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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Dance was the word written on Delphine's schedule. She got there slowly and as soon she entered the class she went in the back of the class and sat down.

Joshua was outside, listenning to his music and running around.
Ray saw Delphine walk in and he looked embarrassed but he calmed down and was focusing on the lesson that the teacher was giving once everyone was in class. ((Now we wait for Delphine's thoughts to come in about Ray.))

As racen ran to art class she bummped into joshua and dropped her things. "...damn it...iam sorry.." she said with out looking at the person she bumped into.

Joshua smiled. "Oh, it's okay" he said. He picked up her things and gave them to her.

Delphine tried to listen in to what the teached was saying but failed. She was so tired. She just sat on the ground and let herself go to sleep.
Serenity ran to her next class after the bell carrying her backpack on one shoulder and walking looking through her sketch pad upon reaching the door she took a breath entered and sat down in the back of the class.
Class just went on with nothing unusual happening at all for both Madeline's class and Ray's and soon the bell rang and Both Ray and Madeline went to the rest of their classes. ((You know what we should do is have a time skip till something important happens.))

Raven recognized the voice and looked up "oh...hi and sorry again for bumping into you...." she sighed as she took her things from him and stood up. " thanks" amd she walked of to her art class.
Serenity looked around not seeing anyone she met she started drawing until she finished three new drawings in great amounts of detail as she got bored she tore one of the drawings out and redid the work until it looked how she wanted she crumpled the other one and threw it backwards ringing the trash bin with out her knowledge. "I dont even know why i try these are awful." she closed her eyes leaving the book open on her desk
Because it was her first year, the pretty ghost girl walked onto campus with suitcases in hand, her tall, wedged boots clopping with each of her feminine steps. Her flared Chandelure-themed dress was flying back a little in the slight winds as she walked towards the main office, a little labeled building. She picked at her long, black gloves, adjusting then while she waited at the counter for someone to assist her.

Lotus sat cross-legged on her bed, quietly singing to herself with a pretty black diary with a fancy golden lining in her hands. The beautiful Shaymin pulled her long green hair back so that it wasn't dangling over her shoulders. She fumbled with a pencil in her hands, thinking of what to write in the book. It was half diary, half songbook, but all secret. Being the oldest student at the school made her feel kind of...different, like she stood out like a green thumb kind of different. Well, she was a grass type, so it made quite a bit of sense..and she was a very pretty person, which could be also a factor. She titled the page, in her delicate yet gorgeous calligraphy, 'To the New Year,'. She was writing a diary entry. While writing, she softly sang a song she had written, one from years before. One from her arduous and unforgettable past.

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Ray was doing well in all of his classes and now the weekend finally came after a long week but he could now relax by making some really good music and Madeline during these three months was being Fabulous as always. Ray was in his room staring at the ceiling in thought of a new song while Madeline was of course was being Fabulous in her room.

Joshua sighed. Since the beginning of the year, Delphine acted strange. He was in his bed, thinking about that. Normally, when Delphine had a problem she would come talk to him but she never came knock at his door often during the year. He sighed. "Hey Ray... Can I talk about something with you?" he asked.

Delphine sighed. It has been three months. She tried to work up the courage to talk with someone but she wasn't able to. She put some music with another loud sigh. What's my problem...

@Archdemon ((Hahaha being fabulous as always!!!))
Serenity hadn't found anyone who would be with her but she did manage to learn to play instruments sing snad perfect her drawing so it continued keeping her busy so she hadnt gotten lonely She decided today she was staying in bed for a while instead of roaming the halls she left the door open and sat on her bed practicing her singing and song writing then did her instruments working on a song her voice filled the halls and she sighed lightly and closed her eyes still singing she closed the books and started singing for fun she grabbed a hair brush and brushed through her long hair singing in hopes someone would even hangout with her she stopped looked in her hand mirror and sat it down on the bed burrying her face in her hands she thought and then went back to singing,
((I couldn't resist))

Ray looked at Josh and replied "Yes what's the matter?"

