Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

"Help?" she wondered out loud. She would've considered helping out with the cooking but Aida probably knew less than him, if she even knew anything..shameful as it may very well be. And her parents were supposed to raise her to be the ideal woman too..well what a shame on that end. So she walked over to a nearby seat and took her place in one, relieved to rest on how weary she had. She thought for a moment, again, before continuing onto whatever it was Sai had said earlier. At least, she could hope his name was really Sai and not a name her dream just made up for a face. "I'll help you with whatever you may need help with." she replied thoughtfully, as maybe this could be an opportunity to decipher dream vs. reality.

Sai smiled. "Awesome! Thanks, Aida. Here ya go." He put down a plate of scrambled eggs and a hash brown in front of her, looking sadly at his poor excuse of a breakfast. "I never really could cook for myself. My brother loves to though. He's a master at making food." Sai sits down at the table with Aida. "I guess you could call him "a hero of the kitchen"." Sai laughs.

Aida looked over at Sai, eyes twinkling in the whole response to the hero talk. Not only that, but it seemed to encourage her more on thinking that what happened wasn't a dream.

Realizing how rude it was to stare as she did, she focused her attention on the food and smiled at it.
"It looks good though. Thank you." she said before taking in a mouth full (mind you, it wasn't much considering how small of a mouth she had). Taking in the much needed energy, she let out a noise of satisfaction. After chewing respectively and swallowing she offered a genuine and warm smile towards Sai. "Thank you. It really is good." she said before returning back to said food.

Sai smiled. "It is? Well, glad you like it." He watches her for a bit more, then proceeds to stand up. "Okay, let me go grab my sweatshirt, then I'll meet you down in the lobby, okay?" She looked really frail, so he wasn't going to push her. Taking another look over her, he actually noticed how skinny and fragile she looked. He hoped she wouldn't have to fight with them in Tartarus, because he would have to keep an eye on her at all times to make sure she wasn't in trouble.
Aida nodded. But then she wondered if she even had to change her clothes. Deciding on not to ask, she continued to eat her breakfast, a bit too hungry than she was oddly used to. After finishing it, she quietly stood up and rinsed her dishes, setting them aside with the other pile. She wondered on who did the housework here and if they would allow her to, she would gladly help out. That decided and help in mind, she turned around waited patiently on Sai, stiff like she normally was.
Sai ran upstairs and into his room, grabbing his sweatshirt from where he had left it on the floor. He ran back downstairs and to where Aida was standing. "Why are you standing so stiffly? Relax a little." He smiled and stretched. His previous run from earlier had given him a little bit of an idea of the layout of the area, which would help him immensely if the dorm was attacked again. It also helped him relax, which was nice for a change. "You ready to go?" He bounced on his toes.
Aida's eyes widened as he asked if she was ready to go? go? Go where? But needless to say, it piqued Aida's curiosity. This was something pleasantly new for her and she decided to give it a go. She quickly ran out of the kitchen and tried to quickly run up the stairs but how that so easily tired her out. So as she struggled to make it into her room she fumbled around with clothes and picked out a cute little white dress. Formal? Well yes but dresses were all her parents really had for her to wear. 'It's proper and becoming on a young lady' they would say with the most etiquette of smiles. And so she threw that on and slipped on some well..slippers. Thinking this was enough, and too excited to care for the rest she stumbled back down the stairs once again, caught her breath and gave a silent thumbs up wearily towards Sai.

Sai laughed. "Cute dress. Lets see if we can get to where we need to go without you passing out from exhaustion, if we can." He started to walk towards the front door of the lobby, and held it open for her, bowing. "After you." He still worried about her. She seemed so tired from just goig upstairs. He didn't want to overwork her, so he decided he would keep an eye on her, make sure she wasn't too tired or close to passing out. Wouldn't help him if she was knocked out.

Aida nodded her thanks, used to the talk from parentals on how 'Men are supposed to do this and that' from home. She exited the dorm, supposing she actually could and waited on Sai. "May I ask for an explanation on what we are doing, so I have an idea in mind?" she asked respectively as she looked at Sai in the eye. By now she had regained her breath as she walked a normal distance.

(short post...forgive me)

(Don't worry about it. It's fine.)

Sai fell in step beside Aida, giving them both a respectable distance between each other. "
I need to stop by my house to grab a few thing, like money, clothes, and personal stuff, then stop by the store for a few things as well. I asked you to come along because I need a bit of help with going to the store." He put his hands in his pockets, and glanced over at Aida when he talked, but didn't want to be rude and let it linger. He needed to change his attitude, get Ayomide and Kaede to trust him more. He would have to be working together with them tonight, if they were going to Tartarus. He winced slightly at the pain in his ribs again. He needed his meds, and soon. "Just hope you're okay with me dragging you along with me. I wasn't sure if you had plans with any of the other teens at the dorm."

