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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Vein turned and saw a girl in a hoodie inside a classroom. He waved his hand, "I'm alright... besides I have to go do something" He said his voice sounding as though he didn't have much care as he continued to walk down the hall. @BeebeTheWarrior
Jumping out of her seat she ran after the boy smiling gleefully still carrying her fog horn. quietly sneaking behind the boy rory used her fog horn and began laughing hysterically as he jumped like a foot of the ground. her eyes tearing she said "You should have seen your face" she cried

Vein turned around and looked at the girl. He was somewhat confused by this statement since he hadn't moved from the ground just turned around and stared at her. Moving a hand he patted her atop the head. "Nice try. Next time though, go for something that doesn't let me know you're behind me first. If you had delivered that a little better. Maybe I would'a been shocked" He said smirking at her.

Smiling she said "it was still funny" she said releasing that him jumping was just what it looked like when she fell to the floor. she deiced she would follow this boy around. floating around him she thought of more ways to prank this boy.


(Can Rory beable to change rotom forms according to the weather. like on windy days she becomes rotom wind )
(That would work)

Vein noticed that the girl seemed to be following him around as he walked down the halls. "Well you seem to have taken interest in me. If that be the case why not tell me your name?" He asked watching her.

(i feel live Peeves from Harry potter xD )

Rory floated upside down next to vein "I'm Rory" She said as she pulled a water ballon from her pocket and dropped it in front of a oddish kid giggling as they slipped falling over but not getting hurt


"Well I would rather you change back...You..You don't seem right. I love you, I really do love you but..." Evylon sighed. "Its up to you I guess whether you change back or not..I uh, Im going to go take a walk.." She said leaving the room with a sigh,
( xD she kinda is)

Vein caught himself in a weird stance his arms backwards so his hands and feet were holding him up before carefully he stood back to his feet. "I'm Vein nice to meet you Rory" he said as he held out a gloved hand having a little idea of his own at the moment.


Cecilia saw her leave and sighed, "That woman may never know what she truly wants huh?" she said before shifting back to her original form though her eyes and hair kept the same color. "I do like this look a bit"

Nao sat somewhere random while playing with some sort of mouse. Well..Torturing is a better word since the mouse seemed to be trying to escape from him. Nao wasn't hurting it (he doesn't think he was) he was just holding it by it's tail and tossing it in the air sometimes. "Well this is extremely boring." he dropped it and it scurried off.

Miko was doing her own thing which meant she was going through other people's belongings trying to find something worth taking.

"Another beautiful day! For the most amazing me!" exclaimed Ami loudly. She apparently didn't pay any mind to any other person around her and went off. "I might of been missing something from my recipe last time but it won't blow up again!" she looked up at the sky and yelled "You hear me world! Hahahaha!"

Grinning evilly she held out her hand and using a shock buzzer she shocked him while vigorously shaking his hand. "nice to meet you" she said as they approached the door to the campus.noticing a student messing with a mouse Rory Dropped a water ballon on their head giggling again

@Kira Times @ScaraByte
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Vein closed one eye at first with a smile since apparently she tried another joke of hers. He released her hand a moment after, "Still predictable. I kinda set that one up to see if you went through or not." He said shrugging slightly

"The hell!" Nao stood up immediately and started searching for whoever the culprit was that dropped water on him. He glared at basically everyone he could and tried to locate the culprit.
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Giggling Rory dropped another water ballon on nao's head then floating in front of nao sticking out my tongue at nao i began floating outside after Vein. i began glowing and i became rotom cut

@ScaraByte @Kira Times
Vein saw the situation starting to unfold in front of him and casually walked into the boys restroom conveniently located nearby. This would be a place were Rory couldn't follow him so he should be ok to let their pranks go on out there. Looking in the mirror above the sink he looked at himself and thought about things.

@BeebeTheWarrior @Kira Times
Evylon walked by Nao. "Are you ok? Its freezing, your going to catch a cold." She said to the boy who was now dowsed in water as she put her hands out in front of her and used Ember to dry/warm him up a bit. "Feeling better?" She asked holding the flame a safe distance away from him.

@Kira Times

Obsidian knocked on Cecilia's door. She was back from winter vacation early and needed to talk to the headmaster about some concerns.

Rory watched as Vein tried to hide in the bathroom so followed him back inside changing back to normal and i placed a bucket of water on top of the door and waited for vein to come out. while see waited she noticed the boy she had drenched before being warmed deciding she didn't want that to happen she took the bucket and dumped it on the boy and the girl warming him. She stopped floating and began laughing hysterically

@ScaraByte @Kira Times
"You little-" before he could finish his sentence the girl was gone. He looked at the state he was in and sighed "If I find that brat I swear..." he cursed to himself until some other girl came along. She ask to assist him and he wasn't going to refuse any kind of help. The girl did help and he nodded "Thanks.." as soon as he said that he was dowsed again. He got angry again " Do you wanna die!"

@BeebeTheWarrior @TerrinX @ScaraByte
laughing her head off Rory completely ignored the threats the boy said. "you looked so funny" she laughed tears coming out of her eyes.Then out of no where she pulled a water gun out and squirted the boy again drenching his pants making it look like he wet himself.

@Kira Times
Vein sighed a little bit and washed his hands from where he had fallen to the ground earlier. So he needed to make sure that he was entirely ok or rather clean. Afterwards he walked outside and saw the group of them all two of them wet and Rory laughing. After moving over to Rory and prying her watergun away from her he decided to speak. "Hey, Calm down guys I know what she did was wrong but she's... well let's just not do anything irrational ok?" He said looking at them

@Kira Times @BeebeTheWarrior @TerrinX

Cecilia moved over to the door looking at obsidian "Hey... how have you been?".
"Hey!" Rory yelled hoping up as her water gun was pried from her hands. "Give that back!" she cried trying to grab the gun back. sighing unable to get it she pulled out her last two water ballons dropping them on veins head after laughing a bit she sat down and said "well now i'm out of stuff" she groaned


@Kira Times

cylus stepped out of the school and was immidiatly 'greeted' with a water fight (as he calls it since theirs water ballons and guns). "ooooh. water fight. may i join?" he asked, approaching them with a grin.

zorro was watching from a window, drawing. waiting. for something.

Leone was inside tending to school work.
Nao chose to still be angry at the girl "I'm still going to kill you." he mumbled and sighed. "Now what!? I'm covered in water because of this thing" he started to glare daggers at her and he considered attacking her but thought against it.

Miko put the things she took inside her satchel bag and walked away like nothing had happened.

Ami walked in and saw some kid looking sullen and some other guy covered in water. She laughed out loud and pointed to the girl
"Did your spell fail child?"
I smiled at some girl who asked if my spell failed "of course not! I made them wet" she giggled happily. "I love pranks " and she grabbed her water gun from vains hand and shot the girl soaking her. Then i began soaking everyone happily until i ran out of water.

@Kira Times



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