Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Aida's facial contents did not change ever so slightly. "You're also full of opinions that you try to make out to be facts. I do not speak for whatever his past contains and will not try to believe in anything on how it goes. Some humans have the ability to believe whomever woos them more and I can respect that you're smart enough to know the case here. But I'm not even speaking on that. Here you go on, speaking on terms nobody. You could do a favor and speak words on your own opinions instead of playing god and acting like you know the minds of everyone around you. I can say that your statements are false because I am factual evidence enough for caring. And nothing is something else that lessens your vocabular knowledge. To be nothing on a person's term would be a person with no importance or concern. But then take in the word concern. You sure are concerning yourself a lot on the presence of Sai being here. So your argument there is also invalid.

"Another thing, so I don't have to pick on every little false word that escaped your mouth. whores.. by no means do you know if I make any sort of living off of such relations. And neither would I dress like one. Looking at my clothing carefully would you realize I've modestly dressed in covering up the essentials and not trying to show off. Unless you had a collarbone fetish then by no means should my attire excite you. As well as how my dress is made: to look cute and more or less of innocence- hence the color white. Your vocabulary is rather limited, I see." Aida turned to look up at Sai, whom had been ready to go quite some time ago.

Sai couldn't help but smile slightly, pulling his hand back and looking at Aiku. "Move, Aiku."

Aiku face had gone red, but he stepped out of the doorway and allowed them to pass.

Sai walked by him, not even looking at him. Aida had stepped up for him. Maybe it was just to be kind, but he still felt good. He hoisted the box onto his shoulder, and when they were a safe distance from the house, he started to laugh.
Aida had followed Sai out of the house, as Aiku had no care to argue apparently. Or rather- he realized who was more ignorant of the two. And so, having no more of a reason to stay had she followed Sai. Soon after creating a distance from the house had Sai began to laugh suddenly. Aida tilted her head slightly in wonder on why he was laughing but it was a nice relief he was laughing and not bothered by his brother's petty words.

Sai rustled Aida's hair again. "You, my fair lady, have just verbally lashed the one person who no one has ever stood up to in the history of ever. He can be a nice guy, but he's a downright asshole, too. He looked so angry at you." Sai doubled-over, laughing hysterically. "He looked like he had just been embarrassed in front of all his friends at school. Wow! I really should treat you to dinner sometime, to celebrate our success at showing my brother who is boss." He rustled her hair again, and kept walking, not being able to stop chuckling.
(sorry. Something happened irl. It's all good.)

Aida, surprised like last time by that gesture, had her hands to her head- dumbfounded by the rustling of her hair. She looked over at Sai dubiously, and breathed. "Well...I was just making points that he should've been aware about. Plus he was treating you unkindly." she said with that same gentle tone of hers. She followed from behind him and watched at how so easily amused he was by all of this. "We don't need to celebrate but..I've never had dinner outside of my home before." she said this with obvious curiosity.

(It's fine. Don't worry about it.)

Sai faltered slightly. "Never? Not once? Man, and you try to be the ideal woman." He laughs and thinks. "I don't know many places to go for food around her, but maybe there is some at that mall I heard about. It's close to here, kinda. Just a train ride away." He noticed that she put her hands on her head, and tilted his head. "What's wrong?"
Aida didn't catch that he was concerned over where she settled her hands at and she looked up over at Sai with that same curious look. "A train? A mall? We get to go there too?" she asked in complete awe. Did you really have to do all that to reach a food destination? Well that didn't matter at all to Aida. In fact, it sounded kind of like a complete adventure.

