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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Luca sighed but kept his stance. "We must make haste with changing the balance. It's not long now..." He said, knocking out a whole row of red eyes. "Cover me!" He yelled before sitting down and meditating, preparing his and everyone around him's auras.
Uro heard Luca and surrounded Luca in a force-field of electricity motioning for Elise to join Luca. He had to stay where he was to keep it going though.

Calvin ran over to Uro and started to take down some of the hostiles as he did.

Calvin smirked at Uro, "Does she not like to listen to you?" He asked as he kept people off of him.

Uro smirked, "She's her own person, If she wasn't then it' be kinda boring right?" He asked as he shot down a few people before firing some electricity at Elise to charge her shield.
Uro smirked at her, "If I don't protect my girlfriend somehow how good am I to you?" He asked as he put extra shock to Luca's field making it even stronger. He used his other hand to fire electricity at students by the rows dropping them quickly.
He looked at her smirking wildly, "If I didn't protect you would you still feel the same about me?" He asked curiously.
"Depends on the situation... In this one, I can hold my own..." She smirked before blocking an attack and sending waves flying. "There's getting too many!" She yelled as she was pushed back slightly by their attacks.
Uro smirked at her comment, "Are there now?" He asked as he shot a ball of electricity at her attackers causing a slight explosion and people collapsing in shock.
Just then, a ton more arrived and they were stronger than the rest. They could survive multiple attacks and could dish out some heavy damage. The stronger red eyes would charge forward, smashing into Elise which would send her flying into a group of the weaker ones who would drag her away. After taking away Elise, the brutes would ruthlessly attack Calvin and Uro. "What you do now that little girl gone? Whilst we put you grave, we get fun fun with girl." One of them said, smirking as they used Hyper Beam.

Luca's own aura was shifting slightly as he sensed what was happening. He continued with his aura balancing though.
Uro's body sparked with electricity as something happened within him his eyes sparking madly, "I doubt you're going to get that" He said demonically as his body pulsed his power level jumping higher. He looked at them, "You bastards" He yelled out as he ran at them crimson electricity firing from his body.

Calvin ran after Elise to help her since he knew Uro would probably kill them if he didn't get her back unscathed.


They took Elise to a small room, a few brutes standing guard outside. One of them saw Calvin coming and sent him flying back to where he came from. "Don't interrupt playtime, stupid!" They yelled.
Uro saw Calvin skip back and smirked knowing where his targets where and who he'd be killing now. His body was filled with an insanely powerful rage as he walked towards the room. He held his hands out long blades of red electricity extending from them as he walked up stabbing the brutes in his sight as he went into the room he was going to kill regardless of who these people were. "So who's going to die for touching my girlfriend?" He asked aggressively as his eyes glowed a dark red his hair now standing in a spiked form on end.

Calvin sat up seeing dead people and looked at Uro, "He's already killed people for this girl.... She must be special" He muttered as he looked into the room.
The brutes just laughed at him. "Leave now... We already have much fun!" He exclaimed crazily. They then blocked the door and used Defense Curl
Uro smirked at them as he disappeared into electricity traveling through the floor before popping up behind the door. He turned to normal form and sealed the door quickly, "I hate people who think they're stronger than they are.".
Uro grabbed the man by his throat and shot a blade of crimson lightning through him blood splattering on the ground his eyes showing no remorse toward the kill.
Uro moved himself away as far as he could into a corner of the room before falling onto his knees the crimson lightning disappearing as he started to cry .
"Don't cry..." She said quietly again. "I'm a-alright..." She said, clearly not but trying to act as best as she could. She looked around for her clothes but the only ones she could find was the ones that got ripped all over.
Uro continued to cry as he stayed in the corner, "I didn't get here quick enough....." He thought to himself as he put a hand to his throat.
She got up unsteadily and made her slow way to him, still without any clothes. "I-it's not your fault..." Elise said as she kneeled down next to her.
"It is though.... If i'd...." Uro couldn't speak any more as he prepped himself to use the hand blades he had on himself.
Elise hugged him. "Don't... That'd just make me feel... Terrible... What would I do without you..." She muttered quietly, not breaking the hug.

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