Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]

DM's apartment hunting, from what I gather. As impatient as I know I can get, I vote we give them a break.
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Dude, don't take it personally. xD I made similar proddings via pm earlier, that's how I ended up finding out about the hunting stuff. I wasn't saying that to shame ya, man. :tongue:

@Seeker of the End: Didn't mean to sound harsh, if I did. Just meant to offer an explanation for the fact that the game slowed slightly down from its previous blistering pace. xD

Oh! I have images to share! :D


It occurs to me: if the passive buffs stay similar to what they were for blood, and if the passive class features Direhuman previously discussed with me do happen, then it's going to be a really good thing that Iris is as aggressive a person as she is. Because so long as she's standing the others just. won't. die. and so long as she lands hits, she'll keep on healing passively. Which'd mean two things: smart enemies will immediately start targeting Iris on t he second or later incident of encountering the group, and second, she'll primarily be vulnerable to massive damage and deb-wait, no. Her buffs remove, if buffs are always on, then the Sylph class ability would no longer have a means to proc. Or they'd make themselves/others entirely immune to debuffs. So either useless or broken.

EDIT: Related to the troll character, I keep ending up with either Thief or Witch of either Rage or Heart. O.o Though I sort of could see her as being a bard or prince when it comes to those as well (due to how determined she is to undermine the predetermined identity and problems related to her anger she has).

Well, all four permutations on the juggaloblood (though Thief of Rage less often), perhaps because she appropriates a false identity for herself, and in doing so manipulates others' sense of her own identity. And because so much of her energy seems to be devoted to either controlling or fighting her anger problems. .-.
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Aggro is a complicated roleplaying mechanic. Translated roughly from the original Leet, it means "Healer does first."

Also, yeah, apartment hunting, in Chicago of all places, is not a hugely fun task. Think we've got it nailed down to one or two places, both unfurnished and on the third floor.

Which, you know, with my bad back, should be a blast to move into. Oh well, I'll just strongarm Dire into helping me move. :P
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You know, looking back over my thread, why do I get the feeling that as far as the Dersites are concerned this might as well be Iris' theme song:


Of course, to be fair, they're not far off from her own choice of themes:


EDIT: @Seeker of the End: I think I found a song that fits Isaac and how things've gone pretty perfectly.


Also, what do you think of this as a theme song for the Sardonic Sellsword?


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I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. I'm probably going to get killed if I go against the 6 enemies but Iris wants me to stay put.... I don't want to wait that long, so what are the in-game effects of me waiting?
Adjusted Iris' action for a sooner outcome instead of later.

EDIT: And as much as I'd love to find out, i can't afford to be late to work tomorrow, so I'm headed to bed in about 6 mins.
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I can't wait for Tim's thread to chronologically sync. Just so Ione can send beautifully huge image files of birds at Tim's poor computer.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]So excited! :D Things are moving! :D
Also, is it odd that a number of the first songs that come to mind thinking about Iris going Grimdark are all by Florence + the Machine?


*Leaves this here*

Also, I was more thinking

for SS.
Though that destroys whatever last shred of mystery still clung to the identity of your exiles.
Yep, that'd be the one. This is the other:


And then, on an entirely different note, there's this:


As for the other point, the tone of speaking mostly did it for me. Then Ione's exile asked if she knew where SS was. Those initials cemented the idea for me already. :tongue: Then mine identified himself by a moniker with those initials.

Also, here: have some

EDIT: I'm absolutely loving the interactions between Jasper and Atemsprite. When you say 10 of each type...what do you mean?
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[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]Cirno, it's Cetus, not Xitus.

I intentionally misspelled it. But that's probably too vital a clue. I'll have Ione check the spelling with Foote.
I hate timezones differences... Whenever unbridled posts, its always near 1:00 in the morning. I've gotten into the bank of waking up early but not THAT early. :(
Okay, real talk. I told Thief expressly that I wasn't going to allow self-prototyping because, while narratively interesting, it's something I'm not really sure how to deal with mechanicaly.
Oh, I hadn't realized. I was assuming I wouldn't get anything mechanically, if not because of normal system balance, because Self-prototyping is against Sburb's directives, even though it is technically valid, so Tim would be pretty chagrined and would refrain from using anything extra. I am happy with keeping all of the same vitals, since that was what I assumed would happen anyway, if you're ok with that too? If not I can absolutely edit it, that wasn't something I was attached to, just an idea that occurred to me earlier.

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