Sai nodded, amused by Aida's display of awe at all of this. "Yeah. We can go whenever you want. But I'll have to drop this stuff off at my room in the dorm first. I don't want to be carrying it all around with me today." His mind went back to the papers in his suitcase. What were they? Maybe they had to do with the Shades and Tartarus, so he could share it with the S.E.E.S. It would help them immensely. And he also had the 50,000 yen in there, too, which should definitely be enough to go out for a bite to eat. He smiled. "I've actually never been on a train myself, so it's a new experience for both of us."
Aida nodded respectively. "We'll go whenever you wish." and with that she offered a light thumbs up- completely excited by all that was happening. "And we'll enjoy our first train ride together!" she was still quiet when excited but her voice had a very pleased tone with it and she sounded childlike by how giddy (her version of giddy wasn't the most active- but at least she wasn't so stiff now) she could get by talking about merely a train-ride.

Sai laughed and returned the thumbs up. "It's gonna be fun. I can tell!" He laughs as they arrive back at the dorm. He perks up. "Shit, we still have to stop by the store." He thinks. "Well, we can go to the mall now, ride the train, get some food at the mall, buy what I need, and then make it back before it gets too dark out." He turned back to Aida. "Whaddya' say?"
Aida's smile was genuine and excited. "That's sounds like a plan to me. Lets!" she exclaimed with a delightful nod. To anybody else, it was just an eventful day but this may very well be the most exciting day of Aida's life (also considering it was technically that same day that the shadow stuff happened). Speaking of that, she'd have to find an opportunity of figuring out last nights events and whether or not it truly even happened. So that was the plan...find a way to ask around it without sounding like a freak if it very well didn't happen.

"Alright. Let me go drop off my stuff and grab some money. You do what you do until I get back." Sai rushes upstairs and into his room, not paying attention to anyone else as he runs into his room and closes the door. He places the box at the foot of his bed and puts the suitcase on his bed. He opens it up and looks at the contents again. If anyone finds the suitcase and what is inside of it, then he could get in trouble. Why would they let him keep a pistol in his room? They wouldn't. He grabbed 8,000 yen, putting it all in his pocket and shutting the suitcase again, putting it up on the top of his bookshelf. A paper drifts down from the suitcase, and he goes to pick it up, until he sees what's on it. It's a diagram of the same Shadow that had attacked them last night. It had labels next to it, explaining it's weaknesses, strengths, nullification, and all other sorts of information. He folds it up and tucks it into the pocket opposite of the yen. He'll have to speak with Toru later about it.
Aida did her usual, being the predictable young girl she was. She obediently stood there, much like a dog and waited patiently on Sai. That same stiff and silent matter of miming a statue in action. As sh waited she thought of all the stuff she's heard about malls and trains, and even went over the proper etiquette for fine dining. She had this in the bag!

