Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/3142106380_1_4_9dNoFoi8.gif.7d05c429a553f13dbb7186af01121be6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16653" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/3142106380_1_4_9dNoFoi8.gif.7d05c429a553f13dbb7186af01121be6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Among the men and one female pirate which had crowded around after she'd made her rather dramatic fall, Syrena looked up in fear at all of them. It really was overwhelming. Why had it been her? All of her sisters were far more sinister in one day than Syrena would ever be in her entire life. Blackbeard rolled his eyes again. "Looks like you'll have to walk." He turned on the heel of his boot, continuing their journey up the mountain. The only reason Syrena obeyed was because she knew they had quite enough authority to leave her in the burning sun or shoot her easily. But the attempt to stand, let alone walk failed, and Syrena stumbled. One of the men had to lift her bridal style and carry her, though she looked away the entire time to avoid eye contact with the leathery skinned sailor.



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Robby trailed behind and swallowed thickly, eyeing the captian. How could he be so unkind. She wasnt hurting anyone, she had mearly been caught up in it. He grit his teeth and kept silent, glaring down at the grass and mud. He stumbled when he hit a root and bumped the captian and his daughter slightly, gripping the womans bag as tight as his sweaty fingers could. He looked up in fear at Blackbeard, shuffling away a bit. He hoped he wasnt angry at him still.
"Watch where you're going clumsy fool!" Blackbeard roared in rage, quickening his pace away from the boy. Really, all the man cared for was himself. His daughter and ship a close second. The crew reached another pool like thing at the top of the mountain, and the man practically threw Syrena into the murky brownish green water. Luckily, it wasn't very shallow, and when she resurfaced her body was shaking from the sudden water contact, tail already reformed to it's natural state. Blackbeard snapped his fingers and two men tied Syrena to a tree at the side of the water body, leaving her upper body out and tail in the water. Beside her was the skeleton of a mermaid, in the same tied position as Syrena, obviously someone had wanted a mermaid's tear as well. Blackbeard had now kneeled down at the edge, arm rested over his thigh. "Think of the cries of your sisters, my dear. The terrible, miserable, sinister death they had in the very same way you shall as well if we are not satisfied with your services." He cocked his head, smiling awfully.
Aeren grimaced at Blackbeard's gruesome threats. "If we kill her, we won't get a tear..." She muttered under her breath. Not like she expected him to let her go once they had the tear, considering who he was.

Sitting on a root, Aeren ran a hand through her still damp hair.
"I doubt our little friend here is foolish enough to die over a silly tear?" The terrible man didn't so much as take the time to look at the one who'd spoken, he just watched Syrena's emerald green eyes which were flooded with fear desperately try to escape his own. She was not going to cry for them that easy, though she had to purse her lips to avoid the stingy feeling of tears welling up in her eyes.
Robby watched, eyes wide. He was completely silent, expecting an aweful beating for her, or fish to start attacking her body and rip her limp for limp. He covered his face, his own tears filling his eyes. He whimpered and whined, pawing at his fellow crew mates, who quickly pulled back from him. "Don hur her!" He whined, starting to pace slightly, covering his head and trying to think of something, anything to free her.
Separating the bush in front of his Jake growled,"I knew it."watching the group of pirates walk on from afar Jake sighed annoyed."Oooo! Let's go!" Jacob smiled hopping out of the bush and heading towards the group only to be grabbed by the shoulder and yanked back. Jake tossed him back behind the bush,"no way...."Jake knew some of the pirates in this group and didn't want to have anything to do with them."we need to stay away,get what we need and get out of here. Got it?" Turning back Jacob was no longer behind him,"what?hey,where.....he didn't...."Jake growled looking back towards the group and saw Jacob sneaking over." Why,you,little....gah!" Running after him Jake stayed low and as quiet as possible.
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Blackbeard scowled at the very sight of newcomers, practically waving them off. As long as they didn't cause any interferences in the plan, they would be spared. And hurting the fish thing wouldn't be too much of a problem for him, so who cared?

