Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides [Inactive]

((Huh? No, Sollux wears sweet glasses and Mituna has a helmet with a blue and red vizor.))

Robby nodded softly as she instructed him, then gasped and softly tapped the old watch. He recoild his hand as he watched it turn. "It real pretty..." he whispered. He reached into his pocket and pulled the small wooden box out. He opened it and showed her the small, never drying tear. "Mommy gave me it. She said its magic...and when I need to I wish for something..." he closes the small box and smiled.
She smirked. "Follow me," she ordered with a sly smile. They were at the camp, and she gestured for him to wait by the tree, staying out of sight. She skillfully tip toed behind a few sailors. She snagged some freshly fried fish one of them had set behind them. As she went off, swiftly, she picked up a bottle of rum, and circled back over to the tree. She handed Kat the rum and fish. "Here." She said. Everything seemed to be a blur, she was back in about two minutes.
This he didn't plan for,but standing up anyway he followed her. He tried to stay hidden in plain sight,he really didn't want to leave where he was but oh well. Watching Her he smiled as he grabbed the fish and rum,"Impressive. You have the skills of a....." He stopped himself." Ah....nevermind..." Biting into the fish his eyes closed as he enjoyed it,it had been so long since he had good food.

Aurora jilted and pinned him down hiding him from others in a hug.

"don't show that to anyone even if you think your close don't do it.... its what they're after"

She didn't want to see this kid hurt now.

Aurora was beginning to feel a small attachment to this boy.

It kind of made her feel a bit weak.

Aurora sighed putting away the pocket watch.

Sharni cocked a brow at the boy, a hand behind her back coming into sight with a bottle of rum for herself. Chugging a gulp down, she let out a sigh of relief. "Skills of a what?" She asked. "No bother in telling me, I'm not easily offended." She added with a shrug. Sharni took yet another sip from the bottle she had snagged without anyone seeing.
He nodded madly and quickly hid it, swallowing thickly. He kept it well hidden in his pocket, fixing the hat. "O-okay. Is Blackbear gonna hur me if I do?" He whispered,sitting up straight and biting his lip. Blackbeard had hit him before, only hard and bad. He didnt want that.
"Oh,no is not offensive....me and my brother used to call ourselves the OSS." Jake chuckled." The Observe,Sneak,and Steal squad....all the crews we used to be in would always give us the jobs that took stealing without anyone knowing.....I was just saying,you've got the perfect skills to have joined us back then." He ate some more of his fish.

" wishes eh?" Over hearing the two Jacob smiled," so theirs more interesting things going on here~" he chuckled." I've gotta tell Jake later."
She snickered as she took another sip of the heavy rum, her face going red from her slight intoxication. "Well, I've been stealing from suckers since I was three years old." She said truthfully. She was an interesting girl, and she rarely told anyone about her past despite her telling them that she was just a mere street urchin. She took another swig of the rum, and she kicked some sand boredly.
Jake chuckled," I really can't remember when I started,but I'm sure I was older then three so you've beat me there...my family's been in pirating for as long as I can remember....so..." Trying to remember he thought really hard." Maybe when I was five?"
She shrugged at him simply, out stretching her arms for affect. "Eh." She grunted, cocking her brows upwards. "A close second. No worries." She said, smile curling up her sun-chapped lips. "You'd have to kick my a** at that. I smuggled myself onto my ship at fourteen." She added.
"Ah,well I guess that makes us even....though....I always wonder what our lives would have been like if our family was different....."Jake sighed." But then I only picture a boring life I couldn't see me living." He smiled.
She took another swig of her beer, now tipsy. Her jaw was loose, and she could say anything now without shame. "Huh, I wonder what it was like to have a family sometimes." She stated with a frown that almost had looked like a scowl. She sighed and shrugged. "What I remember of them is that they were arseholes anyways." She stared off into the distance, there being a brief pause. "The commoners didn't make it any better, either."
"Commoners?" Jake looked to her confused." How did they not make it any better?" After thinking a bit though he could easily guess why,but having already ask he rather not guess and let her explain if she wanted to.
She swallowed a lump in her throat since she felt bile rise up in her throat at the thought of the commoners. She spat at the ground in pure rage. "They were arseholes. Calling me a street urchin and they just basically made my life hell by beating me up and trying to d--" she stopped herself from speaking by taking another swig of rum. "They just tried to hurt me in every way possible."
"......I'm sorry I asked...." Now feeling terrible Jake looked around." Hmmm,that's right....." He said out loud to himself as he looked around at all the people,just because they were in this crew he wasn't a part of doesn't mean they were terrible. A lot of them could have had a ruff life too,he shouldn't hate the crew just because it's Blackbeard's.

Aurora smiled and patted his head.

"Sorry..... You never know who's watching"

She then smirked and hugged him.

"Okay so here"

Aurora Handed him a stuffed teddy bear.

It was small and dirty but it was all she could do.

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. A teddy bear? All for him? It wasnt exactly William, but it was almost as good. He took the teddy in his hands and kissed its head, holding it tightly. "You mmmy best friend." He whispered to her, nuzzling the bear. "She'll be Mrs. Anderson." He said, showing her. "She'll be sooo smart nn...she'll read books lots!" He giggled gently, happy as ever.

Aurora smiled then looked away brushing a hand through her hair.

She looked down and thought.

"You should.... hide it.... I made it small enough to fit in your pocket...."

Aurora didnt want this boy sad but she didnt want him to look weak either.

Yet, he was so cute she didnt want him to look at her that way.

Uh-oh was she attatched?

Aurora groaned at the idea and sighed slightly.

The boy nodded, protecting the small fluffy animal in his jacket, cheeks rosey from that days excitment and journey. "Mmm...still sleepy~" he whispered, his own heart ebbing at her love.

Aurora smiled and pulled him to her for a gentle hug.

She smiled resting her chin on his head.

He was so adorable to her that he was just asking for a snuggle.

"Okay then bedtime"

Aurora neeled down so that he could get on her back for a piggyback ride.

He giggled, shifting from his spot and climbing onto her back. He was very light, his boney arms holding onto her back for security. He looked about, hat and hair bobbing softly up and down as they went. "Weee~!" He giggled.

Aurora sighed slightly.

"You need to bulk up so you can carry me around"

She was joking.

It was rare but it was a joke and she hoped he didnt take it too seriously.

Aurora walked to the tent and set him down.

"Well go inside and sleep im staying out here to keep watch"

Aurora didnt trust these people not to hurt the child so she was going to protect him u ntill she was sure he didnt need it.

He giggled at the comment, before being placed down. He hurried into the tent and curled into the soft fabrics, head lulling against the pillows. He felt much safer, so safe he didnt want to run anymore. He held the stitched little bear close and softly drifted to sleep, breath heavy.
Aeren sat back down on a rock and went back to cleaning her sword. The mermaid was within eyesight, so Aeren could easily keep watch on her. Both to keep her from escaping, and to keep people from killing her. Hopefully.

Smelling food, Aeren's stomach grumbled but she ignored it. She'd get food later. For now, she took off her still damp jacket and rung it out, hoping it would dry quickly.

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