Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

Aeren walked over to the cook. "Yes? What do you need me for?"

((I've gotta go, but i'll be back soon-ish))
Blackbeard had left carelessly to his tent, four fish in his grasp. He seemed to care less that he'd burned some kid's stuffed bear.

It was all actually intriguing for Syrena to take in, so she watched the events carefully from her safe distance, tail swishing back and forth below the surface to keep her propelled upwards so she could observe. Everyone seemed to be leaving, maybe there was some chance of escape. What really got Syrena's attention however was the girl with the dark haired ponytail who'd gave her a captivating glance. She looked like she wanted to tell Syrena something..something she couldn't quite put her fin on.

Aurora glanced at him then noticed the missing fish and starred in Sharni's direction.

She was so sneaky that Aurora could only assume it was her.

When she turned back to the small delicate boy she was filled with an urge.

A small urge but a growing one.

This boy was 17 he should've grown out of this childish behavior years ago.

Aurora took a spoonful for herself then ate the fish.

Well, half of the fish she wanted to give the boy the rest.

Aurora grabbed a small container on her belt and took a swig.

"listen.... I'm 18 that's a one year difference.... so take a deep breath and hold it.... if you cry again I definitely wont be regretting the red hand print on your face boy"

She could be gentle but, this level of immaturity was not a laughing matter.

He stared in fear at her, hands scrunching in a fist and his tears slowly stopping. He was hit before, he was used to it, but not when someone was punishing him for crying. he curled up as tight as he could, his body trembling as he ate his food, his slightly burned hands scrunching up. "mmsorry..."

Maybe I was too rough... but this is how father was with me....

Aurora signed looking away before taping the tips of her fingers against her knee.

She then looked at the ropes and untied him.

"dont make me regret taking you...."

Aurora let him eat the rest of his food before pulling out a pocket watch.

It was her fathers but, she was allowed to have it to time the food.

"you will sleep in my tent child and you will not cry...."

He nodded slowly, sitting still beside her, head low. He trembled, rubbing his sore and red arms. He was quiet for the rest of the meal time, staring at his feet. "Mm...try..real hard..." he said softly, pressing his knees against his chest. His papa want even this angry or stern with him. He usually just said no or smacked his bottom once or twice.

Aurora sighed but, gently moved her arm around the poor child.

She bit her bottom lip hoping it would help comfort him if she shared her warmth.

Probably not being that she wasn't the comforting type.

Aurora quickly pulled him closer.

"just don't do it again....."

Aurora didn't look into the boys eyes she looked far off from the boy and yawned.

"do you want more?"

Her voice wasn't as soft and gentle as the mermaids or the sneaky tricksters.

It was bland and boring almost monotone.

Her expression was.... for lack of words expressionless.

Kind of like a blank slate so she was hard to read yet, that gave her mystery.

Aurora glanced at the boy from time to time to make sure he was still paying attention.

He shook his head as a reply, slowly nuzzling against her warm body, his heart aching a bit still.by the time it began to ebb away, he was exhausted and unable to stand without toppling over. He sniffled, looking up at her with the innocents that returned to his large green eyes. "Mmsleepy..."

Aurora jolted a bit unaware he could do... The Puppy Dig Eyes.

She looked away before telling her apprentice to out everything away.

Aurora picked up the boy without hesitation.

He was pretty light for a boy.

She picked him up bridal style and walked into the tent.

She threw him onto her makeshift bed.

Aurora turned to leave the tent but, stopped.

"I'm going to teach you how to cook..."

She walked out of the tent and zippered it up hoping he would stay inside and just sleep.

Aurora then walked to the mermaid.

"want anything to eat?"

They shouldn't starve her they needed her alive.

