Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]

[QUOTE="Thief of Words]*nod* Don't stress on our account. Speaking for myself, I think you're doing a great job as a DM. :D *offers hugs*

Seconding that motion. And notion.
Hee. Seems this is what server players and sprites and conveniently placed statues are for.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Are we going to see any sort of appearance from the canon homestuck characters? Or are we keeping this session completely separate?

By the sound of it, Ron's about as canonical as we're going to get.
So are we able to expand our inventory with the captchalogue cards like John did? And are we able to copy our items (especially those ones with ranks)
In answer to the first question, I got a solid "We'll see." To the second, yes. Each item has a code and a cost. Pay the grist cost to alchemize an item and you can copy it.
With that Royalty +1, it's almost like I rolled a 2 instead!


(also, I'm doing this from my phone, so I'll correct the colors when I get home)
Oh crud, forgot that we're supposed to be play-testing, not just playing!

Direhuman, the system is great although I have a couple of things that I want to discuss/ want to talk about. The alchemy system is solid, but I have some issues with it. Since ranks are cumulative, we are forced to fuse things in our ranked sylladex items in order to get anything that works. I would suggest having two rank 0 items (aka the random stuff we find around our house) create a rank one item with a 10 grist cost.

Also, what are you doing about gel-viscosity? It's like a health boost in the comics in gaming terms, so shouldn't we get a boost (1-2 points) per ladder rung we climb? I would also like solid information about the grist cache, since we're using it to keep track of our money. In my situation, I would not nearly have enough room for everything and wild like to know how much I can actually hold on to.

Thanks for making the system!
Hrm. If by fuse you mean you'd lose the original ranking item(s), that's avoidable by punching the number on the back of a captchaloged item to an empty captchalogue card.
IG, I think I'll have Ione ask at some point if it's necessary to play the game. Or maybe question what else a game that saved them from armageddon can do.

OOCly, checking up on online comics.
Bluh, sorry I'm taking so long to respond. I have been kind of in a funk, and then I was away from my computer all weekend. I'm still sort of down, but I will try to hash out posts ASAP.
100% with Cirno on this one. As much fun as I'm having in the game, it's not worth you beating yourself up over it if things slow down a bit.

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