Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

Aeren watched the mermaid, grimacing at the blood flowing from her tail. As much as she disliked the mermaids, it was sad to see one treated so harshly. They were just being themselves, food chain wise.

Shaking her head, she looked up to see the man she'd saved shove Blackbeard. He's not gonna live to see the sunrise. She thought, shuddering at the image of what Blackbeard could do. She'd seen what that man was capable of, what he had done, and what he was currently doing.

Looking back to the mermaid, Aeren suddenly realized how tired she was. Rubbing her face, she sat down on a rock, watching the mermaid struggle and hiss.
Syrena's eyes were frantically darting from the blue eyes of a pirate who almost looked sympathetic of her, and surprisingly had rather nice skin for a man. The strongest pirate lifted her from the tide pool, ignoring her frantic flails of her arms and tail. He lifted the lid of a clear glass body length case that looked almost like a coffin, though filled with seawater and dropped her in, shutting the lid and locking it. Inside, Syrena was submerged, watching the sympathetic one and listening to the defensive words of the autistic.
Aeren's eyes widened when the mermaid made eye contact, but held her gaze. This one seems less... Wanting to eat us? Aeren thought, grimacing as the mermaid was dropped abruptly into the glass case, locked in. Aeren had taken off her extra layers, wringing the water out of them and hanging them off a rock.
He whined and struggled to fight the man who locked her away. He pushed and wiggled at Blackbeard, hiccuping. "Y-you gotta let her go!!" He wailed, his legs buckling against the sand and moonlight hitting his head. "P-please!"
Blackbeard ignored the young boy, walking to the glass case, his black worn leather boots slapping against the rock. "My, my." He smiled, stroking the surface of the object containing the mermaid. "I'm sure eventually we'll find a way to get one measley tear out of her," He turned round, back facing Syrena as he looked over the remaining crew, "but don't think the danger stops here." Particularly he eyed the feminine sympathetic one with careful, oddly blue eyes which contrasted his dark hair and braided beard. When the disabled one spoke, his eyes darkened as he looked down at the male as if he were an ant. "Hold your tongue unless you want to be fed to the flesh hungry mermaids young man."
His mouth hung open slightly and quickly closed tight, tears welling in his innocent eyes. He trembled, backing up a bit, his breath almost leaving him as he listened to every word that he spoke. He twitched, softly smacking his chest as he tried his hardest not to speak, not wanting the man to hit him or...or even worse...let him be eaten by those ladies.
Aeren stared back at Blackbeard, trying not to waver under his gaze, now feeling thankful she'd bound her chest so tightly. Breaking eye contact with him, she pulled her still damp layers back on, shivering at the cold on her skin.
"We continue!" Blackbeard shouted, pulling his sword from his belt and thrusting it in the air. Two men lifted the coffin like object, the water swishing around as they began to walk towards the rain forest like hill of the island. They would have to make camp near the Spanish after getting the mermaid's tear, just so they were close when they steal the silver chalices. The crew followed the captain, a few mermaids in the bay surfacing to watch their beloved sister be taken away.
He trembled softly, hands shaking. He grabbed his teddy off the sandy beach and rushed after them. He held the bear against his cheek, eyeing the other scarrier, bigger pirates. He gripped the coat tails of Blackbeard, skinny frame shaking and trembling.
The men staggered along the rather steep path up the rocky mountain, the lead being the zombie slaves with large swords cutting away plants to make a path for the others. Soon, they came to a flat area towards the top of the mountain with a shack like house upon it. The crew and captain ignored it, though Syrena's curiosity got the best of her and she shifted her body in the case to examine it with large sparkling apple green eyes. For a moment she was relaxed, at least until she felt the men drop her case and her fall to the ground, tail immediately shifting to human legs, the scales seemingly falling off and around the ground. Most mermaids did this when above water for long enough, but as soon as they were in again it changed. However, soon they would need water and could not go for prolonged amounts without or in strong sunlight. The sudden chill bit Syrena's smooth milk white skin and she rubbed her arms up and down to whisk up heat somehow. Blackbeard rolled his eyes, heavily adorned with black coal liner as he cursed under his breath.
Aeren's jaw dropped when the mermaid's tail shifted to human legs. Walking towards her, Aeren knelt in front of her. "Are you okay?" She asked, trying to think of what to do.

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"Now?" "No..." "......Now?...." "....No...." "....How about now?.."Jacob was swimming right next to his and his brother's sail boat, clogging a leak from the outside as his brother fixed it from the inside. He had been swimming there for what felt like hours as he bothered his brother asking again and again if he was done or not."...What about-" "No!! It is not done!" Not even letting him finish this time Jacob's brother yelled off the side of the boat glaring down at his younger sibling. "The more you ask the longer it'll take."He huffed as he got back to work, Jacob puffed his cheeks out as he swam there quietly." Ya know if you hadn't knocked out the Captain we wouldn't be in this mess...." His brother pointed out reminding Jacob of the mess he caused." he asked for it...It wasn't my fault he was too slow to block...." Jacob smiled,the two had just escaped from a angry crew they used to be a part of. The Captain had made a habit of calling Jacob The Kid and Jacob finally snapped knocking the Captain out with a metal pole after the tenth time being called that. His brother wasn't so happy since he had to get them out of their but Jacob was filled wih joy after seeing the look on the knocked out Captain.
Robby watched as birds flew over head, his green crystal eyes scanning the forest clearing. His hand tightened on the large pirates coat tail, his feet pacing on the dirty ground. Eyes fell to the girl now with bare legs, going wide and head pressing against the captians back. His voice wavered, horror in the wheezes escaping him. "Please dont let her get hur?" he begged gently, tugging softly. he knew he wouldnt listen. he was only a worthless cabin boy. But perhaps his relationship with the captain might change his mind.
(this post takes place on the ship))