Aida thought for a moment, and was silent as usual before her given reply. "No it's fine.." she thought as she began to think over images. "I've never been to a store before..or anther person's house so I'm sure it's enjoyable." she offered a light smile and shook her head towards his other words. "I had no plans, so no worries. I'm not sure I even really know the others well enough yet." she said, while keeping the honesty clear. She wasn't sure because she still had no idea whether last night was a dream but even so, that still only made Sai and Ayomide the only ones she felt any source of comfort from.

That went well. He thought angrily to himself watching Kaede walk off. First genuine interest to be social with somebody in a while and the newbie ruins it. He gave a dirty look ready to scold him for it but the arrival of Aida made him relent not wanting to cause a scene.

His own wounds from last night began to flare up forcing him to get another dose of painkiller from the medical cupboard. He took several more doses incase he needed them later and left towards his room. He meet Kaede again halfway up the stairs, she looked like she was about to leave.

"Hey, sorry about earlier."He said to her."I just wanted to check if you were recovering from yesterday."
Sai nodded. "Awesome. And don't worry. I believe my mom is probably out looking for a job, so she dropped him off somewhere so he is looked after until she's done." He keeps walking, trying to keep his strides to a minimum to stay next to Aida. He hoped his brother wasn't there, because if he was, then he would ask questions, and Sai didn't want to deal with that right now. He looked back at Aida. "So, do you have any siblings?"
Ai shook her head. "No, I'm an only child. It was all planned actually. To have me and just raise me on an ideal woman. This enrollment to the school is me having a taste of reality so I can learn to socialize properly and the like." she said this all a bit too seriously and even nonchalantly, as if it was normal and didn't bug her at all. Not in the slightest.
Sai thought about what Aida said. And ideal woman? That seemed odd. "Sorry, but that just seems strange to me. Why would they plan something like that?" They turned the corner and Sai saw his house down at the end of the street. He wondered if the doorknob was still ripped off from last night. He also wondered if his mom threw away all his stuff because he wasn't allowed back.
"Well..for success. Being daughter of wealth and high name, I must play out the ideal woman they want me as. Etiquette, looking as flawless as I can look naturally, being gifted in academics and the arts. And being able to mingle well. Even my parents were natural selection of the the right genes before conceiving me." she said in that same nonchalance. It did pity her internally with irony though. This natural selection didn't work as well as they wanted it to be, as she always knew her parents were displeased with her weak physical state.

Sai shook his head astounded. "Sorry, I just find that stupid. Why do you have to be the model woman? You're still a human being like the rest of us. Well, most of us. You shouldn't be something forced upon you. Just do whatever you want to do, and handle the consequences however you want. You can't be perfect, so just be you." He shrugs as they walk up and turn towards the door to his house. "Maybe one day you'll find a hero for yourself who doesn't care about any of that rich and high name stuff, or for how you act around others, or for how you sit, stand, eat, sleep. Just for you as yourself." That sounded like the right thing to say. They reached the front door and Sai held it open for Aida.

Aida was thoroughly confused by Sai's words. He sounded a little like Oakley with this as Oakley sometimes would say something about how he didn't like this whole ordeal and lifestyle that Aida had to live through. But he never pressed deep into it supposedly on how body guards weren't allowed to speak their personal opinions. But Aida was raised to never snitch as well. Aida didn't understand it though. All this time had her parents raised her like this for the better of her and for the better of the family name. How they would always tell her so many children never reverie the proper discipline any longer and stray from the wrong paths and becoming failures as they grow. The told her how this generation was becoming nothing but a disgrace and that all they ever did whilst raising Aida was reassure her what other parents didn't care to try for their own children.

So with this in mind, Aida didn't understand what Sai didn't like about it. She never said she wasn't human and she did what she wanted..


Aida honestly, as she thought on that, began to think about what she wanted. But never could she think on an answer that couldr really come straight from liberty of her own mind. Or was there? No, Sai was just trying to make her think too hard on this. He didn't understand because possible he wasn't modeled out like her family cared enough to do. So she kept silent to it and she focused her attention on the home when they entered it.

"It looks cozy." she said thoughtfully, still in that stiff bodied manner of hers.

Sai scowled as he looked around. Boxes still filled the living room, so he walked over and started to sift through all of them, looking for the one that had his name written on it. What Aida had said was starting to bother him. He hated the way people with money and a honorable name acted. He had met some before the incident with his dad. They all acted like they were more important than him. But was that just the part of him that was a Shade that made him feel bitter towards them? Aida was raised by a family that gave her probably anything she wanted, but in exchange, her own freedom and liberty was stripped from her. He finally found his box, then tore it open to see if his mom had touched anything. He reached his hand down and wrapped it around two metal objects. He sighed with relief. He closed the box and lifted it up with one hand, turning towards Aida. "Alright. I have my stuff. Let me grab some money, and then we can be on our way." He made his way upstairs, checking each room to see which was his mom's. He found it and dropped his box on her bed, looking around for her suitcase that held most of his collected money.
Aida didn't bother to follow him upstairs as she wasn't sure if she was even granted enough permission to even do so. So she stood down stairs and waited on him, thinking up on what he had said. She desperately was trying to find the problem in it all but..she just didn't understand what kinds of problems Sai could possible be getting so worked up about anyways.

