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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Cecilia froze in place slightly embarrassed. She turned around and looked at Evylon... "P-p-propose?" She said slightly shocked. "Evylon... I love you too and i'm fine with your dancing around ok... I was only joking." She paused for a moment and thought. "Wanna try something a little different?" she asked having an idea.

He shrugged and smiled "Fine I'll be your friend. Name's Clay." he giggled again "That's a girl's and boy's name by the way." he knew this guy's line of attack since most people tried the method of using his name to indicate what gender he was. He folded his arms triumphantly as he stared at Lux with a smirk.

"W-what do you mean different?" Evylon asked moving over to Cecilia and looking her right in the face, the other short girl just slightly above eye level with floaty mc floatyness.

@ScaraByte (( I love how Cecilia tries to be evil but is doubting her own maliciousness as Evylon faces her devotion to Cecilia despite her own sexual problems ))
Lux started trying to think of other ways he could identify this person's gender. It took him a moment to thing of something before he realized something. This may have been a wrong accusation since this happened to other people as well but when Clay hugged him his chest was flat... though assuming off that might be wrong. "Can I see your hand for a moment?" He said holding his hand out with the palm up having another idea.


Cecilia looked at her and smiled before standing normally. "We'll test your theory there. We can see if you truly love me unlike any other girl" She said with a little smirk. "I'll remove all of your thoughts and cut off your ability to feel love towards me and only have friendship. Though i'll keep those things handy to return when I feel you're ready for the feelings again." She said with a smile, "It will test the devotion and see if you're being completely honest about that." Her idea was odd to an extent sure.. but efficient enough right?

@TerrinX ((Well this could be a gate-way for her descent into her more... evilly prominent side))
Clay made a face "Why? You get off on touching a girls's hand?" he had purposely used girl even if it was possibly untrue. From his outward appearance he did l�ook fairly feminine "No way creepo!" he said with a wink added to make himself more cutesy. "So tell me about your previous lovers." he changed the subject off of his gender and onto Lux's love life which he expected to be boring and bland anyway.

(( How is she supposed to love Cecilia, if Cecilia takes away her ability to love her. Or even if she could fall in love again, their first meeting only happened because the nature of the school at the time, their are too many variables now. She loves Cecilia for their memories together and Cecilia's kindness. Without their first meeting, they may never have even looked at each other. )) @ScaraByte
Lux put his face into his own hand and sighed for a moment before moving his hand away. There was a little trick he'd learned involving peoples hands that told gender as well... he had learned it from one of his friends years back. "Well... you want me to talk about them. Guess curiosity did kill" He said before pausing and thinking about the past girls he'd been with. "I was with a girl named Jannette about three or four months back... she was a Buneary. We were together for about two and a half months though." He said as he thought back about his most recent ex. "Only problem about her was she was only using me for money and in the process sleeping with about three or four other guys... worst part about it was she came to my house to do so." He said with a small sigh as he thought back to the experience.


@TerrinX ((I think you have my plan Mistaken, she's going to keep all the memories just make is so their romance never happened. Or in other words remove the entire idea that Evylon x Cecilia was ever a thing. So they'd only be friends regardless... unless something happened and she just returned the memories for some reason.))
"Um..Professor, uh...Sorry...I uh, what was I doing?" She said stepping back a bit confused. "I uh, should go..." She said walking away quickly, blushing a bit.. "What was I doing...Probably making a fool of myself in front of the principle. I mean she's nice but...I'm just a student and shes a god.."

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Cecilia sighed slightly before smiling. "This'll be a good chance to see if she truly does love me more than she could love another person. With that she turned and walked off to her office heading back to where she was probably going to be tracked to sooner or later but it was to be expected after all she was a principal.

Clay flinched "Ow. That's harsh." he said while watching Luz with a smile "Well I'll share a story too." he was going to tell him anyway whether he wanted to hear it or not. He thought over it for a minute "I got it! Once upon a time I met this girl name Minnie she was a....Pachirisu���� I think. Anyway she was real beautiful but she was a bitch though, always complaining about crap and would say the stupidest things." he paused for a second "No. I think she was just a friend with benefits...I don't think I'v ever had a lover in my life..." he shrugged as if he was indifferent to this.

