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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Eric laid diwn on his bed. "Hey do you want anything to lay down on? The floor's probably uncomfortable."

"Oh... so you wear the same dress all the time?" Wednesday perked a brow. "Alright." She draped the pajamas over her shoulder. "I'll be right back, then. I'm going to change myself." She went to the bathroom.
Sean put a hand on Megan's back, "No you don't, you didn't do anything wrong. Your attempts to play an innocent joke was interrupted by my murderous sister" He said as he turned to look at Bailey who was asleep again.
Kia quickly wrote her name before heading off to get changed. "What should I wear first?" He yelled to Typh.

Elise looked at him blankly before nodding. "Yes p-please..."

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Typh was a bit confused as to why she seemed to ask him that. "Wear what your mind tells you to, you'll look stunning regardless" He yelled back while confused to why she was yelling to him instead of texting him.
"Hey do you want a drink Eric" she said swinging the bottle back and forward.

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"Sure" he looked around for something comfortable for the girl. "Whats your name by the way." He said to her.
Kia picked the bikini and slapped it on quickly. She went to the part where it was about to start.

Elise looked at the bottle. "Can I have a drink? I'm really thirsty..." He heard what Eric said. "Elise."

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Megan looked at him in the eyes and sighed "I'm sorry...... I just....." She was now confused... Why did she care about Sean getting hurt? Is it because she see's him as a friend or something more? She not sure anymore.....

Sean looked in her eyes, "Don't worry about it like I said, I've grown used to it. I'm just happy you didn't try to hit me until I woke up" He said with his smile still concealing his teeth.


Typh found a place in the crowd and waited for the event to begin.

She tossed the bottle over to Eric and then turned to the girl "your way too young" she laughed "but then again it would be funny watching you get drunk"

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Megan didn't know what to do anymore.... She thinks she has feelings for him but yet she's not sure..... She must have looked confused... "I....." She looked at Bailey "When is she suppose to leave?" She asked

"I'm too young to drink? I've been drinking since I was born..." She said, creating a silly girl facade. "Please? I'm thirsty!"

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Eric took a drink and passed it to her. "I don't kniw if we have anything comfortable for the floor. You can share a bed with her if you want."
Sean sighed, "She's going to be here today and tomorrow then she'll go home. I just hope I can survive today and tomorrow morning" He said jokingly. The idea of dying to Bailey was unlikely but there was all sorts of possibilities for it to occur.
"I can?" Elise said as she got up off the floor. "I can!" She said happily as she layed down in her bed. "Tell me a story..."

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The event finally begin and everyone who signed up came up. Kia stood there, nervous and blushing, in her bikini.

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"I'm not telling you a story" Ase laughed making room for her. "Just go to sleep and give me that" she smirked taking the whiskey from her

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"Kid trust me I don't know any stories. Just be glad Ace let you in her bed." He laid down and relaxed with his eyes closed.

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