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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

O-O ((I am sooooooooo confused right now))

Ray entered his room and flopped onto his bed tired from wasting most of his energy that day.

Madeline saw that her Dorm room was open and she saw drawing "Um Hello?" Must be her Dorm mate.


@Spirits N Souls
Whenever Serenity finished the drawing she smiled and looked at the girl she saw enter her room.. "Hello, you must be my roommate." she had become abit more silent. "I'm Serenity."
Ray nodded as he got comfortable, right now he wanted to sleep so he got up and changed into his pajamas and went to bed.

Madeline smiled "My names Madeline it's a pleasure to meet you!" She walked over to her own bed and laid down on it.


@Spirits N Souls
I haven't seen my sister around... Joshua thought. He decided to go check up on Delphine, being worried about her. He got up and started walking towards her dorm.
Asia was walking into her dorm not really paying much attention to her surroundings. When she was walking she ran into someone. "Oh I am very sorry. Forgive me." She said.
-The next day-

Delphine was already in her history class, waiting for everyone to get there. She got insomnia during the night, what didn't helped. She yawned.

Joshua knew he had a free period so he didn't woke up at all.
Ray was in his math class working on his work but when he woke up that morning he had just realized what he did the other day and blushed crimson red which he hid under his blanket so nobody could see.

Madeline was in her classes.

Delphine soon fell asleep in her class. She didn't knew what was wrong with her but she was decided to find where it came from. After she got some sleep, of course.
Serenity had already taken a seat in class and was writing in a notebook. Getting tired of the boring class she yawned but refused to sleep because she needed to take the notes.
Joshua was up and playing his guitar in his room, as if he had better to do anyways.

Delphine was still sleeping in the back of her history class.
Serenity had taken all the notes and decided she could use the rest of the time to draw while waiting on the bell so she pulled out a journal and drew upon finishing the added in detail until she got tired and tapped her fingers on the desk waiting patiently slowly closing her eyes.
Raven was in the harden with her drawing book. She sat down against the tree and was sketching some flowers she liked in the garden. She had free period and nothing else to do, she hummed as she drew.

((Sorry didn't get notifications ;- ;) )
Asia woke up a bit late and got ready as fast as she could. Oh crap I am going to be late to history. She thought. Asia zoomed out of her dorm and into her class.
After done sketching she went to a different part of the garden and sar down. She took out her color pencil and began to draw again from that angel.
Ray was still doing his work until the bell rang and he moved on to his next class........ Dance. He entered and waited for everyone else.

Madeline moved toward history

Joshua got his things and headed towards his class and then sighed. "I don't want to go to class..." he said and headed outside.

Delphine woke up. "What?" she asked and facepalmed. "Oh no! I felt asleep!!" she said and ran to her next class after taking all her things.

((Suggestions for her next class?))
Raven heard the bell rang, she got up and went to her art class. Her eyes glow red and she quickly moved out of the way. The area where she was standing a flower pot fell. She grabbed her things and ran of to her class.

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