Sai walks back down the stairs, smiling. He had changed into a clean T-shirt and jeans as a last-decision. He had still been wearing the clothes from last-night, so he ditched his sweatshirt to wash later on. He walked up to Aida and smiled. "You ready?" He couldn't hide his excitement. He always wanted to go on a train, no matter how far. He liked fast. He was also excited about the mall. He had never been to one of them, which he knew most people would find strange. He just never had the patience for all the people there. But Aida had stood up for him against Aiku, so he was in her debt. He kept bouncing on his heels and toes.
Aida, whom was also just as giddy to get a taste of this excitement of going to and exploring new places, nodded in delightful agreement. "Yes~!" she exclaimed as she turned around with her heel and headed out of the dorm. She waited for him and allowed him to lead the way since well..he hand't a clue where anything really even was.
Sai pulls out a map that he had grabbed from home. He kneels down and looks it over. He determines where the train station is and folds the map back up. "Onward to adventure!" Sai holds his arm out for Aida, trying to act gentlemanly, and inwardly retches at himself for trying. He, trying to be fancy, with a skeleton T-shirt and black jeans. He would have to make it up by running a couple miles tonight.
Cyrus had finished his Cereal and began to wash the dish, it didn't take long so when he was finished he made his way into the lobby, and sat on the couch. Cyrus already knew how the day was going to work out. he was going to spend it alone wait for tartarus then school, it didn't really bug him though. Being a Weapon sort-of sent everyone away from him, and It left Cyrus in a good position. He had no social skills and the only thing he can remember is how to incinerate shadows off the face of the earth. But then again sometimes it hurt him in reality he was a nice guy just never given the chance. A normal day for Cyrus is a day best spent alone.
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"yes!" Aida exclaims happily as she makes her way forward and begins to walk with Sai towards the train station. Hell, just walking towards their destination was a blast. She saw all kinds of stores and different houses all in person. So sue her, she could die from happiness right there and now..ok for Aida that was an exaggeration she should never think. And she scolded herself for even daring to think of such. But..oh well, what could you do?
Sai kept smiling the entire walk to the train station, occasionally skipping for a short time. He had always looked forward to the day that he would be able to break out of the leash his mother held so tight to, and leave his family behind. He felt...good. He felt the yen in his pocket jumble around, so he stuck his hand in his pocket to stop the noise. Aida seemed happy as well. Very faintly, he thought she had a slight bounce to her step than before. "She must not do this often..." As he thought this, he felt something odd. He stopped and turned around, catching a glimpse of black before it disappeared into a nearby store. He watched it go, curious on what it was. A Shade? Can't be. Too risky during the day. But, Sai still worried about it...
____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide walked along the sidewalk, watching everything that passed her. Her mind raced about last night. There was so much that happened, so much that she should have done, and so much that she could have prevented. The paper bags hanging for her shoulders rustled as wind gently blew against them. She made about three stops since that morning. The first was to a medical supply store to restore the supplies from the injuries of the night before. The second was a supermarket where she bought general groceries for the number of people within the dorm increased and probably were low anyway. The third was the popular Octopia where she picked up enough takoyaki to feed the entire dorm. This was moments before she found her way back to the street of the dormitory. I hope they would enjoy this.. Her feelings of guilt were eating at her incessantly. As a supporter, her job is to keep the other members safe yet she couldn't even do that. She let the stranger stay and in the end hurt the others. Entering the dorm, she immediately went to the second floor and entered the kitchen where she put away the groceries and medicine. She picked up the plates of takoyaki and set it out across the table. Each plate on the rims read "Everyone Enjoy". With a run of her fingers through her hair, she sighed and turned away.

[ Sorry about being late. Something was going on irl. ]

Aida was quick to notice Sai's sudden off tone and she stopped for him and looked at him with a tilt of head. "Everything ok..?" she asked softly, bottom lip perched atop her top lip as she showed faint concern. Perhaps he had suddenly thought of something and she had an odd feeling in her stomach that maybe he had forgotten something and they wouldn't be able to ride the train. But those were such selfish thoughts, and Aida was quick to shoo them away.

He shook his head. "No, I just feel like someone..." He faltered and tilted his head. What did he feel like? He couldn't remember. But he felt like something was missing in his mind. What was it? He looked back at Aida and remembered what they were doing. He smiled. "Why are we stopped? Let's get on the train!" Sai rustles Aida's hair, then walks into the train station.
Aida paused for a moment once again, as her hands meet her head and she blinks - confused. That gesture..she was going to have to ask Oakley about it later. Hands still on head, she walked over stiffly into the train station and looked around incredulously. She looked as if the sight was blowing her mind by the way her hands were set upon her head and the like. "So this is the train station..." she mumbled in awe.

Sai walks back to her with tickets in his hand. He hands one to her. "Here you go, Aida. Isn't this place cool?! I can't wait to get on the train!" He smiles, then notices her hands on her head again. Why did she do that? "Umm...Aida. Question. What are you doing with your hands on your head like that? You look funny." Sai laughs and lays the ticket on her hand on her head.
Aida took the ticket in her hand and stood there frozen for a moment before finally redrawing her hands back to her sides. She breathes and gives a frustrated face towards Sai. Why was he asking her why she did that? Why did he do those gesture with her hair. She didn't reply as she gave a little confused pout as she stared up at him.


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