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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

She rolled her eyes Not only is he a jerk, he's a tattletale too. she sighed and looked at what she did to the room. "This room is a mess...Where am I supposed to sleep!?" she apparently wasn't worried about the risk of getting in trouble at the moment and proceeded to think of where she would sleep.
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Ami sighed "What now." she opened the door "What is it that you want! I am in distress!"
I could help with your problem , your words are my command. Tell me what to do and I'll do it anything
She smirked "I think I like you...Very well you may assist! Help me clean this mess up." she gestured to her dorm room.

Pat opened its eyes and suddenly noticed that non of its friends were hiding signing it went back to its dorm room and sat on its bed
Cecilia looked at her, "Alright then... have a good day" She said going back into her room locking it and beginning to shift through different looks for herself now. Checking to see what other things she could do in order to become more... appealing.


Vein stood up out of the snow and dusted off the snow on him as he looked a bit... blue in the face. Heading back into the building he sighed and went back towards his dorm room. He got in front of it rather soon and opened it up not really paying attention to things as he closed the door behind him.

@BeebeTheWarrior (Not sure if Rory is still in the room or not)
Obsidian smiled weakly and walked off a bit nervous and went to her lab room.

Evylon knocked on Cecilia's door, still a little apologetic for her previous mood.

Cecilia hugged her back, "It's uhm.. fine. I understand that you likely got lonely so doing that with other people makes sense I suppose.


Vein looked at her before sighing and moving down to get on her level. "What's wrong? You were so happy and full of energy earlier" He said seeming slightly... worried for her?

Evylon hugged her harder as she started crying. "Cecilia...I can't stop myself..I can't change who I am....But I don't want to disappoint you!" She sobbed.

Cecilia patted her on the back gently. "It's fine trust me... I don't expect you to change. I uh.. I think that maybe I need to change... or do something different" she said not crying but rather just holding a steady expression.

Evylo stood back and shook her head, wiping her tears. "No, I love you for who you are. The same girl that welcomed me to the school, the one who held me when I was hurt...I love you Cecilia, the you that you are. You don't need to change for me."

Cecilia nodded with the same expression on her face, "I love you as well Evylon but... if I don't change.. then wouldn't I just end up alone? If our relationship were to cave and.. we broke. My friends wouldn't be there for me, i'd probably be alone." She said pausing for a brief moment and her eyes changing to blue for a split second before returning to the normal color. "That's why I have to change... so I can be able to face changes and new things.. so I can be ok with the weird changes that occur."

"Don't say stuff like that! We will be together...For as long as I live..." She said breathing a little more shallowly "You've been nearly the same since the universe began, I think your quite well to adapt to change.."

Cecilia looked at her with a small pause. "Well.. I suppose that is kinda true... But are you sure you wouldn't just get tired of me and move on?" She asked looking at Evylon feeling as though that was an inevitable future that would end up happening.

"No. Never, I flirt and fuck, but I don't love anyone thats not you. The true you. Don't worry....We will be together, for as long as I live. That's that. It's a promise that will not be broken." She said sternly looking deeply into Cecilia's eyes.

Cecilia looked at her and nodded, "Thank you for promising that... I wonder though... what would it be like for me to do that?" She said putting a finger to her chin and thinking for a moment. The ideas came to mind slowly seeing as she was quite good at forming scenarios.

Cecilia looked at her with a perplexed face coming across. "Explain what you mean there.. don't overdo anything?" She said not entirely sure herself. Since it seemed to bother Evylon from what she could tell.

"I don't want to boss you around or make you do anything thats not what you want but...I'm not sure what I mean, just don't become someone I won't love...I won't change and I hope you don't either."

"I'll try my best not to... though. To be completely honest, I probably won't do that since... if I were to have a 'time' with them. I'd feel guilty and as though I had betrayed you" Cecilia said with a pause. "So I won't change. Promise"

"This school is rather nice." mumbled Melody as she walked around the school with no destination at all. She had been walking around for a good hour now I wonder when classes start? most people wouldn't care about that but she seemed to be worried about the starting time. Maybe because she didn't want to make a bad impression.

Noah was sitting on a box of some kind inside the school. The boy was rather bored and thought of looking for something to jump off us. And if someone says 'Jumping off the box will give you a thrill.' he will hit them over the head with a tennis racket. Why a tennis racket? Well why not is his answer.

Clay swirled around in circles with a happy look on his face. He disliked the Winter since it interfered with his Fall but the weather wasn't too bad but it was a little colder than preferred. He shivered a bit and sat down with a gigantic smile, the spinning apparently made him a bit dizzy.

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