Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

Aurora ran to the tree and glared.

She didn't want what he had she just didn't want him to run a muck and get her in trouble.

"I told you not to make me regret helping you!"

Aurora sighed and looked up at him then sat under the tree.

"will you come down! I'm not going to kill ya mate"

She sighed again.

It seemed like all she was going to do was sigh being that she wasn't going t fight wit a child in a tree.

She shrugged at the mermaid. A twisted smirk curled over her lips. She talked with her hands as she spoke,gun flapped around in her hands, a tight grip on it. She turned to look at the creature and she sighed with nonchalance. Sharni was one who was too carefree even in a life or death situation, just to get a kick out of people. "Not much. Just one thing. I have a deal in order." She explained simply.
He held the box softly and opened it. There inside was a small drip of water. He looked at a peice of paper sticking on the top and he pulled it out. Reading it, it said, "Robby dearest, when you find this I will be long gone, but remember. I will always love you. This single tear has been anchanted for one free wish. Use it wisely." He leaned back and closed the box. "No not comin down." He said.

Aurora groaned then looked up.

"what? Why? What did I do?"

If he was going to act like a child she was going to have to trick him into coming down.

Aurora put her hand in her pocket and ran her thumb over her pocket watch.

The indents felt nice against her skin.

It was prickly and calming.

She usually did this to help her think.

Aurora snapped her fingers and nodded.

That's what ill do... hopefully it works.

A knot grew in Syrena's stomach, her throat tightening as well. "Go on and tell me, then." She nodded in forced acceptance of the idea of a 'deal'. Oh how it made her blood boil to be threatened like that, but at that very moment she was in fear for her life more than angry for being confronted with a pistol. Most likely whatever this little deal was Syrena would have to agree either way or be shot through the head.
He pushed the box into his deepest pocket, keeping it safe and far away from her. He looked down, rolling so he was on his belly on the tree branch. He stared down, before looking at the tents beyond the trees.
Her smirk turned into a smile, and she let out a dry chuckle. "Well," she started, drawing a smooth, easy breath. "In exchange for a few of your tears, I guarantee you, that you'll make it out of here alive, and not one scratch will be on you." She added. "And better, no tears will be going to Blackbeard." She lied, but her voice was so passionate, it felt like the truth. If you looked into her eyes, you could see that she was telling the truth also.
Jacob kneeled down in the bushes as he came to a girl and some dude in a tree,observing the situation he went around to the nearest tree,grabbed a couple rocks and climbed up it to the level the boy was at very quietly. Keeping the rocks in his pocket he watched the two only to make sure they didn't head Jake's way,though he was very interested in what was going on.

Jake sat in the bushes watching the girls with a annoyed look on his face, reminded of how much he hated girls. Listening to what they were talking about it was now clear that this girl(syrena) was important,if only the other two would hurry up and leave so he could be done with this. He knew if he just left Jacob wouldn't shut up about it and try doing it himself.

Aurora signed and looked at her feet.

"you think I'm mean huh?"

She was waiting for him to talk to her but it seemed he might not do It at all.

Aurora signed angrily at herself.

"I saved your butt.... you should be a little more grateful"

Aurora muttered this under her breath.

Hesitantly, Syrena nodded, but quickly added the words with certainty. "Give me time to think about it. Tomorrow." At this point she was practically grinding her teeth as she looked up pleadingly at the pirate girl who almost looked happy to be holding up a gun to her. The same gentle voice that was hard to hear from afar came again."Go now, I will have decided in the morning."
She stood to her feet, patting the mermaid's head gently. Her hands were small and dainty, but were only a bit bandaged since she had made many mistakes. Sharni didn't know why she had did that, though she had known all too well that she was a closeted sweetheart. The pirating just made her harden up, and hide her feelings for the sake of not being a burden towards the others. "Just a tip, if you try to escape during the time being, no one will hesitate to kill you." She added as she turned on her heel to leave. She heard something in the bushes. The small snap of a twig that no one would notice. Only her. She walked up to the sound, aimlessly, and looked down at a boy about her age. She pointed the gun at him. "State your name and business here, and everything will be fine and peachy, mate." Sharni said, the slight sweethearted moment completely draining from her.
He folded his hands and looked down sadly. "Mm...no...I don think you mean...jus...kinda angry..." he wiggled his legs before wrapping his legs about the branch and leaned down upside down. His hat fell in her lap and his coat hung from his body.
For a split second, thoughts that the one they called Sharni was so bad wasn't all that hard. At least that's what she thought until she heard the words 'kill you'. Shrugging it off, Syrena just assumed that she was just like that, and couldn't help it. After watching the girl go, she observed her point a gun at the older of the two boys, and it made Syrena cringe. If only she hadn't stared at them, maybe they would have gone unnoticed. It was a sure thing that Sharni would go straight to her father like figure Blackbeard and warn of the intruders. Syrena slowly dove back underneath the murky green surface and sat at the rock along the side of the water cave.
Jake continued to watch looking bored out of his mind right about now,till he noticed one of the girls coming over. Sitting there he looked up at the girl with a blank expression not really bothered by the gun. He sighed at the answers she wanted but didn't look away from her." Kat,here to make sure no one harms her......"he said pointing to Syrena."like some lady with a gun who seems to not mind shooting someone in the head,whether their friend or foe." He continued referring to sharni." I was to report to The captain if anything were to happen...." He smiled." Though nothing has happened yet so theres nothing to report I assume?" He acted rather cool in this situation,though this wasn't the first time he's been in trouble.looking at the gun pointing to him his head slightly tilted." That's quite a nice gun ya got...." Knowing weapons he could tell from looking at it what kind of gun it was.