Jack was in the Bowels of the ship looking through Chests in hope of Finding some kind of treasure even if it was a Gold piece. Looking Left and right he stood slowly as he leaned back looking around a corner, walking a few steps backwards he looks out a port window as he heard screams outside. Jack flinched at the screams as if he was worried himself. Soon walking through he grabs a Lantern off one of the support beams turning the oil up a bit more to find his way out.

Adjusting his hat he found the exit, walking up and out it was just chaos...more like a escape! jack went down slightly blowing out the lantern, his eyes a bit wide only caring for his own safety. Looking left then right he began to tip toe as pirates leaned over the edge only watching the event. Jack slowly approached from behind as the big man turns looking him straight in the face, Jack was frozen his eyes wide and mouth wide open with a bit of shock, Jacks hand was extended out towards the big mans cutlass on his belt. Looking down then back at jack he yells, "Aye Get the Pistols Dog!" The big man turns completely oblivious to what jack was actually doing. Jack quirked his eyebrow noticing the mans Stupidity, Jack grabs the sword unsheathing it from the other mans belt and shoves him over into the water. Turning Jack says,
"Its Sparrow not 'dog'..." He leaned over the edge as he only saw the water bubble from where he fell in and blood spread in the water, "Eeeh..." Jacks lip curls in disgust. He then placed the blade between him an his belt walking to a life boat, as he jumps in trying to be sneaky.

Slowly lowering the boat jack Rows until he hits Shore rolling out of the boat he looks around only t be caught by Black beard.

((skipping to the group)

Jack was surronded by three muscle mass men basically a moving prison around Jack, His hands tied he looks to his left as he leans over as he says,
"Alright how much is it going to take to get out of these name your price." The man only growled as jack moved away saying, "I can give you plenty of that but by the sound of it your friends have that to." Pointing to the other two as they growl as well.


Angelica Teach

The thick fog that covered the valley was enough to strike fear in the hearts of most. The mist clung heavily to the ground and trees, making it hard to see even a few inches in front of someone's nose and the eerie chatter of forest life sounded around them. Of course Angelica Teach was not most people, she smiles deviously at the sight of the heavy fog and waved her men forward. She paused, turning to face the group of men that had been sent with her on the mission.

"Is there a problem?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, "You can wait here if you want." A flicker of something crossed their faces.

"Really?" One rather tawny one questioned. Angelica nodded, heading back toward then and withdrawing her pistol at the same time. Flicking the latch she pulled the trigger, the loud bang echoing in the forest causing the animals to go silent.

"Anyone else want to stay?" She asked as the corpse fell to the ground at her feet. "No? Shall we then?"

(Joining the group.)

She let out an annoyed sigh as she looked back over her shoulder at the group of surviving men. What had been ten was now four, more then half getting killed because of their own stupidity. Tragic deaths really, though one or two had died at her hand; getting a bullet through their skulls for the nerve of trying to go against her orders.

"Come on you dogs," She called back toward them. "It's about time we join back up with the others." They all shouted in return, just as ready as she was to meet with the rest of the crew. A few hours more and a long hike later found them in the same clearing, Angelica crossing with a little smile to stand next to her father. The clearing was in a bit of a mess, struggling was pretty useless though. Angelica thought everyone knew that. She was about to say something to the crew, order them to shut their traps when she spotted the figure lingering in the cage not far away.

"Jack Sparrow..." She said, almost purring in pleasure and she headed over. "I have to say it's quite exciting to see you in a cage." She tilted her chin up slightly, a smirk painting across her face.

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Robby looked a bit confusedly at everyone gathering, hiding further behind the captian. His heart was racing in slight fear. Why had he agreed to this? He wanted to go back to his papa. Just as he thought this, he noticed the woman come walking from the trees, his bright green eyes scanning her body and face.

"...hi~" he whispered, before quickly covering his mouth and curling on the ground quickly. No, no he shouldnt have spoken. He forgot what Blackbeard said to him. What if he had actually meant it! Was he going to be thrown into the water all by himself??

