Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]


Increase point-buy to 24, but add two new stats that also start at 8:

The CASTE stat is used to buy advantages based on your blood caste. This could be psychic powers, money and political pull, or a crazy-awesome lusus.

The MUTATION stat is used to buy Troll genetic mutations, such as various superpowers, physical mutations, or psychic abilities your caste isn't supposed to have.
Can we add a flaw trait? I.e. traits that run the risk of culling? Or would that be a side-effect of too high a mutation stat or too low a Caste stat? It does sort of occur to me that doing it that way does make things sort of tough to make a high-caste character, since they're supposed to have higher physical strength on average (Plus wealth/property/dangerous lusii). Then again. I guess you could swing it somehow.

EDIT: So...I'll be working on that until I go fishing this afternoon to keep my unmedicated, ADD-Fueled impatience from making me annoying to folks.

As a note, remember how there are 48 Alternian signs?

Well, guess what list also consists of 48 constellations?

Any of those seem especially apt for Iris?
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Alright, current track for leveling up:

Your Class grants you a basic Class Feature at EL1; something small, generally usable, and Title-based. General Buffs are going to become baked-in, but you can spend an Action to grant them to others; Debuffs across the board are going to become more powerful because they always require an action to grant to enemies. New General Buff or General Debuff every level divisible by 10. New Stat Point every 5 levels.

At EL5, you get your Elemental Buff and Elemental Debuff from your Aspect. Once again, Buffs are baked in, Debuffs are a little better (Title+1, probably.) Title goes up by 1 now and every 10 levels after until you hit Title 5.

At EL10, your Class grants you a Class Feature that interacts with the Buffs and Debuffs system in some way, just like now. Rebalancing coming, but it's always the equivalent of a two for the price of one.

At EL20, your Class and Aspect get put together to make a unique feature. Yes, there are 144 of them. Yes, I want to kill myself just thinking about writing them all up. I'll probably start with the combinations we have now. We'll call it a Heroic Feature, and it comes in three parts: a General Ability you can use once per Session (per-thread, in this case), a Combat Ability you can use once per Strife, and an Argument Ability you can use once per Debate. They'll be something on par with the abilities you get from your Strife Specibus and Debate Dictionique, as well as one ability that'll be general-use and thematic (think low-level D&D noncombat spells, like creating illusions or repairing objects or jumping really high).

At EL30, your Class grants you a new Feature that requires spending a Plot Point. I'm going to do a write-up in the official rules about when you can acquire a Plot Point, but they are obviously rare and tied to milestones in the adventure. As far as this game goes, consider them a once-per-thread bonus.

At EL40, your Aspect gives you an Elemental Mastery, a sub-system that your character manages for bonuses. I'm still writing these up (once again, 144 of them, bluh), but you'll like them, trust me. Currently under wraps.

At EL50, you get a bunch of Stat Points. What, you hit max level and you don't get anything? No: when you hit max level, you won't need anything. (dun dun)

Anyway. Stuff.
Thief of Words]Any of those seem [URL=" said:
especially apt[/URL] for Iris?
How about Eridanus? *insert poetic rendering of the Nile flooding and receding, changing the course of civilizations at whim, and its river mouths likened to a snapping, many-headed hydra*

Edit: @Direhuman, ooher.
@Cirno: Hm...if she were some shade of purplish, that seems fitting. Except that makes it harder to name Trollris. >.>

Hydratroll'd probably

Leshae Malapa? Ashlesha mutilated to Leshae a-la purom to porrim, Mulapin to Malapa a la others.

Either way, perhaps some sort of Sea-or-River Serpent Lusus? see? That just makes me wanna do the purpleblood thing more.

Could have her hive on a river delta and everything.


So I got bored and thought up a few different versions of her, based upon variant blood colors. She ended up being Serpentroll no matter which (so far). Both of these are definite WIP material. >.>


Title 1: ??? of ???

Fortitude 12

  • Athletics 6
  • Endurance 4
  • Berserk Anger 4

Alacrity 13

  • Dodge 5
  • Initiative 5
  • Strife (2 x Daggerkind): 6

Sagacity 11

  • Education 3
  • Gumption 5
  • Lapsed Clown Cultist 1
  • Alternian Stargazer 2

Pulchritude 11

  • Charm 4
  • Debate 5 (Unexpected Cheer)
  • Totally not a Highborn 3
  • Misdirection 3

Caste 6

  • Wealth 2
  • Chucklevoodoos 1
  • Dangerous Lusus 3

Mutation 4

  • Venom resistance 1
  • Neurotoxic Bite 2
  • Heightened Sense of Taste 1


Title 1: ??? of ???

Fortitude 10

  • Athletics 1

Alacrity 16

  • Dodge 1
  • Initiative 1

Sagacity 11

  • Education 1
  • Gumption 1

Pulchritude 11

  • Charm 1
  • Debate 1 (Unexpected Cheer)
  • Suddenly Frightening 1

Caste 4

  • Status 1
  • Wealth 1
  • Mambamom 2

Mutation 3

  • Venom resistance 1
  • Neurotoxic Bite 1
  • Enhanced Taste 1
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So, I'll be afk...a lot for the next couple of days. I spend most of tomorrow driving from the beach to my dad's, then the next day riding back to where I live (and moving).
Posting via phone. Any chance you'd want/accept/etc help on writing up some of those 144 abilities? Or just with ballparking ideas?
Can I roll Dark Demeanor in order to intimidate the enemies?

Also, nobody listened to my suggestion to increase HP as we level up, as reference to the increase in gel viscosity in the comic.
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No problem. We need to do our best to survive. Also, when I get back at home (in game), I'll send you something that should help your magic out.
Eep? I don't think Iris needs too much help with her magic. I'm more concerned over it getting too powerful too quickly, OOCly. ICly, she has this sneaking suspicion she's not supposed to take the easy (magical) way out. Mostly because her tarot cards told her so. She thinks.

EDIT: Still whatever Isaac would do is whatever Isaac would do. Also, so I finished the first draft of the Numeric side of Purpleblooded troll Iris' sheet.
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A few questions: the Caste and Mutation stats. Are they operating on the same scale as the others? If so, they're always going to be noticeably deficient in comparison to the others (or going to require notable deficiency in the others).
Sunder said:

Also: in my defense, she's just so adorable! And she obviously cares about her friends, too. Despite the whole genetic drive to be the Condesce she might or might not feel.

EDIT: By the way, want to weigh in no what caste/color you'd expect Timtroll to be, Sunder? :D

EDIT 2: EDITORIAL BOOGALOO: Oooh, I didn't realize it was a link. Stupid lack of color on links...those are neat! :) Did you make them or find them?
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I found them, I am not nearly that talented with graphic design. And I will abstain from speculation about the AU on our fan-brew game of an alt session of a video game from a webcomic ; )

Thank you for leaving the option open, though!

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