Lilac spotted the principal and basically tackled her "Hey there Princy" she said while having a dumb smile on her face. "I've been lookin for ya."

Lux nodded, "Well that must've sucked a bit.. It's kinda odd to never have a lover though huh?" He said before pausing. "There's always someone around the corner trust me... even when things seem bleak and your feelings are hurt... there's always gonna be the right person waiting for you to call their number" He said smiling reassuringly. Then he thought for a moment, "I'm fairly certain there will be a girl out there that you like. Though confidence, only get's you so far. You have to be gentle as well... or else every person you go at will think you're planning to mug em'" He said with a little joking tone of course.

Cecilia looked at her, "Lilac?..." she squinted at her for a moment. "Are you drunk again?" She asked though she kinda couldn't move being that she was a little smaller than Lilac.

"What a line!" he started to giggle uncontrollably "Well I guess I can see where you're coming from. Only a little though." he wasn't really into that whole commitment thing just yet. Since he's young he sees no need to tie himself down to anyone. He smirked "I can be gentle when I wanna be. But only to someone that deserves it." he hummed in thought "Though I guess I won't know if I have my non-gentle mode turned on."

Lilac rubbed her head "Don't be silly Princy! I can't drink on school grounds.." she frowned up when she finished her sentence "That was my complaint actually. I'm stressed because I haven't had a drink for three hours! I've been living off sodas! Sodas!" she continued to hold Cecilia with a frown.


"I have to go.." said Melody as she ran away from the Pikachu girl. Anything was better than being there with such a embarrassing introduction. When she felt she was far enough she looked around for anyone else I won't screw up this introduction. she told herself eagerly. While looking around a Eevee girl caught her attention, she took a deep breath. "Um. May I have your attention? If you're not busy of course."


Lux smirked, "Well if you don't know i'll be your wingman to help you out there" He said bringing back up what was said earlier. Though why someone would giggle at a belief was beyond him so he didn't plan to question it in the slightest. "I think you'll be able to find a special person you think you need to be gentle with. Maybe they're even in this school for all we know" He said optimistically. Though he himself wasn't entirely sure if that theory really worked or not maybe it was better to just say it might.

Cecilia giggled a little bit at that, "Well we can't have alcohol around the students or the board would have our ass" She said with a little sigh. Then she thought about things, "First day of the true schooling starts tomorrow.. so..." She said ore to herself than to Lilac. "Come to think of it, You wanna go out and get some drinks then? We can't have them on school grounds but maybe we could go to a club or something" She suggested with a small shrug due to being held down.

"Yes of course! Um...What is it?" Evylon asked turning to Melody before blushing. "Wow...Shes really cute...Hot even..." She thought to herself, smiling a bit.

Clay's smile widened "Naaah! I don't need help from a move less, confident less, completely uninteresting dude like you. Buuuut I appreciate the sentiment." he laughed "And I know you're trying to be optimistic. Don't say that stuff, it's cheesier than cheese itself." Clay didn't seem to care about all that romantic crap. He decided to humor him anyway, mostly because he was a riot to talk to.

Lilac grinned "First don't giggle at my anguish! Second, yeah let's do that! I knew you loved me." she let go of Cecilia with a satisfied smile. She then tilted her head "But won't your girlfriend be upset that we're going out to a club together? Not that I care but won't she become jealous?"


Melody was surprised that the girl was blushing and it made her nervous "Well I wanted to introduce myself! I'm Melody Heart, I'm seventeen, and I enjoy anything to do with music or singing." she didn't completely know what to say and it seemed that her whole planned introduction was forgotten. "So what's your name? If I may be so bold."

"E-Evylon...Evylon Dodge...Um, It's nice to meet you...I uh...H-how are you?" She said blushing again at her own nervousness. Evylon wasn't used to talking to girls, usually, her mom would be there to help but at school, she's all alone. @TaraSobiki

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