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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

"Who the hell are you?!?!" Raven yelled the 4 men just smirked and took out their weapons. Raven muttered sword dance and two sword appeared in her hands. The men jumped on her, she side stepped and used the swords to get the weapons out of their hand and kicked two on the side and did a backflip and hit the pressure points of two to make them stop moving.
Ray didn't know what was going on.

Madeline was faster than both Josh and Axel and saw a man in black and used Dragon Bite on him sending him into the Air and did a mid-air kick. The man was knocked out and she kept running.

One of that person in black entered Delphine's room. ((That was too tempting))

Delphine tilted her head. "Huh?"

Axel and Joshua kept on running.
Ray gets up and his blue lines turn instantly Red and he gets into a fighting stance cause he can tell this guys is evil. ((That wasn't a good idea on his part)) Ray grabs him by the the Throat and slams his head into the wall and punches him several times and the man in Black was out cold ((Just wait for his super powerful moves.))


Lavi stomped with one foot, and than once again with his other. He took a breath and started stomping again. The whole building started to shake, well not the building, but the earth under it. He let out a small growl and roared


He tried to lessen the force so the building wouldn't collapse, only to daze the enemies for the hybrids attacking them.

(Am I being too OP or?)

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Some more got in raven's way. She used quick attack and knocked all of them out and continued running to delphine's room. She can only see bad things happen she can't tell if something good happened. 'Please let me get there on time...' she bumped in axel and joshua, literally. She did a hand spring and got into a fighting stance. She got a good look who she bumped into. "Oh...." she shook her head " we need to go to delphine's room!!"
Joshua panicked as he heard those words. He started running towards Delphine room. He would be ready to kill to reach his sister.

Axel followed Joshua, who was now in over-protective big brother mode.

Delphine got up. "What..." she said.
Ray turned his head and spoke "Hide in the Bathroom!" He commanded her he eyes were Ruby Red.

Madeline was also following the others.

Delphine hid in the bathroom, somehow scared.

Joshua was so worried about Delphine.

"Calm down... She will make it fine..." Axel said to him. He could sense that there was someone in her room with her.
Raven followed the group. Her yes glowed red again and her eyes widen " they infiltrated the school and...oh god..." she used dash and got to the room. She kicked in the men in the stomach and broke down the bathroom door. She grabbed delphine and ran out the room. The bathroom exploded.
Ray was kicked in the stomach and the bathroom exploded sending him against the wall as many sharp things impaled him. He was alive and if anyone removed the items he'll live ((Good job Raven))


Raven sighed in relief "made it...." she looked at delphine "are you ok?" She ducked and tripped and guy and stepped in his stomach.
((By the way RAY IS BLEEDING!!!))

Ray tried to get up but couldn't since something was lodged in his knee, it wasn't big but it hurt badly. He was bleeding as well to make matters worse thanks to Raven for kicking him in the stomach.


(I have no idea where everybody is right now, either)

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Delphine was awfully scared by all of this. She looked in one of her bags for a first aid kit. She sat next to Ray and started treating the injuries the best she could.

Joshua sighed in relief as he saw that Delphine was okay.
" a little help here!!" Raven yelled as she ducked and punched a guy in the stomach and turned and kicked one in the side. She grabbed an arm and threw it into another person.

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