Aurora didn't understand why they didn't just chop some onions in front of the girl and get tears easy.

he bounced a bit on the fabric and quickly curled up, watching as it was zipped closed. he looked about, before yawning and curling around the warm blankets. as he lay, his ache made a few tears roll down his cheeks, then he was out like a light, head of curls laying against the soft pillows. a bit of drool ran down his chin and his nose ran just a tad.
" how did I get dragged into this....?" Sitting on the ground Jake had been able to catch up to Jacob and keep him away from the group,but now he watched as his annoying little brother watch the group of pirates from afar. Jacob had somehow convinced him that following this bunch was a good idea. "We don't have time for this...." Jake growled,"we have plenty of time."Jacob snapped back with his own growl,"besides why would they be out here for nothing,there's gotta be something good their after...and as long as we're not caught-" Jake stopped him," Trust me,we're caught...ya see the rude one that's obviously the captain?" Jakes at up pointing over to blackbeard."He definitely knows we're here,I know him well enough to know that...." Jacob looked over to where he pointed,"you know him?" He asked not having a clue who he was. Jake glared," I wouldn't say that....but so I don't confuse you let's just say yes,I know him....he was one out of three reasons why I didn't want anything to do with this..." Sitting back on his butt Jake crossed his arms.

Jacob smiled."well from what I've seen you must not like him." "Of course not,you've watched what's happened... I'm sure the only time anyone would like him is when he's dead as a door nail,stuffed in a sack with a cannon ball and cast out to sea to sink to the bottom of the ocean...."Jake replied smiling the whole time as he only wished that would happen." Jacob couldn't help but laugh,though he made sure to stay quiet."well why not mess around with 'em?" Jake frowned."there's no way we'd live to tell the tale...."Jacob whined,"ya never know,and I have a plan~. Come on please~" staring at Jacob with a glare Jake sighed,"what is this plan?....."
Stubborn was one word one might use to describe Syrena, as she wasn't about to give Blackbeard what he wanted after he practically killed half of her kind's population on White Cap Bay. Especially because she had no clue as to why they wanted her tear. For all she knew they could be planning to wipe out mermaids' existence on planet earth as the world knew it, and she wasn't to be part of that. Even if they were to kill her, however she would of course rather live. Dark green eyes, the shade of the bay during a hurricane, shifted to the side, soon after Syrena's entire body followed and in the distance were two young boys. This time however, she actually held eye contact on the two curiously. If it had been anyone else the captain likely would've been warned and they'd be total goners.
In the corner of her blue eyes, she caught sight of the mermaid moving. She stood to her feet, not a sound made. Sharni followed the creature, gun out and cocked with a full holster. She had excellent aim, but that didn't matter. If she tacked the water, she could beat her to death. Still hot on her tail, she kept her distance behind her by keeping herself hidden behind tree trunks and bushes. Not a rustle was made.
"This is a stupid idea...."Jake down right denied Jacob's plan,Jacob pouted."no it's not,corrupting his plans is an awesome idea...." Jake sighed."yea,if we knew what his plans were...."Jacob knocked Jake in the head with his hand." That's not hard to figure out. See." Yanking his older brother over he pointed." You can obviously tell who is with him and who is not," he said pointing to those who were obviously working with Blackbeard." Now who isn't?...." Looking around at the group Jake noticed some girl staring at them,he couldn't see very clearly so to him she looked like a normal girl. staring back at her he noticed she could see them but wasn't pointing them out or telling anyone."her...." He said moving Jacob's head to look over to the girl." So....?" Jake asked now seeing that there was some that didn't belong here."soooo,why would he have someone around like that unless they were important?" Jacob said with a smile as he noticed the girl to.

