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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Apparently Delphine forgot that Madeline was holding onto her as her attempt to walk away failed "You're not getting away that easily." She grinned as Ray walked out and closed the door. Madeline whispered to Delphine "Too late to run away now."

Delphine sighed. She still had her music. She put on her earphones discretely so that they won't notice. The volume was also too low for them to hear, so she was okay.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Joshua asked.
"Like are the people here fun to be around..." Serenity smiled as she begun thinking of possible friends she could make and other things
Madeline led the two to the garden and once they got there Ray was happy as he began listen to the birds sing while Madeline sat down on a bench and watched Ray act like an adorable puppy. She motioned Delphine over because she wanted to talk to her.

Delphine was still listening to her music when Madeline seemed to want to talk to her. She paused her music and walked next to her. "What is wrong?" she asked.

Joshua smiled.
Madeline sighed "look just talk to him, learn more about him and I guess develop your relationship on your own time that's why I brought you two here, to talk and have fun." Ray was humming along with the Birds.

Delphine sighed. "I can't... Sorry..." she said. She started leaving. "I am going" she said. She started her music again.
Ray heard that Delphine was going and he turned around "You're going Already?" Madeline muttered loud enough that only Delphine could hear "You are completely hopeless then."

"I know that" Delphine replied to Madeline as she stopped walking. Some tears fell on her summer dress. She wiped the other tears and turned around. "I don't know if I should stay or not"

"I will see you around then," Joshua said as he started walking to his dorm.
Asia walked to her dorm. This day certainly has been eventful. She thought while continuing to walk. I didnt really make any friends today but I hope I do. She though happily.
O-O ((I was not expecting that reaction))

Madeline now felt sorry that she said what she said but before she could even say she was sorry Ray walked over to Delphine and gave her a hug "It's okay...." What drove Ray to do this was unknown but he had the feeling to comfort Delphine.

"Alright.." she smiled and entered long enough to return another book and she left heading to her dorms silently wondering what new friends she would make
Delphine tried to smile, but she failed. The normally so jumpy and happy girl just felt like if something was wrong. She didn't even reacted when she was hugged.

Joshua was playing some electric guitar in his room.
The lines on Ray was purple so he was in a caring mood, he broke the hug and looked into Delphine's eyes "Don't cry."'he had a caring face on. Madeline was just completely shocked about the entire thing and she got up and walked over to Delphine "Look I take back about what I said."

"It's okay..." Delphine said. "I just think I need some rest" was the thing she said to cover it up, hiding the problem. Again, there was no reaction as Ray looked in her eyes.
Serenity unlocked her room and entered leaving the door open she let out a sigh and sat her bags down on the bed and sitting down opening a sketch book full of drawings she begun singing softly as she started to draw. "i wonder when ill make friends rather than bother everyone for directions." Serenity said as she looked around the room.
Madeline puts a hand on Ray's shoulder "Leave her be...." And she walked away and Ray sighed in defeat as he walked back to his room as well leaving Delphine alone.

Delphine then ran to her room and jumped in bed as she got there. She cried again. What is so wrong with me? she asked herself. After crying for about ten minutes she fell asleep.

Joshua was still in his room, playing guitar.

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