Madeline was trying to decide what outfit would make her even MORE FABULOUS!!!!!!

Guitar music filled the hallways, along with quiet, sweet song. It came from a lone Espeon in her dorm room, and the music ceased momentarily as she tucked a lock of purpley pink hair away from her face, then continued to play her music. When her song was done, she put her guitar away and sat on her floor, awaiting a shout-

"DOOR." A shout from behind the closed door made her smiled, and she stood and skipped over to the door and opened it for her dark friend. The Absol wandered into the room, placing his feet carefully on the floor.

"I can hear your guitar from my dorm."

"You can hear everything from your dorm."
Raven looked at delphine " hey..whats wrong?" Raven asked her a little worried about her. Her and delphone have slowly gotten close over the last three months, of course bad things happened and she managed to avoid the questions delphine asked her about how she was able to predict them.
Joshua sighed. "Well, I don't know... Since the beginning of the year, I saw something was wrong with Delphine... When is asked her what was wrong she just said it was nothing... Do you have an idea why she is acting like that?" he asked.

"Oh that... Nothing..." Delphine replied. She then looked at Raven. "Oh yeah! I realised something! You and Joshua are pretty close to each other don't you think?" she asked with a grin. She did that to cover up her problem. She always covered up the problem.
After a bit of singing and writing a bit, Lotus pulled out her vintage acoustic guitar and started to play and sing, both loud enough to hear throughout half of the girl's dorm building. Her voice was like an angel's, sounding through the halls of the building. She sang with her eyes closed, like she usually did, focusing on her music. She could play the guitar incredibly well, as someone would think she had almost a lifetime of practice. Her music sounded almost...sorrowful, like something was bothering the adolescent female.

(I'm just going to post my Chandelure's intro again because nobody responded to it earlier)

Because it was her first year, the pretty ghost girl walked onto campus with suitcases in hand, her tall, wedged boots clopping with each of her feminine footsteps. Her flared Chandelure-themed dress was flying back a little in the slight winds as she walked towards the main office, a little labeled building. She picked at her long, black gloves, adjusting then while she waited at the counter for someone to assist her.

The handsome Gengar sat in his room, only recently had registered. His dorm was a dark purple, almost completely reflecting his mood. He was a bit annoyed at the sudden music playing, so he got up to find the source...it being the girl's dorm. He teleported to the entrance of the female's building, intent on ending the annoying, "acoustic" music.
"E-eh? No...we're not that close...." she said looked away " and dont try to change the subject! Tell me what wrong?" Raven asked a little worried delphine was her first friend that didnt desert even though she is bad luck.
Serenity had gotten bored and walked to the library to get a book after getting a book she returned to her room shutting the door silently as she turned on a light and read page to page humming she turned on the radio because it helped her feel better she never sung in public so she used the radio to hide her voice she had wondered when her friends missed her or if she'd even make new ones considering that she hadnt made but one named joshua, she got silent and cracked the door open so she could have fresh air as she curled up on her bed playing with her hair and reading with the radio and a low blend of her voice mixed into it
Ray shrugged "I don't know and it's quite odd because she seems like the energetic type of girl too."

Madeline was sooooo stuck on what to wear she went to Serenity for help on what outfit would make her EVEN BLOODY MORE FABULOUS ((I think Madeline has problem with being Fabulous.....))

@Spirits N Souls @LyraDark
"Oh come on quit it Raven!! I know you like him!" Delphine teased her. "I can make Joshua come here if you want!!" she said with a grin. "And seriously... Nothing's wrong with me." she added.

Joshua sighed. "She makes me worry a lot... Sometimes I don't even sleep because of her..." he said as he got up. "I am going to check up on her."

"Yes what might I help you with?" the woman behind the counter asked to the girl who was standing there.

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