Syrena remained still, as forced with her lips practically locked tight, only occasionally would her tail lift from the murky waters, the scales catching the light and shimmering. Crying was out of the question, they wouldn't make her do it, at least not today. Syrena paid no attention to the two boys, she kept her head down to avert eye contact away from Blackbeard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Syrena-philip-and-syrena-22409534-500-254.gif.12fd324473db41e8b8034e94f89ca174.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Syrena-philip-and-syrena-22409534-500-254.gif.12fd324473db41e8b8034e94f89ca174.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sharni, also known as Shark, was part of Blackbeard's ship for about three years. She had smuggled herself onto it, originally trying to steal what he was worth. After a few bloody fights, they decided to have a truce. Blackbeard liked her style, and the feeling was mutual. You could say that the Captain was a father figure to her, but that would only be partially true. After pushing a few sailors away, she had finally made it to the front of the crowd. Her hair was held up in no ponytail and her sea blue eyes were filled with rage. She wore a thick, white tank top, along with white and red vertical striped trousers. A brown belt was worn around her hips, with worn brown leather boots adorned on her feet. "What's all of the damn commotion?" She asked, voice just as hard and gruff as her expression. Her eyes flickered over to the mermaid. "The tears. Oh, what a pity." She scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. Her forearms were bound in white bandages. Blood were seeping through them.
Blackbeard felt the familiar presence of the female who'd somehow managed to smuggle her way onto The Queen Anne's Revenge. He'd really only spared her for her beauty, and rock hard personality which he somewhat possessed admiration for. "Yes, unfortunately she has not found it in her fishy little skull that if she doesn't produce one we will shoot her on sight." After a few minutes, they decided to set up camp there. Blackbeard bellowed the orders. "We will be making camp here." He gestured to the land around him, rather like a clearing in a sense in the middle of the vast jungle. The crew members, at least a few, began to set up their tents and fireplaces whatever area of their choosing, four particular men setting up one big massive tent that of course was none other than Blackbeard's. Syrena was untied, only to keep her alive and she frantically submerged herself at the chance, coming up again with hair that stuck to her small shoulders, the rest swirling around in the water. With green apple eyes filled with hatred she watched them go, sending a less harsh almost softened look in the direction of the girl who Blackbeard seemingly did not pay much minding to gender wise.
Aeren looked up to see Sharni push her way through the crowd. I guess ol' Blackbeard took everyone, huh. She thought.

Blackbeard's barked order to make camp made Aeren jump slightly, she hadn't been paying enough attention to expect it, and she fell sideways off the tree root. Picking herself up, she went to make camp, glancing back at the mermaid who looked less terrified now that she was in the water. Maybe Blackbeard would let her go if he got a tear... No. Aeren shook her head, shooeing the thought from her head.
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The girl with gentle blue eyes looked towards the men as they set up camp.

Time to get to work.

She took out her pan which she thought was a cute and cunning way to show that cooking was a strength.

Aurora had her apprentice help her make the fire to get the roast going.

The roast begins!

She would never say these things out loud and usually monologues in her mind.

Aurora set her bag down and smiled taking out the rack of fish from her bag.

She ruthlessly jabbed the stick through the fish and began roasting.

"grab your plates men!"

Aurora took out her pot of gruel and set it to boil.

She smirked slapping the gruel against the empty plates and handing them a fish on the side.

"come back for seconds after everyone had there share"

Robby watched as the others left, still standing there with hand latched about his teddy. He looked up at Blackbeard, before sneaking past him and kneeling at the water, face up to the edge. "Pppssstt" he whispered, even though he wasnt very good at it. Blackbeard could probably hear. "Mmsorry you captured...here...if you wan you can hold William..." he showed her his teddy, big green eyes flashing.
One might think it odd for a creature with a tail to become 'bored', but the fear in Syrena's eyes was soon replaced with an uninterested expression as she watched the whole scene of the captain and his crew making camp. She had her elbows propped up outside of the water, the end of her tail surfaced and gleaming in the rays of sun. The boy who mistakenly took Blackbeard for someone capable of sympathy for others caught her attention, then of course the girl disguised as a man, the one who didn't even bother with that and had so daringly sneaked on the boat, and the shouting head chef girl making some aquatic dish that made Syrena gag.

Dry hideous lips curved into a disgusting smirk as Blackbeard snatched a torch from one of the men passing him and held it to the left leg of the toy, setting it ablaze before dropping it on the ground for it to burn. The man was indeed heartless as many had called him.
He stared at the burning bear, now dropped onto the floor, burning. His eyes didnt move from it until they slowly looked at the man, a pure, terrifying evil filled those green depths. He stood from his spot, hands not even shaking. "You hurt William..."

