn't know what that was "And I don't mean wings you fly with, I mean I'll assist you with this 'hot' girl so you don't look like you're spineless and desperate." Clay's real motive was to watch how entertaining this guy's 'date' would be and maybe cause some trouble.

Lux shook his head, "I'm alright. I've been on dates before... i'm just a bit shy around new people" He said before thinking a bit confused. This person wasn't able to be identified. He couldn't exactly tell if it was a boy or a girl so he knew something that could tell him the gender or may send him on more of a run for his money. With that though he was willing to take a chance "You can return the whole thing by being a friend of mine since that would make things easier. My name's Lux, yours is?" He said hoping this would give him the info he needed.

"Cecilia stop! It's...It's not like that please! I...I love you...A-and I will never love anyone like I do you, I promise! Your special to me. I was...I was going to purpose when I graduated this year, I already talked to my mom about it.." She said near tears.

@ScaraByte (( I would suggest altering Evylon a bit, see what she does. Forget Cecilia entirely? Make her fall in love with someone else? Your choice ))

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