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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Obsidian frowned "Not again with this...Just make sure nothing goes wrong this time?" She said walking away nervously, not wanting to be near Cecilia for a moment. (( If Cecilia wants she can use Obsidian for whatever she needs, or keep her quiet, whatever suits you ))


Evylon smiled and walked off to think. "I'm doing it again...I promised Celia I wouldn't but I.." Evylon sat down by the Battle room, remembering her first battle and smiled.
"young one?! i'm probably older then you." zorro snorts "anyways, i'm your roommate." he smirked. "i'll also have you know i already visited the dorm room." he grinned.
"I doubt it. You already visited? I should of waited then." she stuck out her hand "Anyways. I am Ami the magnificent! What is your name young one?"
"sure you are. i'm Zorro." he states. "well actually should refrase, i already took a look at the dorm room after you were there." he states grinning.
Rory shuffled to her room angrily thinking about how bad a day this was turning out to be"i can't believe no one can handle a joke anymore" she muttered sitting on her dorm bed
Ami stared at him and sighed "No offence Zore but I feel like you are going to be a pain to live with." she had a feeling of annoyance for some reason.
"you just figured this out now?" he grinned. "also this advice is not coming from me, but from the guy behind you. you should go look at the dorm room." he grinned. there was no one behind her.
"I don't feel the presence of anyone but you!" she grabbed his arm "Let us go together! I would like to set some rules."
"no thanks you can go alone." he grinned, turning into a ghastly and floated off, hr wanted to see how she'd react to all his signs, though it wouldn't be as funny if he went there with her.
"H-Hey! Don't leave." she yelled out and sighed "Great...My roommate is a troublemaker..Oh woe is me." she stood there praying for herself and soon enough walked off to go to her dorm room.

( Where is Loke? Going to have Miko find her if you don't mind.)
"Hi. Do I know you?" Nao finally found something to do and a girl just walked up to him.
Giggling pat became nao and said "Nope you have no idea who i am" then changing back she smiled "but i like you your fun to become" she smiled then opening a door to her room she saw a gallade "oh hello" she said coming back out to face nao

@Darkri @Kira Times
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"Eh? I don't get it but thanks I guess." he examined the girl and sighed "What's your name is what I mean."
"Nao." he was waiting for what Pat would do next or how Pat would respond.

Ami had quickly made her way to her dorm room and opened it with no hesitation.
"My stuff!" she stared for a moment and started to become angry. "Fine then...Take this!" in her rage she used mystical fire and the room now was burning.
Pat wiggled around a bit before becoming human again and it said "I like you " then became a boy

"want to go play?" pat asked smiling happily

@Kira Times
Nao thought about it for a moment before replying "What kind of game do you have in mind?"
BeebeTheWarrior said:
Pat wiggled around a bit before becoming human again and it said "I like you " then became a boy
"want to go play?" pat asked smiling happily

@Kira Times
(( This is High-school.....Not just a place to hangout ))
(well i know but i don't know if anyone who has a teacher character is on because i forgot whos who))

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