Aurora glanced up at him then twirled his hat on her index finger.

"I'm not angry.... just frustrated....."

She then looked directly at him.

Did he really have to hang there.... it was kind of annoying.

Aurora reached up and poked his nose.

"come down..... I'm in charge of you right now...."

She then glanced away every couple of seconds.

"you'll get hurt"

She ran a hand through her brown hair then closed her eyes in a worried frustrated look.

Aeren had heard everything. Watching and listening to Sharni, she wished she could believe her. She wanted the mermaid to escape, but it didn't seem likely.

Suddenly, Sharni stood up, looking towards the bushes Aeren had seen movement in, and a boy walked out. Putting a hand to the sword at her side, Aeren listened to him talk. He seemed confidant, not too scared of Sharni, which was either good, or bad.
He blinked, before slowly flopping down from the tree. He plopped down beside her and looked at her. "Mmsorry for runnin...Blackbeard made me scared and I wannned to run..." he whispered, playing with his long pants.
Her lips curled upwards into a genuine smile, really. Thought it was hard to believe, it was. "Well, I am a girl of my word." She put her gun back in its holster on her belt around her slightly curvaceous hips. "Speaking of that, the mermaid over there and I have made a deal. I assure you she won't be harmed fatally, mate, I bet you my left foot." She said truthfully, smile still upon her face, though it didn't extend to her eyes. Her eyes flickered to her gun at the slight compliment. "Thanks." Sharni added simply. "Sharni, though most like to call me Shark." Said girk greeted, holding out her small, dainty hand that was bandaged only a bit. Though she was a pirate, the small hands she had look like they were meant to be held in another pair of hands, not with a gun.
"As you should already know,names Kat..." He said grabbing her hand and shaking it." And be sure to remember....I take my work rather seriously...." He said with a smile,though his smile had nothing to do with what he was saying but with what he was thinking." So three were suppose to keep an eye on her?" He said already noticing aeren once she had placed a hand on her sword." Wonder why....."it was true,their were quite a few people watching over just one person.

Looking down at the two(Robby and aurora) Jacob smiled,they didn't seem to be trouble for them.
(Everyone, just let's say Syrena's sleeping right now, so am I lol, you guys continue though! Night!)

Aurora smiled and put the hat on his head.

She wrapped her arm around his neck and gave him a nuggy.

"don't go running off again okay kid?"

She then smiled and let him go and pulled out a deck of cards from her pocket and sat down.

"now why don't you tell me why you loved that teddy bear so much.... and why you trusted Blackbeard?"

Aurora then began dealing the cards.

A quick game wouldn't really hut anybody so it should be fine.

(@Andalexanderwept I just realized that your avatar was sollux's ancestor!)

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Her grip was surprisingly soft, and warm. Listening closely, she drank in what he had just said like water to a sponge. She was a good listener, but had also spoke very well. "Noted." She stated simply at his remark about him taking his job seriously. "Not exactly, but to my knowledge it's none of our concerns." She added, smile still upon her face. Once her hand had lingered on his for too long, she had pried it away from his grip. "But, other than that, it's getting late." She remarked. "I can snag you something to eat if you'd like." She said quickly. Her hands were nimble, quick, and almost invisible when it came to stealing. The thought made her smile widen.
Jake(Kat) smiled." Something to eat sounds good,I'd like that very much." He hadn't eaten in a long while and if he could get something to eat he'd take anything at this point,though Jacob hadn't eaten anything ether. He had to remember to work on that when this is all over with. Getting back to here and now Jake couldn't help but keep smiling as he stayed seated on the ground,thoughts ran through his head along with scenarios that could happen. Just in case he decided to be prepared and think of a way out of all of the ones he thought of,just in case.
((@BloodyRose HAHAH yeah Mituna~ Love Homestuck so much. I drew that too.))

He wiggled and watched as she did. "Oh, um...mommy gave me him. He was my birthday presssnnt~ i never ever got present but him..." he frowned and looked down sadly at his lap. "He used to talk to me and tell me what to do...now I don know what to do ever..." He looked about and whispered, "She gave me a present inside."
(awesome! I can draw too but I thought mutuna wore sunglasses)

Aurora glared slightly before looking down.

"don't ever tell anyone you have something special to you.... they might try to take it away.... you can tell me but...."

She then signed and pulled out her pocket watch dangling it from the chain.

"this was my fathers.... he gave It to me the day he was murdered"

She wasn't going to hold a dear secret without giving one of hers up.

It wouldn't be fare and it wasn't something a friend would let them do.


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