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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Vein looked at them for a moment before shaking his head slightly to move his hair from his eyes. At least now he could see. But then he heard something about getting a water gun back? Why on earth would that be a regulation. "It's not a water fight. She likes to prank people... besides. I need to go dry off anyhow so." He shot a stream from the gun at Rory before tossing it back to her and heading back inside his hair dripping water gently.

@Kira Times @Kimona @TerrinX @BeebeTheWarrior
Nao kept up his murderous aura and looked away from her "You're lucky I don't have a weapon or something.." he sighed and glanced at a idiotic looking girl with a dumb question.

Miko walked past some guy that was covered in water and considered picking his pockets.

Ami looked at the water gun and laughed again "You use such mundane weapons child? If you want to prank someone learn some spells!" she nodded in agreement with herself.

@Kimona @BeebeTheWarrior @TerrinX
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he grinned looking at vain then sighed, "your no fun." and shot some water at him anyways. before shrugging, "oh well. i guess i'll have to find something else to do." he smirked, and pointed his finger at veins feet, and used ice beam, not caring whether he fell or got frozen to the spot. he just smirked. "i think it might take a while to dry off." he states, still smirking.

zorro watched them from the inside still.
Vein slid gently on the ice but didn't trip. "You get used to doing this kind of thing over time." He said before walking again and entering the school not really dealing with the people as he went to go find a place where he could dry off.
Giggling as vein left i used the move rain dance and she became rotom wash asfter quickly soaking everyone Rory stoped rain dance returning to rotom cut and she went inside. when she went inside she became normal rotom again. she approached zorro and grinned "you look like a fellow prankster " she grinned

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Evylon was annoyed now. "You little fuck.." She said annoyed as clouds appeared over the Rotom. Evlyon was using Rainy Day, causing it to rain on Rory specifically. "That should teach you a lesson. Hmph." she said walking away before stopping by Ami and giving her a peck on the cheek, "There is more to magic than you think" She said chucking a bit as she wrapped her scarf on herself and headed out into the snowy outdoors.


"Hi Cece, how is it going? You still dating that girl?" She asked curiously.

Walking back outside into the rain dance Becoming rotom wash and used hydro pump on Evylon calling to her "Have a good day " and she began laughing and returned to zorro again

"i guess you could say that." zorro grinned, sliding the mask back over his face

cylus grinned, he didn't mind the rain, and trotted back inside still wet, not bothering to dry off.

leone was looking over art pieces from her class.
"I just can't catch a break today!" he yelled and sighed. "The one time I need a actual fire move..." he trailed off and walked away to find a change of clothes and preferably somewhere warm.

Miko sighed to herself thinking anything good would be ruined anyway.

Ami blushed and started following her
"Did you try to bewitch me child! I am no weakling to charm spells!"
Cecilia smiled and nodded, "Yeah... though she seemed a slight bit distant today... then there's the whole emotions doing weird things from the other thing. Just allot of stuff" She said happily.


Vein went to a room seeing it matched the number that was the same as the one he was told to go to and opened it.. apparently the door were unlocked here. He went inside to where it seemed his stuff was and locked the door behind him. With that he pulled out a towel and dried off before changing.
Evylon was about to respond to Ami when he was hit by Hyrdo Pump, throwing her into the snow, cold, wet and damp. She struggled to get up. Tears welled in her eyes as the cold started to nip at her skin. She ran back into the school, "Sorry, we can talk later" she called back at Ami. Using Detect Evylon found Rory's location. "You bitch!" She screamed into Screech before storming over to her and punching the girl in the face.

@BeebeTheWarrior @Kira Times
The punch went right through me and i giggled "I'm mostly plasma" but deciding to be nice i used sunny day on the girl.becoming rotom heat i used fire spin to dry the girl off "happy" she asked

Nao somehow managed to find clothes but they were the clothes he wore everyday and sighed "If someone gets pissed off then whatever I don't care anymore."

Miko wandered around and continued to look for a object or someone to steal from.

Ami watched the girl and yelled out
"I swear if I catch you I'll make you pay for whatever spell you attempted to put me under." then she suddenly realized if she was under the charm and went to rid herself of it.
"Not even a little." She grunted, throwing a Shadow Ball at Rory before trapping her inside Protect, "Now I hope you think about your actions a bit more, maybe I am not the strongest fighter, but I will if I have to, and I don't think you want to anger my girlfriend. She may not be so generous, depends on the day." Evylon said walking away, leaving the ghost pokemon trapped in the protect bubble.

@BeebeTheWarrior be
"Hey!" i yelled pushing the bubble but become more stuck"get me out!" i pushed on the bubble trying to get out but it didn't work. i tried using swift but it bounced back and hit me instead."uggg" i groan frowing in the bubble as i just floated off unable to control where i went




@Kira Times
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Nao found a warm enough place which was in a place where the sun was shining and sighed in satisfaction.

Miko saw someone floating by and easily contained her laughter. "You.. Need help? she questioned and watched in amusement.

Ami was cleaning herself of the charm she believed the girl put on her.
Vein got dressed in a black hoodie and some jeans then made sure to hide his stuff well, before walking back out of the room leaving it unlocked as it was. He was lucky to have been moving here early so he was satisfied with the room pretty much.
cylus yawned, wandering threw the school, still soaking wet.

zorro got up, turning into a ghost type pokemon (ghastly) and floated threw the wall to outside the school. where he then turned into a rot on and floated about.

Leone got up and left her classroom, and headed for the teachers lounge.
I noticed a ghastly floating around and i banged on the bubble trying to get their attention as i began to float of into the sky. "HELP!!!" i screamed but the bubble stopped my voice from being heard.

Miko seemed to be trying to read her lips. "You need help? Alright." Miko used knock off on the bubble.
The bubble poped and i fell to the ground. quickly getting to my feet i floated again and quickly floated towards miko. "Thanks" i said shaking her hand "whats your name" i asked begining to glow and when i stopped glowing i was rotom cut with head phones my hair now green and my eyes green as well.

@Kira Times
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the ghastly the turned into a rotom(zorro), floated over to the now rescued person.

cylus wandered.

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