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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

(sorry i wasnt getting alert >_<)

Serenity smiled and put the stuff in her bag as she stood she zipped it shut. Serenity noticed the groudon was helping gather her belongings as she smiled and took her belongs back. "Thank you." she didnt know what else to say because she didnt know his name or anything so just just hurried off in embarrassment down the straight hallway and into the library which was directly ahead as she entered she sat her belonging down at a table and returned the book, unsure what to do next she stayed there and looked around finding that there was a old themed chair she grabbed a book and took a seat.
"Hey!! Isn't that Joshua's headphones?" Delphine asked. She picked them up with a grin. "Oh yeah..." she said.

Joshua sighed. I can't go back there...
When he finished helping her, the Zorua said Thank You and took off, leaving the confused Groudon. As Serenity disappeared, he sighed again. He could look for someone else, the Absol was again, no help. He took a breath and frlt his connection with the earth of this location. He felt vibrations everywhere, but nothing familiar to him.

Lavi gave up and growled to himself. A female Delphox ran to her room. A lot of people were running today.

He continued on his way in the hallway, leaving the blind Absol to himself.
' maybe i should drop it off at his door' Raven thought and sighed ' i hate myself sometimes...i should go and play some piano...' she didnt notice delphine in the room, she was too busy panicking.
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Serenity had decided to go and see if she could help those two, the absol and the groudon. she got up grabbed her bag and walked towards them the groudon was gone but the absol remained so she re-approached him and spoke, "excuse me i didn't catch your name but i was wondering if you needed help."
Ray just laid there not moving trying to think about what he should say and when Delphine said that she loved him he felt so many emotions and he thought to himself 'Do I love her' he just laid there under the blanket thinking for he has never been in this Situation before he hasn't experienced love before and that reason alone is why he keeps thinking.

After leaving Axel and Asia, the adolescent Shaymin headed off to her room.

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The Absol stared blankly ahead as the scent of many different Pokemon receded as they left. And he sighed in relief. Most of the time he wasn't good with people. Most people thought his blank stares were creepy. He put his hand carefully on the wall, running his palm over the smooth surface. He sighed again, then continued on his way down the hall, letting his hand drag along the wall.
After finishing being soooo Fabulous Madeline decided to find somebody to hang with since she was getting bored so she wandered the halls of the girls dorm trying to find somebody to hang with.

Cherry left her dorm room, looking about for something to do other then sit by herself. So she got up and roamed the halls, her clothing flowed around her as she did, humming

and skipping along down the hallway.
Serenity hadn't wanted to wait for someone to acknowledge her so she head back to her room, upon going down the hall she saw Madeline walking around. "must be looking for someone to hang with." she shrugged and hummed as she continued walking to her room opening the door.
The Shaymin went to her room to briefly grabbed her diary, a binder, some homework assignments, and her guitar and left, her intention being to go to the grass type rec room to study and work on some of her senior stuff. 
The Gengar hovered over the Shaymin, following her with his invisibility so she couldn't see him. 'Hmph, our little music maker is prettier than I thought.' He smirked as he continued behind the grass type.
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Kiera wandered the halls, lost. Not only was she new, but she lost her way already, and she didn't even know where her brother was....
The Shaymin walked down the halls of the girls dorm building, spotting an Absol who seemed to be wandering. "Hello, miss, do you need something?" She asked, arms full of assignments and such, her guitar strap over her chest and the instrument laying on her back. "You look lost; do you need some help with something?"
"... Me? Sorry, I'm not a miss." He started, staring to the right of the Shaymin. He blinked, his red eyes dull and sightless. He sniffed the air in her direction:

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Lavi seemed to walking around in circles in the same hallway, or there were more hallways but he didn't know. He was back to the spot with the Zorua named Serenity, another Absol and a...grass type maybe?

Blinking behind hus smokey grey sunglasses, he approached them once again. He needed directions or at least somewhere to stay for the time being.
Madeline was soooooo bored as she walked around wanting to hang out with someone but she saw an entire group of people and one of those people was serenity and she went over to say hello.
The Groudon felt a similar vibration, not that he recognised the person but a similar type to him. When he heard a voice that said hello to Serenity, he saw the female Garchomp walking towards them. Lavi clenched his claw and tensed, but kept a silent facade as he stepped aside for the Dragon Type.
Only now did Madeline notice the Groundon and look at him curiously "Hellooooo there you must be new I'm The Fabulous Queen Madeline and you are?" She asked the Groundon

As the Female Garchomp introduced herself he let himself relax. Queen? So she's a royal pokemon here?

Lavi kept his blank facade but his voice slightly broke. "Lavi."
Serenity smiled at them all and greeted them, "Oh hello." She placed her hands behing her back abit nervous but hadnt wanted to be alone in her room she noticed everyone introducing themselves and stayed silent
Of course, as always, Joshua was playing an heavy metal song. He screwed it up and sighed. Why in the god's hell can't I play normally!! He thought with a loud sigh.

Delphine was still in her room. How to make things really awkward!!! Thanks myself!!! she thought. She thought about hiding herself for the rest of her life. She facepalmed herself and gave a loud sigh.
"I'm Lotus, a senior. Nice to meet you all." The Shaymin gave a sweet, friendly smile as she pulled her diary and assignments and such- all in which she was carrying- closer to her chest.
Lavi took in all their names and nodded. The Shaymin was Lotus, Female Garchomp Queen? Madeline and the Zorua was Serenity. But the other female Absol he did not know yet.

"A senior? So this is some sort of...schooling territory?" Lavi asked the Shaymin as she handled her diary and other things she was carrying.

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