He held the teddy closer, whimpering, whining, anything to convince the others that he wasnt suppose to be here. He whimpered gently, before eyeing her boots, his toes scrunching, hand tightening on his curly main.
Jack looked all around this cage for some kind of escape but...nothing he would lower his head looking at the men all around him, not like Jack had a chance at running, He could untie these ropes given time but he didnt want to risk getting seen. Looking up his eyes widen. A very unwelcoming Familiar face, "Angelica." (Same time she saw me xD ) Jack did not even glance at her when she approached he only said, "Yes its actually very good now since it protect me from beasts like you now let these mary gents be on their way." He turned to motioning him to go...He stayed still. Jack rolled his eyes only looking forward until he noticed her still starring at him he turned quirking his eyebrow as he leans to her motioning with his tied hands like he is wiping his face but he is looking at her as if he is saying something is there, "You got a weird 'C' Shaped thing on your...Oh wait...Nevermind it cant be fixed." he would lean away wishing the cage would move already. Looking again he saw a little boy as his eyes widen seeing a kid beside her, "Oh god, if their is even one please tell me its not what Im seeing." Holding his hands together.


Angelica Teach

"What are you going on about now? I quite thought you enjoyed how aggressive I was..." She stated with a shake of her head, "To think I was just about to say I was glad to see you." She waved her hand in front of her face as she turned away, spotting the boy and glancing back at Jack. It was clear he was as odd and crazed as usual, something she had expected. Still she couldn't say that the years hadn't been kind to him, he looked practically the same as he had when they had last met. There was something different though, what could it be.

"Where's your ship, Jack Sparrow?" Angelica looked around as if searching, knowing very well that it was no where. "At the bottom of the ocean, I hope." She then patted the boy on the head, her eyes connecting with Jack's before she headed back over to where Blackbeard was. "Father, it's rare you take prisoners."
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Robby sat still, staring at Jack, then up at the woman patting his mess of curls. The sensation ran down his skinny spine, the rolling movement made him wish for more. He pressed his knees against his chest, the droopiness of his eyes returned.

The boys usual expression returned, the small frame curled and an almost monotone look returned to his face. He sighed, patting Blackbeards foot, his back hunching. "MMM...mmmmm~"
Jack sighed rolling his eyes looking away as he says, "Wish i could say the same on seeing you but i would lie just as you do love." He sat in the Cage giving her a sweet smile then it went to frown as he looked around and then heard comment on his ship, his head snapped at her as he said trying to move his hands around like normal the ropes stopped him...looking at his hands then to her he points saying, "Dont you talk about her that way, and its non of your buisness." watching her walk away.


Angelica Teach

Angelica pouted out her lower lip. Giving Jack a sympathetic look, clearly fake, she decided to tease him. "That bad, huh?" She asked. "Don't worry, Jack... I'd be happy to send you down to Davy Joan's Locker to meet her." Her face at once lit up at the thought, her hand reaching down to her pistol. Withdrawing it she brought it up to her lips and place a single kiss on the side of it, slowly bringing it down so that it pointed at the spot between Jack's eyebrows.

"But that's only if you're lucky." Angelica then winked at him, putting her gun away and turning back to her father. "Should we get going?" She asked, "I feel like stringing a small c*ck up over the fire tonight." She paused looking over her shoulder, "Oops, sorry... I forgot the 'captain'."

(I hope the last little tid bit made sense... Small C*ck=bird.. Sparrow=bird... jack likes 'captain' to be said... captain small c*ck... which cold mean either the bird or, ya'know..")


Captain Jack Sparrow

Jack was starring at her when she made the comment of Davy jones locker as Jack says, "I have already been there once so..." he instantly paused seeing the gun as his eyes widen a bit, not honestly wanting to die anytime soon, he gave a smirk raising his eyebrows he gives a small nervous chuckle as the gun is put away, she turns he frowns with a unhappy look upon his face as she spoke to black beard once more when she was talking jack mouthed her words making a face, and then he sticks his tongue out but when her head turned his face went back to a smile as she said, "Oops, sorry... I forgot the 'captain'." he frowned once more hating the situation at hand
Robby shot up, eyes wide. But the look of exhaustion filled his expressions and he let out a whiny yawn, rubbing the soreness from his rims. The sun was hot...too hot. At least for a young lad like him, always locked down below deck.

"Mmm..mmm...we go?" He asked in such a small whisper you could barely hear it over their arguments and back talking.


Angelica Teach

"Why the sad face, Jack?" She questioned before turning to the boy, a soft smile flickering across her face as she gave him a good look over. She didn't remember seeing him on the ship but if he was a cabin boy he'd be below deck much of the time. Reaching out she ruffled his hair, "Yes, let's go." She stated glancing at her father, "Why doesn't you carry my stuff." Better to take such a small thing under her wing then let her father find it useless and dispose of it. Reaching for the pack slung over her shoulder she detached the smallest of the sacks containing the least needed stuff and passed it to the boy.

"Don't turn out like him," She whispered to the boy with a gesture toward Jack, "He's a captain without a ship."
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The woman seemed nice. It was a long time since someone had noticed him like this before, and he liked it slightly. He was after all just a young man still.

He giggled, taking it and putting it over his back, before looking and the captured man. "Yeah but.." he began, "he has pretty hair~" He wrinkled his nose, scratching it and hurrying to keep the little teddy close and hidden.

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