Sai reached under the bed and found the handle for the suitcase, pulling it out. He sat there for a moment, wondering how much he had actually saved up. His mom put Aiku's money in bag, because he only made a bit of cash. But Sai worked hard to earn his, and he knew he made a lot. His chest tightened in anticipation, and he slowly unhooked the suitcase. He closed his eyes, and opened it. When he opened his eyes, he stared at it in amazement. The contents of the suitcase was split in two. On one side, there were a few piles of papers, where he vaguely saw his father's name on them. The other side, though, was what shocked him. There was what he estimated to be 50,000 yen, doing the quick math in his head, and one of the gun-looking things the S.E.E.S used to fight the Shadows, except it was shaped a little differently, with a larger barrel and a grip that led back and wrapped around the wrist. There was also a pistol next to it, with a small case of bullets to go with it. "Why did my Mom and Dad have this stuff? I know Dad fought Shadows and all, but I saw Mom look in here all the time." He kept wondering about this when he heard a car pull up outside of the house. He swore and ran over to the window. He saw his brother get out of the car, and his mom in the driver's seat. Aiku was almost the spitting image of what Sai looked like when he was younger, except he had darker hair and was shorter. He quickly closed the suitcase. "I'll worry about this later. Gotta go..." He suddenly remembered Aida downstairs. His mom had pulled away, but Aiku was walking towards the house. They weren't going to get out before he got here.

This was going to be fun.
Aida continued to wonder about liberty and the matters until she heard something from outside. Like a car pulling up and a door shutting. Curiously, she faced way of the door and waited. Perhaps somebody was here? She should tell Sai then. But she didn't know for sure. Not really sure what to go with she just continued to stand stiff and still, as never being in another's house before already put some type of overwhelming weight on her with what she could and couldn't do.

Sai more or less jumped down the stairs, suitcase in one hand and box in the other. He reached Aida just as Aiku walked through the door. There was tense silence for a few moments, before Aiku looked at Sai, suspicion in his eyes. "What are you doing here, Sai? You shouldn't..."

I was taking what belongs to me, Aiku. My suitcase and my box." Sai holds them both up, keeping his eyes on his brother.

Aiku looks at the Aida. "Who's that, your girlfriend?" He puts down the bag he was carrying, and leans against the wall.

Sai shrugs. "
What does it matter to you? Mom kicked me out, so I can be me if I want." He had stepped protectively on front of Aida now. "Just let us go now without me having to hurt you, little bro."

Aiku glares at him. "I don't know. Isn't this illegal? You breaking and entering into our house?"

I didn't break a damn thing. Let us go, Aiku."

They stand there silently, glaring at each other. Sai wanted to get out of there with as little conflict with Aiku as he wanted. Even though Sai was older, Aiku had the upper hand with him being on the wrestling team.

Aida watched them with a faint of worry in her eyes. By the looks of it they seemed to be siblings and it worried her what was going on here. Clearly something she had no idea or no business of knowing had happened before all of this. And perhaps that was now why Sai wounded up at the academy.

"Pardon me but these are all merely presumptions on my behalf and...from what I was told, this is Sai's home. And I believe you being here sir further supports that cause due to the relevance in genes. So I could only guess that you're siblings." she started, already using the knowledge she could to help Sai. Aida was never timid or shy but just merely respectful and she tried to support her cause however much she could without coming off as completely disrespectful. "I'm going off on a whim here to guess that Sai is under the age of 18 and if so, then he can not be kicked out yet. At the age of 17, he is allowed to leave whenever he wants and authorities can not get a hold of him. However, if he ever was to go back home- as long as he is under the age of 18, by law he has to. So technically this would still be his home. As well as the matter that this meant he's not breaking and entering if indeed it is his home." All she said was out of term and none of her concern but she wanted to help Sai in any form of fashion she could and so she gave it her all.

All the color drained from Sai's face. Aiku's face went blank. "Aida..."

"Sai's gonna be 18 in one week, so if my mom wants to give him his birthday present early, then let her. She was gonna get rid of him anyways. No one care's about him. He's an idiot who can barely support himself in any way possible, feeding of kindness from people who care about him." Aiku turned his head to Sai. "If I was allowed to, Sai, I would kill you on the spot. I know what you did to Dad. You killed him. Mom told me." You pointed his finger at Sai. "The police have no evidence, but we know. You're a disaster. Nobody cares about you anymore, Sai. You're nothing. Now." Aiku stepped out of the doorway. "You and that stupid whore friend of yours get out of this damn house."

Sai looked at his brother. "
Aida...Let's go..." Sai kept his eyes on Aiku, but also used his peripheral vision to watch Aida. "And you better take back what you said. Unlike you, Aida has respect. You only care about yourself. You don't give a shit about dad. You just wanted the money in his will." Sai held his hand out to Aida. He thought that doing this was unnecessary, but he didn't want to walk out of the house and realize Aiku had pinned Aida there. He turned his head to Aida, hoping that she would understand his actions.

"Just get out Sai. And watch your back. Someone may just be there ready to bury a knife in your back."

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