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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

A rift appeared on the beach, which was apparently a hot spot for them , there had to be something wrong with the fabric of space and time with so many coming and going in this location, and though it strode Des Psychi and a slightly altered cecilia, luckily anything Sil had done could be fixed. The evil of Sil had been dealt with and now there could be a happy ending for all.

" Well that took long enough but now no one dies and no one has to give themselves up" Des said as the rift closed behind the three.
Fluff looked around at the amusement park with high curiosity, with it being her first one. "I'm not sure. Did you say the rides here were fun?" @Tazmodo
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Psychi shuddered. "That was... fascinating," he said dryly, gazing at Des with a mixture of both horror and confusion. "Des... I'm so sorry you had to endure that yourself." He picked up Cecilia. "I'll carry her back to her lab." He glared slightly. "I'm sorry I couldn't have protected you, Des."
Cecilia was half crazy from the event and she had what seemed to be a brain damage of sorts. "Why is this world so bright?" She asked holding her hands over her eyes and squirming.
" it is fine I told you so , it was Sil's fault really what could anyone do against someone like her" Des said with a shrug things had been bad but she had lived and she would be happy.m " We just need to fix her mind first"
"So we take her to the lab..." Psychi looked on and frowned. "Hm... Will we be able to do the same thing that she did to you? Maybe her computer could help. Let's go, Des." The two quickly made their way to Cecilia's room.
Maybe it may not be needed just your mental powers[/b]" Des said as they swiftly moved to cecilia's room then into the lab.
"Greeting Entity Des and Psychi. May I ask why the moderator is in this state?" Elana asked as it saw the three enter the room.
" She was ... changed by sil we need to see if you can restore her to the way she used to be just to day i think" Des said unaware how much time had passed.
Yoshi was exploring the rest of the campus when she saw the commotion in the lab and stopped. "Oh? What's happening here?" She thought the herself as she watched what was going on.
Psychi sighed. "Can you let us know if I'll be able to help Cecilia?" Des brought up a good point... but he wasn't sure how far gone Cecilia was.
"By today do you mean the same day that Evylon and Cecilia had their fight? or the time of death for entity Evylon? and it's possible for Mewtwo to preform that." Elana said as the tube holding Evylon's old body stayed there.
" whatever is the latest version of her you have, i mean i don't think a full brain rewriting is needed just a cleaning" Des said thinkign that there couldn't have been to much damage done but no matter what they would at least get cecilia back
"Very well," Psychi said. He gently placed Cecilia on the floor and looked down at her. "Cecilia... please remain calm. I'm going to help you." He closed his eyes and concentrated deeply. "Memories don't go anywhere, Des." He looked extremely uncomfortably as he began to silently cleanse Cecilia. "They have to go somewhere."
Cecilia's brain sparked sending a psychic shock-wave at Psychi when he attempted this. "Is that where butterflies come from?" She asked as she collapsed to the ground.

Elana made a tube appear and contain Cecilia before some red light glowed and started the process.
Yoshi gasped when she saw Cecillia drop to the ground and she decided to go in and find out what was going on. "Is everything okay in here?!"
Psychi looked like he had seen the worst of hell.

"Well... maybe that isn't going to work." He fumbled with his glasses, trying to settle them back onto his nose. He was blushing heavily and he looked extremely guilty.
" Well there is always the machine it should be able to do something more mechanical than your more humane way of things" Des said more or less calling psychis method weaker but much kinder which was most likely true he was powerful but sometimes you can't use all your power if your being kind.
Psychi appeared regretful. "Let me try again."

He closed his eyes and concentrated again, forcing every single memory from any depth of any crevice into his own mind. While he knew it was going to be painful at first, he let it run through his brain in order to pass by and chuck it into a place where he hopefully wouldn't remember. It was inhumane and awful, but he was willing to undergo this intense psychic connection in order to free her own mind from these horrors.
Cecilia's mind showed Psychi a single memory which was that of two red eyes staring through a pit of darkness. The only thing that Cecilia could remember was that it seemed to have driven her mad in some way that image was controlling her.
Psychi beckoned the memory to him, digging further and further down to reveal itself. Whatever that she remembered, he was willing to take it in order to make the memory go away.

He reached out and grabbed Des's hand, squeezing it. He couldn't take it.

He was making these memories his.

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