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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

" yes she made a lot of changes I need to get them fixed and get her out of my head " Des explained wanting to do it fast " And we need that fast Sil is still in our heads trying to make us sabotage your computers."
"My apologies, They're bodies can be changed to any age" The machine extended some arms out as it took some things from her "Cecilia has returned. The entire lab went into lock-down quickly downloading all the files needed and the principals office getting shredders from the walls and destroying all of the important files. The machine locked the lab down in a tight sheet so it would hide other things.

Cecilia looked at Des, "We best get you to the lab, E can you track that girl for me?" She asked as if the black winged beast was a child. It nodded and flew off to find the Shaymin girl.

" ok but we need to hurry soon it will start to hurt she has done a lot, I just need to be changed back as soon as I can " She said seemingly getting weaker as Sil's modifications started to affect her again for being defiant.
Cecilia pointed a hand at her and tried to change Des only to be shot back from a dark power. "Erm, Psychi. Des, I can't modify her body the only way I can change her from those modifications would be to give her a new body." She said as I laid down preparing for the three to mount it.
" ok fine I'll take a new body I don't care if it is a monster like this thing" She said looking at the creatures
Cecilia looked at Des and nodded to I who grabbed the trio and flew into the ground slicing a portal and closing it as they exploded into the lab. I set them down and Cecilia ran off towards from the computer noticing Evylon "Hey honey" She said before typing madly at the computer as a new tube appeared and filled with the water like substance. "Mrs. Des please give me your arm I need some Dna" She said as she held a syringe in her hand.
Des nodded and raised her arm as her body started to burn from the effects getting stronger she could fight it she needed to fight what had been done she was safe it wouldn't be long . " Will a new body keep me safe from Sil's power should she show up again?" DEs asked.
Cecilia nodded in agreement, "It should but i'd have to add something to you" She said draining some blood as she ran too the tube and injected it into a hole the blood entering the machine as it examined it. Cilia returned to the machine and started to type again as a small shape began to form within the tube growing larger with each passing second.
" Ok do that then I don't want her messing with me ever again" She said focused on fighting the effects and how Sil might try to hurt he again she never wanted her in her head again.
Cecilia typed some more commands in before turning to Des. "I will need to kill you.... I don't want to but I have to if you want this new body" She said as she pulled out a cube jar that had a strange metal around it.

@TerrinX @CactusWren @Karcen
Des really couldn't say she was surprised by the idea that she would have to die for this, she had hoped she wouldn't but well two of her running around was a bad idea.

" I understand Just make it fast " Des said and she laid back
Psychi felt every single nerve in his brain screaming at him to stop Cecilia.

But in a way Sil had already killed Des, and she was suffering in this empty husk and waiting in desperation to be freed.

He closed his eyes and turned away. He didn't want to watch.
Rachel woke up outside on a bench. She had for gotten to find her dorm the other day and got confused when she tried. She decided to walk around searching for the dorms. (Any body's character free?)
Cecilia walked over to Des and placed the cube in the center of Des's chest. The little box sent a spike into Des and started to extract her soul from her body. The cube started to fill with the color of Des's soul.

Psychi could sense death. He made the mistake of gazing towards Desdemona and instantly regretted it, but he remained stoic. Soon she'll be back. That's all that mattered.
Des felt pain for a second then it was gone, she died and her soul was taken out she was free of the changes that Sil had made to her body and hiopefully her mind, though she coudl do nothign she was not gone but she was dead and her soul was basically sleeping waiting for a new body.
During all the commotion, Leslie was able to sneak in and inset the hard rive.

Evylon looked at Cecilia in disbelief.
(It's an Arceus dimension Leslie wouldn't be able to use her moves until she was there for another 3 days. Like how Cilia can't modify the body Des was in.)

Cecilia pulled the cube from Des's chest. "Now to dispose of this husk" She said with a smile as a laser came down and fired at Des's body causing it to disappear into thin air. Cecilia walked over to the pod and inserted the soul as it drained into the body that was under-going creation.

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