He grabbed the torch and shoved it into Blackbeards face, his pupils dialating. He grabbed the man by the head, his expression slowly twisting into tears and hatred. "YOU HURT WILLIAM!!!"
Easily, Blackbeard made a finger scrunching formation in the air with his left hand, narrowing his eyes as some ropes from a bag behind him curled round the boy's body, tight, but not tight enough to kill him just yet. "You will stay that way till you learn your lesson." The awful captain cocked his head and made a waving formation with his hand, sending the boy in the direction of Sharni. "Take care of him."
Robby sobbed, heart broken and torn from him, the teddy still smoldering on the dirty ground. He stumbled, twisting his arms and trying to get free. That was all he had left of his mother, all of his life he had poured into that little animal and now it was gone. With his legs buckling and sobs continuing to rack his trembling frame, he lowered his head. "H-hate you..." he growled

Aurora spotted the commotion that was a fiery funeral for a torn piece of fabric.

She stood what she was doing handing the spatula to her apprentice.

Aurora was quiet and could almost be unseen.

But, this boy he was never seen even when he wanted to be.

Yet, now he was creating chaos and it wasn't flattering.

Aurora walked to the boy and picked him up taking over the care of the child.

She turned to Blackbeard and just starred at him with a blank expression.

"I'll take over the Childs care"

With that she walked back to the gruel that was boiling and set him down there. She continued serving but made sure the child would get something to eat.

He curled up, head laying on his knees, the pain still aching his chest. He wanted William. He wanted his father. He sure as heck didnt want to be here any longer. He whined when he was lifted off the ground, the smell of food made his scrawny belly hurt. He was set down, his eyes wondering to the boiling pot. "Mmsorry..." he said softly, tears falling from his flustered cheeks.
Aeren stood, noticing the sudden flames, and walked over to check. Seeing the burning remains of what looked like a bear, Aeren saw the boy in tears, obviosly the toy was his. Seeing the ropes wrap around him, Aeren grimaced. "He's just a boy, why is he even here...?" She shook her head. Seeing the head cook grab him and say something to Blackbeard, Aeren relaxed slightly. She liked the cook, seemed pretty nice. She would take care of the boy, hopefully...

Aurora starred at the boy.

"don't apologize.... you look weaker like that.... and stop crying"

She said these thing but gently.

After a while of serving she set away a plate for herself.

Aurora starred at him before holding a spoon filled with gruel to his quivering lips.

"if you don't stop crying you can't eat..... how old are you boy?"

Aurora planned to make him a true pirate valuable to the captain that way he could do as he wished.

Yet, he would only wish to do the correct things.

He quickly took a bite, sniffling, wiggling at his ropes. He swallowed, looking down in shame of crying so much. He had just lost something precious though. "Mm17..." he said gently, drooling and whining for some more of the good tasting food. He began to forget about his teddy, that is until he looked around so he could hold it and the heart breaking truth showed its ugly head again. More tears rolled down his face again, and his lip quivered.

I'm only a year older then this child.

Aurora looked him over before sighing.

She moved her cuff onto the palm of her hand and rubbed the tears off his face.

"I'm feeding you so be happy....."

She took another spoon up to his lips before looking down to think.

"I'm sure if your crying about it, it can't be replaced.... and you shouldn't have a teddy bear anyway"

Aurora looked around to see one of the crew.

She spotted the rather feminine looking man and waved him over.

"you! I have a question come here!"

Aurora was going to make a point out of this sailor.

(@KaiaWolf )

Sighing at Blackbeard's orders to take care of him, she pulled out her dagger, but someone had quickly taken him away. Seeing that her commands were now withdrawn, she went off. Skillfully, she snuck up behind Cookie, as she called Aurora. Sharni slipped past her, three cooked fish in her hands. She smirked as she tossed two of them to one of the hungrier sailors. She kept one for herself. Most thought she had never eaten on the ship since she had always stolen the food without noticing. Only a selected few knew, but they never dared to tell. After a while, she had finished her fish. She sat on the sand, the mermaid a few yards away.
He hiccuped and slowly took the spoon full, eating it quietly, trying his be strong and stop crying. He remembered William said for him to be strong, thats what big boys did. He choked a bit on a sob, swallowing the food. He leaned a bit to eat some more, his face a bit red and warm from how upset he had become, and how warm the meal made him. He hadnt eaten very much in a while. He was starving. "Mmmbu...William was mmy friend..."

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