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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

"Thanks but no need most people in the torney are gona die today" As Frost begins as the first 3 rounds are no problem a quick stab to the heart with speed and accuracy in the 4th round the semi-finals he faced anot Englishmen in the Navy "Oh its a bad day to be him." Frost said to himself as he ran up with a Saber and did a front flip over his head with speed "Not fast enought" Frost said as the Navy men fell to the ground a lifeless body. He turns towards the girl he meet the pirate and nodded towards her.

"Quite impressive, i'll be waiting though please dont make me wait long." With that Kimberly turns back to her friend and smiles warmly. "I've missed you Cinder!" She shouts and hugs her. Kimberly laughs and hugs her back, "ive missed you too, Ashlyn."

Frost turned back knowing that the next person to face him will be the English King's Admiral John Franklin a magic user "When I'm finished with you your body is going to prison!!!" John yelled as the two colided with swords Frost seeing the fire bolt coming towards him moves to the left in attempt to save his arm "Just a major burn on my right arm" Frost thought to himself as he jumped and dashed toward John slicing through him with his left arm. As he got the money he left for the cafe and went to a table ordered a tea and drank as he tryed to stop the pain

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She would notice him and excuse herself from her conversations with her friend. She walks over to him. "Thats a pretty bad slice there huh?"

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"Burn also introduced me to your friend well..... I can't really move my arm man that is sad for me!" Frost did something he never did before laugh it was a kind funny laugh and as he noticed the moon he looked up and said "I'll never forget her...."

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"Who is her? If I may ask. And I can heal that if you want. This is Ashyln, ashlyn this is Frozen blade." She yawns, "so is your tournament over yet?"

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"Ya but dang basted Brit made my arm burn trying to freeze it but anyway does she know about you being you know." As he tipped his head at her friend

"If not I like to talk to you alone." Frost said looking at the girl with happy eyes.
"No she doesnt, Ash can yeah let us talk in private." "Oh sure. It was a pleasure to meet you." Ashlyn smiles to him and walks into the kitchen, closing the door behind her. "Now what did you want to talk about?"

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"Well First things first I am Starting a Pirate organization and I know that you are great known and I greatly appreciate you if you want to join it will be great well ya and before I answer who is "her" let me show you your ship" as they walked to the docks a amazing ship is docked with the name Moonlight Star on it "she's a beauty is in't she." Asked Frost showing her around her new ship.
"Dear god! How did you even find a ship like her!? Yeah I'll probably join.." She says while marveling at the ships design. "Why on earth would you get me a ship?.. It is a bit odd. Not that im really complaining or anything.." Kimberly's eyes would be a dark royal purple instead of ice blue. "Do you only want me to join this organization or is there more?"

"No nothing more and let's just say I "borrowed" it from the English King you know how I hate the British. " Frost said as he sits on the ledge "well nothing much plus I should be giving more to a lady like you." Frost looked at her white hair and got a flashback "well ya I should say who she is should I. Well when I was about 8 I went to a 5 day torney and the day before it started I meet a rich man's daughter she sat by the cliff and looked at the moon and the ocean blue and I saw her so I joined her and every day we would meet and one day she gave me this..." He brought out a moon Cresent necklace. "You sorta remind me of her and before I left one night her father found out and tried to kill me and ya I got a scar on my left arm from that I promised myself I will find her one day." Frost said looking at Kimberly's eyes and makes snow leaf and watches it float away.
"Never found out her name but she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met and I just one day had to lose it all to that dang man he locked her in her room that night and send a man after me......" another flashback Frost falling into the water. "There was a fencing torney there and I saw her with her father each day."
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"I think I knew her.. I was mistaken for her.. She always wore that necklace.. We always wrote to eachother then one day she stopped writing back.. Never visited, it was like she vanished.. I thought she might of.." She trails off. "May I see it?.."

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"Sure but she said there where two of these she hold one herself" Frost said giving her the necklace
Kimberly would twirl it around her fingers and slightly smile. "We made them together. With the help of my friend." She pulls her necklace off and it is identical except for the fact that it had a K ingraved into it. She hands it back to him. "Hope you find her again. She wrote about a boy who likes to visit her while she looked up at the moon.. I suppose that was you huh? Its a small world.." She chuckles a bit.

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"Oh it is now what might have happened to her" Frost looked at her with a new look a look of regrets

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She frowns and doesn't say anything. She looks up at the moon, "she loved the moon.. I cant live without it.. We were almost like the same person.. Mistaken for sisters more times than we could count. Her name is Celena.."

"Oh that's intresting but...." as he looked at her he saw the same person and he started to remember all the talks about everything and seen that maybe he is not so heartless "Sorry I got to go....... think." As he runs to the Clift near the sea and starts singing a song.

Kimberly would sighs and sit on the deck. Her royal purple eyes shimmering in the moonlight. What happened to you Celena?.. She thought as she yawns.
Thinking to himself "You do not like her Frost ok she to much like Celena...... but she's nice and cute she reminds me of her mabey just maybe I like her." Frost looked at the the ground created a ice sculpture of a boy and girl and the moon the boy and girl where talking to each other and he came back to the ship looked at Kimberly and said " here I made this for you." As he put the perfectly made sculpture right next to her and sat down.
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"Many thanks and yes also I think that your eyes are something my heart could never leave." "Also you got a hotel room I can get you a room" Frost said seeing the fact that she was tired
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Kimberly would smile a bit. Yeah what he said might of been a bit cheesy but it was sweet noneless.

"Nah its not necessary.. I dont really like to sleep.."


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