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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Oh, I see," Obsidian said embarrassed. "My friend may come in as the sex ed/PE teacher this afternoon if she can make it..."

"Me! Oh no...I-Im fine...I'm.. just normal..." She said blushing again. "You really think so?" Evylon said looking up at Melody ruffling her tail a bit.

TerrinX said:
"Oh, I see," Obsidian said embarrassed. "My friend may come in as the sex ed/PE teacher this afternoon if she can make it..."
"Me! Oh no...I-Im fine...I'm.. just normal..." She said blushing again. "You really think so?" Evylon said looking up at Melody ruffling her tail a bit.

"Ah. I see." Sebastian said, before looking around the break room. "You wouldn't happen to have any tea, would you?"
Clay sighed "Fine. Sorry." he said hesitantly with a scowl on. "I bet you have a bunch of great qualities too." he said and patted his back reassuringly "Also from what that girl said she's bound to be worse at social interaction than you will ever be! She basically said 'I've never dated a guy in my life.' bet she's panicking about what to say and all that jazz." he laughed, just imagining it.

Lilac shrugged "You can't leave since you're the principal. Right? So I guess I gotta stay too." she leaned against a wall. She smirked "I'm kind of disappointed that you guys are still together. If you were free I might of tried something with both of you." she giggled "What the hell am I talking about? I might still try something!" she started to laugh.


Melody turned completely around "Y-Yeah! You're super cute! I just wanna hug and snuggle you all the time!" she had a smile on even if her face was extremely red. Though she was a bit too close for comfort, when she noticed she backed up a little bit "S-Sorry about that." she laughed nervously while playing with her own hair.

Lux let out a weak laugh, "Yeah... maybe... Though it'll work out one way or the other." he said shrugging. He wasn't really too knowledgeable and was easily manipulated if he trusted someone. Though he started to think that maybe no one here was really what he expected... his brother was stronger than him... much stronger than him. He sighed, "Anyways... I guess you're kinda bust right... I mean with all that confidence you're probably one of the most popular people here right?" He said deciding to try and see what would be thought of with that.

Cecilia thought about it for a moment, "Well... I can leave whenever I want. All I have to do is release my patrol pet and she'll take care of everything here." Then she put a finger to her lips showing she was about to say something confidential. Getting closer to Lilac she decided to tell her the idea, "Technically we aren't together. But we made a bet about her love for me. So I was wagering things and now I have what she needed to be with me. Pretty much we're single until these memories are returned... though, I don't know how long she'd stay single for" Cecilia said with a small shrug and a giggle once more.

He shrugged "I don't know...I think I confuse guys a lot because of the way I look." he winked at Lux jokingly. "Don't you think I'm attractive?" he laughed "Just kidding~~You don't even know what gender I am." he swirled around. "Anyway back on topic. I think I'm popular with girls but other than that I think a lot of people find me annoying." he said while staring in front of him with a blank expression. Clay looked back to Lux "What do you think of me?" he said with his arms folded and a patient smile on his face while he waited for his answer.

Lilac nodded with a smirk "Clever girl." she said and clapped for Cecilia's idea. Lilac's smirk widened though as she came up with a idea "You want to bet on?" she question with a tilt of her head "We can watch her to see what she does. And we can have a little bet on the side too. Come on. It'll be fun!" her eyes sparked with enthusiasm and maybe a little bit of cruel humor. "If she fucks up then one of us has to give something to the winner aka the person who chose she would mess up. We can decide what the prize is later." Lilac had already started making plans before Cecilia could agree.


Melody was surprised by the kiss and backed up "I-I-I-I-I" she was now fidgeting and looked even more nervous than before "I-I um..." she didn't know what to say and just clammed up.

Lux smirked at that, "You're pretty cool in my opinion I don't really find you annoying. But a slight bit over confident maybe, dial it down a small amount and open up a little more sensitivity." He said before smiling normally at Clay. "Oh thing about it is though... You asked about attraction" He paused for a moment. Then thought about it for a moment as he could, "Well though I may not know your gender but... I'd probably give you a six and a half out of ten" he said with a shrug as he didn't quite know what else to say about Clay.

Cecilia smirked, "I'm up for that. Though I without a doubt think she'll be in someone's pants before a month into school is up." She said having plans of her own coming to mind. This was going to be the easiest prize she'd get as long as she played her cards right and was on the winning team in the end. "Anyways... we can't get drinks if we just hang around here now can we?" She asked making note of the time and what all she needed to take into account.

