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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Blossom looked at him" my name is blossom this is my home" she say to him as she smiled" what type of pokehuman are you I'm an ivysur" she say to him
"You know that look. That look someone gives you when you act like like a complete idiot." Trebuchet laughed, lazily lounging on a Jigabachi pod seat next to Kotobukiya. He decided to take some time off with the two walking tanks and Servane, despite how late it was. He didn't need sleep. He just cracked a joke about the way Servane's father was looking at Brianna stood up in front of the crowd.

"Well, I didn't know she would act as such. But, we're still in this operation. At least we now have the aid of these two Think-Tanks." Servane said as he gestured towards Tachikoma and Kotobukiya. Trebuchet leaned back in the aircraft's seat and sighed.

"Yeah. Hopefully we'll find her. I miss Brianna. I'll punch that thief's face once I catch him and make him cry uncle." Trebuchet growled. He admitted deep down it was hard to imagine him doing this, but he wanted to so badly. If only he knew how.
Blossom looked at him" whoa that's cool do you go to school I'm 14" she say as she looked at him as she was trying not to be shy she never had a friend or a crush before
Blossom looked at him as she smiles" where do you go to school" she asked" why would you try to be human humans are bad" she say to him
"I go to a city school, and humans aren't that bad once you get to know them. I have a couple friends there, including another fusion you might like to meet. Actually, you're right. Humans are weaker than us. We could be a tiny group, I just need to carry the other fusion here and we can be good."
Blossom looked at him as she sighed" I experienced bad humans not good humans they hurt they experimented on me" she was sad that he didn't go to her school" oh" she say frowning he didn't go to the school in the forest pokehuman school
"I can teach you anything you need to know about yourself. I have a pokedex from a nice human and he said it was mine now. It was almost completed when he gave it to me. Humans do look at me weirdly though, like I'm a freak. Anyway I'm here with you now."

(Can you accept Z?)
Blossom looked at him" I was born like this my mommy says I be strong like her but I'm afraid to disappoint her she is a venasaur my daddy used to be human daddy turned into a pokehuman like us my big brother is human" she looked at the pokedex
Blossom just blushed" but you don't know me why do you want to be here with me" she say looking at his attractive looks her face was red as she looks at her broken arm
"I see things in a new perspective now. The humans could have been spying on me and it was only a matter of time before I got disected or something. And I want to learn all about you. Let's go to your place and I could train you a bit on your moves."
Blossom looked at him as she sighed" um about that I tonando destroyed it" she say showing him her house destroyed she her doll when she was little her brother and the others was at the campsite" I'm with my brother and two pokehuman he saved" she told him
"This is fine for me. I can help build another house for all of us. I am 12 times stronger than a human bodybuilder, about 3 times a machamp's power. Who are your friends there?"
Blossom looked at him as she shooked her head" thanks for the offer but mom and daddy want to build it that's my big brother Cosmo and the people he saved I forgot their names" she say
Blossom looked at her brother than back at him" because she's not here she in kalos" she cries all she wanted was her mother her family back
Blossom looked at him as she cried" yiu can't k want my whole family they are in kalos first we have to build a satilite to communicate with mom" she say to him
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Blossom looked at the phone" what is that thing" she asked she only had a pokewatch she never seen a phone or anything like it
He hung up. "Oh, this is a cell phone, an invention by humans so they can talk over distances. I need to pick up my cousin and drop her off here, she wants to meet you. I told her how nice you were. We could all help build the satellite if we tried." He prepared to take off.

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