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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Kia sat up straight. "I love you..." She said sleepily to him as she rubbed her eyes. She then unraveled the covers and went to the wardrobe to grab the some clothes. She quickly strapped them on. "Much better!" Kia said excitedly.

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Typh got up and got his clothing from a dresser to the side getting dressed in them quickly before reaching into a little bag and pulling out a blue stone. "I love you to, ok then if you want to accompany me you'll need to hold my hand so you get through the portal. I can't make a portal but the stone transports whoever is touching it to the dimension." He said as he held his hand out for hers as the stone shimmered as if the ocean would.

Typh nodded and closed his eyes, the stone started to glow for a moment as it shimmered and a blue light erupt from it blinding everyone nearby. After the light cleared it was obvious to see that they were underwater in what looked to be a city that was beneath the sea. Typh and Kia would be used to the water due to the fact that the stone would adapt them for it.
Kia opened her eyes to see the underwater city by them. "It's amazing..." She started swimming elegantly through the water, exploring this dimension.

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Typh smiled, "Well it's not to bad to navigate either" Typh said as he moved with one swift move down to the bottom of the sea where they'd been floating before. When he reached the bottom he walked along the ground like he would on land. Which many of the citizens where doing the same, Luvdisc, Huntail, A few Magikarp and Goldeen.
Kia swam down to Typh. She landed her feet on the ground. "So where's Kyogre? Have you ever met him face to face?"

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Typh nodded, "Yeah he's a cool guy. At the moment though he's sleeping, he'll be up about noon here. Tomorrow's his birthday so I was going to pay him a visit today since I had something made for him" He said with a smile. Kyogre had become one of his friends like most water legendaries since they usually caused disasters to occur.
"I made a sort of.... well... I made him something to give him more music. See he likes music from the surface but he's only awake from noon to midnight, so I made an underwater box so he could listen to our music down here. There's a tower a station and everything" Typh said a bit unimpressed at his work. It hadn't costed as much as he'd thought since he had some favors to cash in but he wanted to do more for Kyogre.
"That's so sweet of you." Kia said, smiling. "It's nice you want to do something for your friends."

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Typh smiled back at her, "I thought it'd be the right thing to do since he's been a good friend to me even though i've only known him for a few months. Come to think of it when's your birthday?" He asked curious on the idea of her birthday and what he should get her.
"Well I'll do something for you then to. I have to make yours monumental thought or it wouldn't be worthy of you" Typh said with a smiled as he waved to a Horsea girl he knew.
Typh looked at her for a moment, "Three months on the 18th" He replied calmly. His eyes had a sort of mischievous look "So what do you want to do under the sea?" He asked with a smile.
Typh smiled, "Well there's a few things that would be cool. Would you want to see fashion down here?" He asked curiously since he knew what the most recent fashion down here was.
Typh grabbed Kia's hand and started to lead her towards a store. He thought about it "Yeah there should be an underwater fashion show now since they have the say of the Sea god today to announce Kyogre's birthday" He said while pondering to himself.
Kia smirked before turning towards Typh with puppy eyes. "Can I be part of it?" They entered the store and she looked at some really nice clothes.

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