Walk by lux "hello lux how it's going the voice in your head gone and do you reconize my voice I think you know who I am of corse"smriking
Clay looked offended "Six and a half out of ten?! I think you need to get your eyes checked!" he paused and gave a knowing smirk."Ooooh. I get it. You're more into physical aspects of a woman. Since I'm flat as a ironing board you don't see much appeal but if I had giant boobs then I would get a higher rating on your scale." Clay stopped him before he could say anything even if he wasn't planning to "Never realized you were that shallow buut I can relate." he said before giggling under his breath.

Lilac groaned "That's unfair. I was going to choose that one." she glared at Cecilia then dropped her head in defeat "No arguing with a god I suppose. I just have to take this loss." she laughed a little. She perked up though at the prospects of getting drinks "Yeah let's go. I'm tired of this stuffy school atmosphere..." she smirked "We can talk all about are love life too. I've got a great story involving one of my exes"

Zero yawns "I know what I'm gonna do I just need the principal" Walking to the principals office

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Lux looked at Clay and his breath got caught in his throat for a moment, then in one rapid moment. He came out with an apology, "I'm sorry I realize you may be better than that but you asked me all at once and I just came up with what seemed like it might be ok. Truthfully I don't enjoy giant boobs I prefer them smaller even thought many people may see that as a weird taste. Physical appearances matter less though truthfully people's personalities and their entirety on how they treat you is what truly matter" He said quickly his face going pink as he talked before he realized he just admitted quite a bit and would likely be criticized for it.

Cecilia smirked, "Well if you think you're going to loose already than go for it but i'd win then." She said then smiled at the thought coming to her mind. "I agree about the whole stuffy school thing. I'd be happy to hear your story... But first I think I have a student that needs my assistance.. then we can go get drinks I promise" She said smiling at Lilac then looking at the other person. "Hello there... you're Zero right?" She said to the student approaching them

@TaraSobiki @Darkri
Evylon was smiling. "That...that was my first kiss..I...I want you to be my girlfriend and go on a date with me!" She stated boldly, with her eyes shining brightly with pride in herself for being brave.

"Well as god I should know everything" Cecilia said with a simple giggle. "Though an imitation of me won't show up as well as me... for example you have moves I can use yes.. but I never graced your kind with the ability to fully mimic me or others" She said happily. "Besides I have folders on all the people here to be completely honest with you." She said with a small shrug

@Darkri ((This is one of the basic rules I have to use to make sure Zorua and Zoruak aren't too op))

@TaraSobiki ((you're near xD ))
((You guys just type too fast! Give me a few minutes.))
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Yes I know pulling my tail turning normal well when I transform the only thing is you can see my zorua tail only when I transform into a human but when a Pokemon I look exactly like that pokemon
Clay stared at him and proceeded to bust out laughing "You're too funny!! I was kidding calm down!" he was obviously having a lot of fun with Lux. "But I wonder if that makes you a lolicon?" he said before realizing something "That chick you asked out didn't have huge boobs either." he hummed in thought. "Well I see the dots connecting but I don't get your taste in the least." he sighed with a shrug "Why small?If you don't answer I will assume you're a lolicon." he smiled mischievously. He wasn't going to let this subject go easily "You know...Back home they call me the King of Blackmail..."

Lilac laughed at the boy "Don't turn into me or I might have to punch you in the face. I am a fighting type." she jokingly warned him but it might of not came off as a joke. She was always into dark humor and cruel jokes for some reason. She claims she's not a sadist but evidence says otherwise. "If you do want the perfect transformation I can cut that problematic tail off..." she said and laughed a little.


"G-G-Girlfriend!? But I've...never......sure!" she agreed to what Evylon said nervously. The girl's boldness made her feel a little more shy. "I'm honored to be your girlfriend!" she yelled and then clamed up again after realizing she was being unnecessarily loud. The whole school probably could hear her.

Lux looked at him, "First off.. I'm not a fucking lolicon.. people always assume that of me. I've gotten tired of having to deal with it" He said seeming to take on a different sound. Then he sighed, "Sorry I didn't mean to let that out... I've just got interest in girls who don't use boobs to flash around their attraction" He said quietly now seeming that the outburst of anger he had was only momentary. "It's nice to know your name and gender though i'll give you that" He said smiling. "So maybe my estimate on where you were in the attractiveness scale was right" He said looking at Clay. The whole 'King' thing gave him the info he needed.

Cecilia sighed, "Calm down Lilac no need to get hasty here..." She said putting a hand atop her friends head though she had to stretch to do so. "So what is it you need Zero. Since you wouldn't have come here without reason" She said before hearing another voice and smirked. "I think i've won our bet by the way" she said glancing back to Lilac before moving her eyes to Zero once more.

@TaraSobiki @Darkri
Erich is sitting outside the principal's office, getting ready to enroll in classes. Since everyone appeared to be absent, he pulled out a cigarette and lighter and began lighting it up.

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