Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]

D: Noo! Speculate! Pleeeeaaase? :3

If I had sufficient grasp of the system, I'd offer to run it.

Well, and if I had half UO's talent for running it and lands-and-such. xD

EDIT: On another vein of fruitless speculation, am I the only one who could picture Iris' consorts singing something

in happier days? I do hear them as chipmunk versions of that cast, at times.
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I'm totally down to speculate on classpects of our characters, and I am amused watching the speculation about troll versions, but am not really inclined to contribute there.
Sadface. But the classpect speculation is over! They've been pretty much confirmed. I had to find something new to speculate about. <.< >.>
Knowing which class and aspect you have is hardly the end of speculation! That's where it really begins, because so much is possible with each combination, and figuring out what the role would be in the individual's journey of personal growth, as well as how it would contribute to the team's overall progress.
It would be, if there was sufficient information on either for Iris to go beyond a certain point with either her Aspect or Class.

For the others...well, really depends upon which one we're talking about.

EDIT: If you want subtle, go talk to Jasper. Iris doesn't do subtle. She does cheery, concerned, angry, or spunky.

Think of her as a weird freak admixture of Jade, Feferi, Vriska, and Aranea, with dashes of Porrim and Jake.
I didn't mean IC for either part, actually. I mean OOC speculation about the combinations we've been dealt, as well as, how subtle you are in reminding me of my dereliction of duty.
That wasn't meant to remind you of dereliction. xD

That was an IC addendum, tied to the earlier bit where Iris isn't actually sure Tim's alive. Nobody really told her if he is or isn't. And she doesn't remember who specifically ended up his host player. And there's been a lot so far in the game to remind her of mortality. Like being told she'd have to kill Stheno, die, or doom the group. Like drawing the Tower on EVERY HAND so far. Like drawing the Tower and Death on the same spread.

Like watching a bunch of cute little skinks die and being helpless to stop it.
Ouch. Honestly, I haven't been keeping track of other people's threads, though, I am going to read them. Just, posting is higher priority, and you've already seen how active I am there. That said, I posted, and if someone could take a peak to make sure I'm not making terrible mistakes, that would be appreciated.
Breaking my own rule on doubleposting to add, Tower sucks a lot, but Death is hardly bad, and Tower+Death could be seen most closely as describing Sburb itself. An apocalypse which brings about new beginnings in an eternal cycle.
Yeah, but Tower and the Devil keep coming up in tandem. Similarly, while Death doesn't usually mean literal death, she's just been told that one outcome of her quest is failure for all on the one hand or possible death on the other.
Of course, out of character you know death is not the end, and if she knows tarot, she should realize that her death too is not just part of a cosmic cycle (the game itself) but should get clued into that she would rise again after it, particularly, with her theory that the game tailors itself to the players. So she should expect it to be speaking in her imagery, where Death has more phoenix connotations than tombstone connotations. In AT LEAST this context, yes, it means literal death, but even when it is metaphorical, it uses the metaphor of death and more importantly, the cycle of life.

Additionally, the Tower and Devil are both negative cards, but two negatives makes a positive, in math at least! More seriously, it could simply be another way to say that "if you are held back by yourself, it will lead to calamity" in the sense that obviously, choosing failure for all is a form of materialism, as it places one's physical well-being over over more spiritual and cosmic matters. It would also mean your own personal failure to grow, as a footnote in "universal failure." In the other direction, it could be the destruction of the bonds holding you back.

I've spent roughly five minutes trying to find a way to express that tarot and other spiritual/mystic things are a thing am very interested in IRL but do not take seriously without it sounding like "i'm a subject on this expert" and that right there is the best I can do. I don't have any form of certification but I read a lot about this in particular, so while you may know more about this than I, I hope that you at least take what I'm saying seriously.

Also, jesus, lighten up, even when kids in Homestuck

try to kill themselves, as with the handmaid in Doc Scratch's care
it is presented in a humorous fashion. I understand she has a lot of terrible things to deal with, but keeping to the tone and having the trappings of a lighthearted tale doesn't diminish the tragedy, it just makes it more palatable. Disclaimer, I haven't read your thread, but here at least you make it sound VERY GRIM.
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Oh heck no, I doubt I know more about this than you. I know little smatterings and bits I've picked up over the years from various sources and curiosities. AND FIX YOUR SPOILERS! Not everyone in this thread has read the comic. So fix 'em or delete 'em, but don't just leave 'em. I'm trying to hold off on double-posting for your sake, so you can avoid posting spoilers for mine.

EDIT: Oooog. Too many cute ask-a-troll blogs. @.@ Cuteness overload!
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It's possible to boost health with a +Fortitude item isn't it? I'm thinking of having Ione go for more defence with +Dodge.

Edit: I like how the numbers are relatively small. Nice for dramatic pacing and figuring out fight/flight responses. If we meet up by the time the bigger monsters show up, maybe we don't need that much extra health? +50 seems like a lot.
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So excited! :D Things are moving! :D

Also, is it odd that a number of the first songs that come to mind thinking about Iris going Grimdark are all by Florence + the Machine?
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Unless he's updated today, caught up.

EDIT: Yup. Caught up. Read most of it at least twice, barring a few scenes. Some more times. read Problem Sleuth about 1.5 times.

Later EDIT: i'm going to try (who knows if I'll be successful) not logging onto this forum but once or twice every few days so as to avoid my ooc personality having too much influence over Iris' IC personality.
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Barely started. As in, only just got up to the dj kid's first strip about him. I kind of want to discover more via playing the game than reading the comic

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