Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]

Actually, that's what I was going for with the FLRNTNKIND thing. Florentining is using two full-length swords to fight. Figured I'd give you a new abstratus so you can still revert to one if need be.
So what so my buffs do? It seems to be very underwhelming in my opinion. Initiative seems to only lets me go first in combat (which I already do).
It might be possible to do it sooner through other means, but by EL 30, you can apply any buff to all players in the scene for 5 rounds (using up a plot point).

Also, thanks Unbridled Originality, for accommodating our dice rolls and still letting us gain grist, ehe!
I'll just leave this here: [media]

Also, Seeker? There are things out there with bigger bonuses to initiative than the listed NPCs/Underlings.
Update Time!

Our currently confirmed roles are:

Iris: Sylph of Blood

Ron: Prince of Space

Isaac: Seer of Time

Ione: Maid of Light

Unconfirmed roles:

Jasper: Thief of ???

Tim: Knight of ???
So wait, what are Iris' consorts? You said lizards at first, then amphibians. But Isaac already has salamanders, so out of the types of amphibians that leaves frogs (not gonna be that for obvious reasons) and newts. Unless you account for prehistoric sorts of amphibian, that is.

EDIT: I take it people not believing her is gonna be a thing for Iris, isn't it? xD
Remember: dreamselves operate off of dream logic up until they're (hiding this for spoilers):

Used as an extra life.

To quote the wiki:

Since a dream self serves as a person's avatar during their sleep, their mind seems similarly hazy to that of a sleeping person. Consequently, they act similar to "normal" sleeping people: free-spirited, absent-minded, immune to second thoughts, forgetful, and somewhat irrational. This is why the first thing Dream Rose and Dream Dave do when meeting face to face is have a dance party and why Jade's tender ministrations left Dave with a brainless feathery asshole as his Kernelsprite.
I should have just kept my mouth shut... Even in games I go fucking everything up. Typical me I suppose. I didn't even know the crowd was there, nor that they could hear me. I should have been more discreet. Now Prospit is completely demoralized and they will lose the war before we even get there.

If I can't keep my mouth shut, how the hell am I supposed to function as the Seer of Time?
Dude, it's going to be okay. Remember, the players are like mythological figures on their respective planets, so to see one, and then hear them say that they're losing the war, is kind of jarring.

You didn't screw anything up, it's alright. Remember, Prospit is fated to lose, no matter what. Prospit loses, the players defeat the Black king, and the survivng carapaces are sent into exile.
I was just repeating what they were acting and from what I observed. I thought they knew they were already losing because of the reaction from one of the prospitians "Does that mean we can win now?"

Otherwise that would have been metagaming.
Oh well I guess... Sorry for screwing things up, other people Prospit people. Going to community service for a couple of hours, be right back later.
Also, heading home from work. I'll be on a little later.

EDIT: Seeker, seriously, don't worry about it. You're fine, and you did not screw anything up.
Why do I get the feeling her skinks may or may not be from genus Prasinohaema?

The toxic blood and tissue bit sorta fits the theme...and so does the green war-paint + blood themery part.

Oh every time I picture a consort, I'm gonna see something like this but grey-scaled/skinned.
Well...I dunno. It's also sort of tempting to see them as looking like this:

Since it is mostly grey...and that crest is distinctive.

Alternately, these guys fit the claim of amphibiousness, being the Gray's Water Skink:


EDIT: But the first one is so adorable that I admit to leaning that way. Change the yellow bits to Iris' posting color...and that fits the mental image I now have of her Consorts. xD
Ooh...these might be a neat choice for Ione:



They're called Sungazers. Well, also Giant Girdled Lizards but Sungazers is so much cooler a name.

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