Jake looked over to his brother and back the the girl," ya know sometimes your really creep me out with how you think these things through so smoothly..." Jacob nodded." Well theirs gotta be a brains in every group." That earned him a sharp glare and a slap on the head." I'm not stupid...."Jake growled,rubbing his head Jacob pouted." Well ya didn't have to hit me....anyway let's get to work,I can't wait." He said with an evil chuckle to follow as he crept off. Watching Jacob,Jake looked back at the girl and put a finger over his lips stating 'shhhh' and then ducked down in the bushed to follow Jacob.
Unaware of the nearby presence of the female, Syrena continued to watch the rustling in the distance, her lips and everything below submerged in water as she moved the the side of the water closest to them. Did they know what Blackbeard would do if he so much as heard a whisper that intruders were near? Ever so slightly Syrena frowned with interest, reaching her hands out to the side of the water to pull her upper body out, long dark brown hair soaked and dripping down her elegant back as she observed. They seemed to be arguing over something, pointing and playfully punching around. They looked alike, so perhaps they were brothers, or related somehow. A finger was pointed at Syrena, or at least she thought and she moved back from her out stretched position without a splash back into the water. 
(Edited that, it was a bit short)
Aeren noticed the mermaid's movements out of the corner of her eye, following her gaze to the tree line. Squiniting, Aeren thought she could just make out the shape of someone, no, multiple someones moving. Frowning, Aeren casually made her way towards the tree's, not showing that she had seen anything, and sat down on a root closer to the pool, but not too close. Better to watch and wait. They may be dangerous, but the mermaid doesn't seem worried, so i doubt it. If something does happen, i'll be ready. She thought, and pulled out her sword to clean it.
Sharni was in the camouflage of the foliage. She was dead silent, and her breath seemed to stop. Circling the mermaid until she got closer, her gun was pointed on the back of her head, the barrel leaning against her skull. "One move. It's all it takes." She said coolly, finger grazing the trigger. "All I wanna do is talk." She said with a brief pause. "But it's proven you're a wanderer, so this seems to be the only way." She added, voice smooth but bitter.
At the very words, a shiver traveled down Syrena's spine and she turned round abruptly to face the pirate girl who'd been a stowaway on the Queen Anne's Revenge. Large eyes framed by long black lashes darted from the gun, to the girl's own ice blue orbs. Syrena didn't speak, she would wait to be spoken to. She gulped, not moving a muscle in the water, not even her tail. What did she want, anyway? What'd she care? If Syrena was killed, they'd have to go back to find another mermaid, and considering the creatures breathed underwater and were half fish, it wasn't exactly going to be that easy.
Seeing Sharni hold a gun to the mermaid's head, Aeren stood up. "What are you doing? Blackbeard wants her alive, you know that." She took a step forward towards the pool. Aeren didn't really know why she moved, or why she was really hoping the mermaid's head wasn't blown to pieces, but she was.
Robby jolted from his slumber, eyes wide. It was only a nightmare...just a nightmare. He rocked back and forth and whimpered in pain. His head was throbbing. Slowly, he slipped from the tent and inched out to peek a look. He saw a few men still talking and walking. He slowly went towards his smothered teddy, looking over what was left. He grabbed what he had hidden inside and held it to his chest, before running to the tent again. He made sure no one saw,before bolting through the trees. He ran as fast as his thin legs could move. He wasnt staying around here for much longer.
Before anyone could interrupt, since he sensed others there, she motioned to the shore with her free hand forcefully. "Git." She commanded gruffly. Once the mermaid swam, and sat herself onto the sand, she sat next to her in a crouched position. Her eyes flickered over to Aeren. "Shuttup." She said and tuned back to the mermaid. "Stubborn, are ya?"
The two slowly moved closer and then stopped about 10 yards away from the group,for being pretty noisy before they were amazingly quiet. When it came to a time for sneaking and staying unseen they were the best team for it from their previous crews,every move they took didn't make a single sound even their breathing with silent. Jake sat in front looking through the leaves he noticed that three girls were there,not only the one. Watching he knew he couldn't make a move yet,but hearing movement through the leaves he looked towards where it was coming from. Not wanting to be found Jake looked back to Jacob and with his hand motioned him to go see what the sound was,with a nod of his head Jacob turned around and headed on towards Robby knowing Jake wanted to make sure no one was onto what they were doing.

Turning his attention back to the girls Jake watched and waited patiently.

Aurora was outside of the tent.

She watched the young child take something from the ashes and run off.

He was her responsibility and he just left.

She quickly bounded up and ran behind him.

Aurora tackled him and breathed heavily holding him down.

She grabbed on to her own wrist as her arms wrapped tightly around the boys waist.

"I'm regretting it..."

She mumbles this in his ear as she breathed heavily.

She then sat up holding him in the same position.

"where were you trying to go?"

Once tackled, he whined and wiggled, being held tightly in her lap. He held the tiny box in his hand tighter, taking heavy breaths. "Nooo!!" He whimpered, huffing, sweat rolling down his face. He elbowed her and was able to wiggle free, sprinting off into the bushes and trees again. He jumped at a tree, climbing up into it, scrapping and scratching his legs all the while.
"What do you want?" Syrena's voice was soft as the waves on a calm morning, only slightly shaky with slight fear of having a gun being held up to her. This girl seemed to know what she was doing, and Syrena didn't doubt for a second she knew how to handle a gun pretty well. The question of being stubborn was a no brainer, and didn't require an answer.

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