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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

Kimberly would jump a bit not expecting anyone was there, "oh sure I suppose so." She looks his way, "theres no need for formality's though." She says and walks over to him.

Frost looks at her and in a wondering expression he says "You know me m'lady and plus what would you like to drink maybe a moonlight touch. ...... oh god I said it shit!!!" Frost hoping she does not remember looks with regrets
Frost seeing Pride looks at them and muters a spell "Dame I can't get it on him as 6 blue crosses are on the hearts of 6 of the sins but not Pride "Frozen Cross!!!" He yells as the 6 body's fall down lifeless "Hello Pride I guess your to proud to die." Smiling at him "It's nice to meet you sir now prepare to die!"
TheSourPunchLime said:
Frost seeing Pride looks at them and muters a spell "Dame I can't get it on him as 6 blue crosses are on the hearts of 6 of the sins but not Pride "Frozen Cross!!!" He yells as the 6 body's fall down lifeless "Hello Pride I guess your to proud to die." Smiling at him "It's nice to meet you sir now prepare to die!"
(you killed the other 6?)
(My special but your to stong)

Frost looks at her and smiles "Moonlight Maiden I like to say have you have the moon crescent necklace right that should trigger the memory" as he walks toward the streets.
TheSourPunchLime said:
(My special but your to stong)
Frost looks at her and smiles "Moonlight Maiden I like to say have you have the moon crescent necklace right that should trigger the memory" as he walks toward the streets.
(But you killed the other 6?)
TheSourPunchLime said:
(No :P You didnt) the 6 smiled at the same time. Pride smiles too "Really Kim? This guy is the one you chose to protect you?" he says it with Aiden's voice
Kimberly would pull her necklace off, well how did he know that.. She looks at it and realizes that she has two of them her's and Celena's. She'd then get flashbacks of what happened last night and she sighs. Oh.. Thats what happened.. "Oh shutup I didnt ask him to protect me! Im perfectly capable of doing that myself."

@TheSourPunchLime @JPTheWarrior
"Am I or are you?" One of those sayings Frost uses as he dashes cutting a short man's head with a Saber "Never liked gluttony anyway."He said moving his blade.

@Libra259 @JPTheWarrior
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Kimberly just sighs, why woud someone attack straight on without knowing their opponents power?.. Thats asking to get killed..
Frost "Dame you just won't die will you His eyes turn white radiating emens cold "well this is fun" as he takes a gun and shots gluttony's head.
the short and fat guy opens his mouth and the shot is eaten. Pride and the guy of the same size but a bit taller draw their swords
Kimberly would sigh not wanting to get involved anymore than she was. She just starts to walk away. They will sort it out right? Well she hoped so.

"Know your serious man that's not fun is it...." as he pulls out two swords and uses ice magic to freeze them "I'm a ready let's go." He yells as ice surrounds them.
One of them jumps out of the way really fast. The fat guy eats the magic that was going to be trown at him. One of them breaks the ice easily, breaking the ice that froze the other sins "Are you going to keep doing magic or are we good?" Pride says
"Nah we good brother I just seeing how good you are see you!!!" Frost walks away and is still on alert.
"Hey Gluttony got some pounds I see." As Frost walks forward looking at them smiling like he won something.

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