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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

(Girls can call themselves guys!)

"Please, there's no way in hell I'll ever date you." Wednesday pulled her along to a pizza shop. "I've been craving this place for ages! Mmm, I can already taste the pepperoni in my mouth!"
"P..Pepperoni? Pizza?...Whats that? ".....Then it hit her "You bastard! For your information I am..." She paused not knowing what to say..
(@Archdemon its fine xD )

Esmeralda brightly showed him her sketch. It still looked very rough, but it was evident that she was very skilled as an artist. "I'm actually just doing your head and torso and arms- basically the upper half of your body, so I don't need your legs, thank you."

(Besides, I named Wednesday after the eldest child of the Addams family... There's no way I'd forget her gender <3)

"It's meat." Wednesday paused. "Wait, you eat meat, right? Cuz if not we could get something else."
Drake nodded "It looks good. Though my opinion doesn't mean much since I'm not an artist nor can I draw. Anyways let's continue." He the sat back down and went back to his usual sitting style.

"No, it's... I dunno what it is actually. Huh..." Wednesday mused, rubbing her own chin. "That's an excellent question. Whatever! If you haven't tried pepperoni YOU GOT TO." She grabbed her by her hand again and dragged her inside.

"Well, I'll take the compliment as it is," Esmeralda said. "You can sit down now, Mr Drake. I know I said I'd be done in an hour but I think I may be for just a little bit sooner."
"Some land creatures," Wednesday explained. "Others stick to just greens and stuff. But I love me some MEAT. So I'm going to introduce you to pizza!" She sat her down at a table. "I'll be right back."
"Mmm," Esmeralda mused. "My childhood was peaceful. I drew a lot. I didn't have a lot of friends, but it's mostly because I'm introverted. You may have noticed that yourself; it's just so nice when you're by yourself, you know?"
Drake nodded "Now that I'm older I know how great peace is.... It's why I love the reverse realm.... There's no noise, no complains, no large crowds, just quiet space...." He thought of his home dimension or previous prison.

"I'd like two slices of pepperoni pizza," Wednesday told the Oshawatt behind the front desk. "I'd like two glasses of soda too. Thank you." She took the plates and placed them on their table. "YAAY! Pizza!"
"Like this!" Wednesday held her pizza in her hand and directed the pointy bit to her mouth. She bit into it. "Mmmm. Personally I like the crust more. OH. THE CRUST HAS CHEESE IN IT. SCORE."


"Yes," Esmeralda nodded. "I like the quiet more than a loud environment. As you can see, I don't deal very well under pressure. Remember why I practically dragged you into my classroom when I found out some rogues trashed it?" She shook her head. "I'm a teacher because I can't succeed with my art. So here I am."
Lume politely set her napkin and picked up and bit the pizza calmly and gently "I have to say, it is quite good"
"Good! Because if you didn't, we may have not been friends anymore." Wednesday said this in a tone that made it difficult to tell whether or not she was being serious.
Drake shook his head "That's the type of attitude that'll get you nowhere. If you want to succeed then don't think like that. Sure there might be a few downers out there who'll always criticize but never let that get you down! You have potential and its up to you to seize it!...." He stopped for a moment then spoke again "Sorry.... If I was too aggressive there..... It's a habit of mine..... I wish I could take you to the reverse its just that your body can't handle it.... It's full of Anti-Matter so it'll kill you in a few seconds if not then most likely a few hours."

"Oh...Ok?" she said finishing it. "Your the oddest person I have ever encountered....You said you would impress me with your drums right?"

Esmeralda made a small shrug. "No, it's fine. I'm just being realistic. I honestly can't support myself with my art. So I'm doing teaching to help me until I can do it. But until I get there I still have to have a job so I don't starve, right?" She looked at him oddly. "Why would you take me to... whatever you just mentioned?"


"I'll take that as a compliment!" Wednesday took a sip of her soda. "And to want nothing more than to impress is for posers. I just want to have fun! Was the pizza good, by the way? I'm done with mine."
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"Well...I challenge you to a music battle!" she said drinking all the soda in one go, before coughing a bit.."Ugh that does not agree with my gills"
Drake shrugged "Well you liked peace and quiet and the most quiet place I thought of was my home dimension the reverse dimension. It's more of a if I could because I haven't showed it to anyone that isn't a God who won't just suddenly die in it...... I don't ever get visitors so it kinda gets lonely and you're pretty much the only person besides two others who'll most likely interact with me when I'm just around not working. I don't know why but I think a lot of people are scared of me...."


"Naww man! Let's just chill," Wednesday pouted, laying her chin against the table. "I just got him waxed! I'd show you the awesomeness my drums can supply but it doesn't sound as nice without the band! And I think the leader's with his sister," she added thoughtfully.


Esmeralda stuck out her tongue as she continued the sketch. "Hmm... I meant it more myself, sir. I wouldn't go with you even I could go. And you're not scary; it's more because I prefer to be alone." She examined him once more before she looked back down at her sketchbook. "You see... I think you have a nice face."
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"Uhm... Hang by the beach!" Wednesday suggested. "Let's go!" She left a tip on the table and grabbed her hands again. "Come onnnn! The night is young! Let's party!" Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "And by party I mean not get caught by the cops. LETS A GO!" She ran off with her in tow.

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