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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

"I might be a little girl but I did kick your butt many times. I was going to kill Cameron anyway. And I already thanked you! Stop telling me to thank you! You got one and im not saying it again!" She shouts the last part while slightly glaring at him. Some people in the look funny at her and she'd glare back at them.

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Libra259 said:
"I might be a little girl but I did kick your butt many times. I was going to kill Cameron anyone. And I already thanked you! Stop telling me to thank you! You got one and im not saying it again!" She shouts the last part while slightly glaring at him. Some people in the look funny at her and she'd glare back at them.
"Yes I liked that "Thank you" of yours. That and destroying half of my ship!"
"Oh shutup! I didnt know that was going to happen! I offered you another! Nova was the one who did that! She knew not me! Im done with you and all this crap!" Kimberly would leave the amount of money for her drink and get up. "I'll see you around Alec." She says and begins to walk towards the door.

@Knight Nate
Libra259 said:
"Oh shutup! I didnt know that was going to happen! I offered you another! Nova was the one who did that! She knew not me! Im done with you and all this crap!" Kimberly would leave the amount of money for her drink and get up. "I'll see you around Alec." She says and begins to walk towards the door.
@Knight Nate
he grabs her arm "You running away? Like a coward? That remembers me... you did run away last time I saw you. Oh yeah you were a coward that time"
She'd laugh coldly, "and what if I am. What other choice do I have? Im prideful but i will not fall victim to the sin of pride again." She pulls her arm from his grasp and walks out of the tavern.

Libra259 said:
She'd laugh coldly, "and what if I am. What other choice do I have? Im prideful but i will not fall victim to the sin of pride again." She pulls her arm from his grasp and walks out of the tavern.
he smiles and gets out too but goes in other direction
[QUOTE="Mr jake]"But it is killing a lot of people," Jake thought about this "Maybe we don't have to kill it, what if we capture it and relocate to different waters"

HeroPilot said:
"I could ride it and tame it!!!"
"That's worse!" She said to the man, infuriated."but then again what would you know about us" she mumbled, referring to the inhabitants of the sea.
HeroPilot said:
I shrug. "See you later, then." I walk off.
Her brows furrowed. "I'm not going to let you get away with this..." A smirk spreads across her face, she quickly grabs his ankle and pulls him under.
"Ok, I feel like I should help but....." Jake thinks about this but his conscious got the best of him "What to do how do I help without hurting either of them" He thought, even though being a Genus he had no idea what to do "I don't want to get on the mermaids bad side but he did not want the other guy to die". "Come on we don't have to do this" he yells at the water, People stared and thought he was going insane. " Fine he put his goggles on hoping they would blocking the water out of his eyes "Here we go and he dives into the water, "It's freezing" He thought to himself. He sees both of them and he tries to signal both of them to see if they could negotiate "Jake had no intention of killing anything no monster no mermaid no nothing.
Lendyn "Charlotte" Beckingham

• Pirate • Pier Dock • Kimberly, Nerita, Finn, Jake •

Charlotte sat at the edge of the dock, swinging her legs aimlessly. She glanced up at her most recent "host," the captain of the ship. She considered getting up and following her again, but she seemed a little...preoccupied.

Lendyn sort of temporarily disattached herself from the captain, feeling as if it would be unwise to trail her while she was in this mood. She concluded she would likely start following her once they were out at sea again.

Seeking another person to temporarily trail, she glanced up, noticing a quiet commotion just to her right. An odd look coming over her face, she stood up and ran down the pier, hoping she knew of one or more of them. Her eyes never left the three figures near the ocean.

One appeared to be a girl, and two were boys. It seemed normal...and then the girl grabbed the taller boy and took him under.

She hesitated, not knowing exactly what was supposed to be happening, but something in her head told her to keep going.

When she got close enough to hear some of what was going on, there was a significant pause in speech and the last boy dove.

She gasped quietly, this gesture revealing the urgency of the situation. She still didn't exactly know what was going on, but it seemed important.

She ran up to the shoreline, waiting for around ten or twenty seconds as she saw the boy's figure go farther and farther underwater. She wasn't sure how to deal with this, but she tugged off her boots in case she had to dive for any one of the three people.

{{ @Mr jake
@Libra259 @HeroPilot @Ballerina
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(You know what? I'm not done yet.)

I slow down time and put my sword away. I take out my bow and shoot the mermaid, from a meter away, in the leg. (Tail? Fin?) I try to grab ahold of something.
HeroPilot said:
I choke as I inhale water and pull out my sword. I swing wildly at you.
HeroPilot said:
(You know what? I'm not done yet.)
I slow down time and put my sword away. I take out my bow and shoot the mermaid, from a meter away, in the leg. (Tail? Fin?) I try to grab ahold of something.
She lets out a scream of shock but since she was underwater so it was barely heard. He kept making attacks towards her, swinging his sword and shooting arrows at her. Nerida was impressed he was able to do this all underwater, but now was not the time to be impressed. She went back to the surface, only revealing her eyes to see if the other man was making a scene, he was....A girl was now at the shoreline along with several others watching. She stares at the spectacle for a moment before dashing under, bringing the man she was fighting with her. Nerida held onto the man's ankle and pulled him further down, leading them to a remote beach where no one would crowd.
Jake saw the Mermaid breach the water, He followed. As he breached the water He took in very deep breaths "So was your little swim fun" Jake said.
I land on the beach and gasp for air. I make time back to usual and put my bow away. I pull out a small knife and take out a small knife, which I plunge into the mermaids shoulder.
[QUOTE="Mr jake]Jake saw the Mermaid breach the water, He followed. As he breached the water He took in very deep breaths "So was your little swim fun" Jake said.

HeroPilot said:
I land on the beach and gasp for air. I make time back to usual and put my bow away. I pull out a small knife and take out a small knife, which I plunge into the mermaids shoulder.
She gasps for water as a knife was plunged through her. A huge wave arose as a distraction as she began to quickly swim away from the two men.
Jake tackle the wielder of the knife. "What do you think your doing you can't just go and stab someone ..... Then again she did try to kill you"

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