Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Aida allows him to help her up and she looks out. With that she exited the train and looked around at the sites before her. Still was just the same old same old for everyone else but Aida was all the same fascinated by the simple sites. She turns around to look at Sai and offers a giddy smile. Her exhaustion from the train ride now so easily replaced by the adrenaline gained from excitement. "So I trust you'll lead the way~?" she asks happily.

Sai pulled out the map he had used before. "Yeah! Sure. Let me just find out wheeeerre..." Sai looks down at the map and traces his finger along a path that seems to lead to the mall. He pulls out a pencil and traces it in, so they won't get lost. He stands back up and holds the map out in front of him. He looks up and smiles. "And we're off!" Sai starts to march off down the street, keeping a slow pace for Aida.
Aida followed along, surprised on how he could so easily find the way just from that map. Aida had tried that once, when Oakley convinced her to have a little scavenger hunt inside of their home but she quickly figured out she was no good with direction which was always a little frustrating to know but she never actually needed it, considering she never left her own home. But now she was thankful she had Sai to lead the way or she was awfully afraid she'd get her own self lost.

As Sai leads Aida down the streets, he notices how crowded it is, and that almost everyone is a good head taller than Aida. He turns around and regards her. "These streets are so crowded! I don't remember this from Tokyo! Only thing is I feel like I'm gonna lose you in the crowd. Stupid thing to worry about, but it could happen!" Sai stops walking for a moment and looks down at the map, judging where they were.
"Maybe.." she says lightly as she realizes it herself and keeps close to Sai. Separation would do neither of them any good, especially on Aida's side of no direction and this being her first time ever in a place like this she wouldn't know the precaution on what to do if she were to even get lost. She probably should've learn more about this before she decided to give this whole taste of reality thing a go.

Sai thinks. "Hold onto my sleeve or my shirt. Then I'll notice if you let go, and know to look for you." This seemed like a good idea, and they didn't really need to worry about it for much longer. The mall was only a block away, and it was most likely less crowded than the streets.
Aida nodded obediently and grabbed onto his shirt sleeve. It allowed her to keep a close distance to him and it worked all the same. Every time she would get too close to a person she would get closer to him and evade any sort of collision and afterwards would she regain the little distance she could again respectively.

Sai kept looking between the map, Aida, and in front of him, Eventually, after pushing through the massive crowd, they reached the mall. Sai looked up at it, and couldn't help his jaw opening at the size of it. "Aida. I think we stumbled across the biggest building store upon our mighty planet."
"Really?" she said as she voice faltered at the size. "whoa!" she gasped. "Look at that!" baffled and her eyes filled with excitement, she tightened her grip on his sleeve. "This is really the mall? It's" she was in complete awe as she stared at the building that seemed to not want to end, though it was an exaggeration it sure didn't feel like one to Aida.

Sai smiled and started to jump up and down. "Let's go!" Sai starts to drag Aida along with him into the mall.
Inside of the mall the scenery was just AMAZING. Each store had it's own little look to it The vacant walls were always busy with some kind of design or sculpture and even the floors were of unique patterns, showing just how obviously expensive this mall was and oh how expensive was such an understatement. Fortune even seemed to be downplayed to what this was. Aida was just overwhelmed by all of this and seemed to gasp at every little thing she saw, giddy like a child.

Sai smiled, noticing Aida's happiness. "Alright. Food or shopping first? I'm fine with either." Sai kept bouncing up and down. He was so excited.
Kaede registered Toru was there, but kept on walking. She didn't feel like conversation.

"Its fine," She said as she passed, "I'm fine as well. Just want to get away from here for a while."

Kaede reached the foot of stairs, crossed the lobby and stepped out onto the street. For a moment she paused, adjusting her satchel and checking for her wallet. Satisfied, she began to walk along the pavement.

I need to put some space between myself and the dorm. Then I'll find a cafe, settle down and enjoy being surrounded by strangers, rather than needy acquaintances.

Kaede wandered aimlessly, without any particular direction, enjoying the mundaneness of the outside world. She spotted the mall on the opposite side of the pavement, but decided to keep on walking.

It'll be too busy in there. Noisy too.

Instead, Kaede entered a cafe a little further along the high-street. It was long, and thin and quite cramped, but seemed nice enough. Crossing to the counter she asked,

"Can I have one cappuccino please, and a doughnut?"

The young woman behind the counter glanced at her, finished tapping away on her phone before replying,

"Sorry, Cappucino was it?"

"And a doughnut as well."

As the woman carried out Kaede's order, Kaede leant against the counter, watching the other occupants of the cafe. A man and a woman, sat in the window.

Probably a couple, Kaede reckoned. She looked over at the other occupant, sat in the corner, absorbed in a laptop.

He's wearing a sharp suit as well, so probably some highpowered businessman.

The other occupants said enough about the quality of the place's clientelle, and Kaede hoped that would also reflect the quality of its coffee.

"Here you go madam."

Kaede glance back to the counter as the woman set down her coffee and her doughnut on a napkin.

"Thanks," Kaede muttered, taking her food and drink and carrying it over to a table nestled in an alcove, concealing her from view. Settling down, she undid her satchel and produced one of the books, setting it down on the table beside her drink. She turned to page 1, taking a sip of her coffee as she did so.
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“Ongaku-kun! Ongaku-kun, wait! You’re still not fully healed!” A nurse yelled trying to follow the blonde haired delinquent as he knocked down a doctor in his path. He was charging down the halls of the hospital, his hospital gown tossed off and wearing his normal attire. His white button-up shirt with the collar pointed straight up, dark navy jeans, brown loafers and his brown suede jacket.

He had just seen his mother, cold and lifeless in the morgue with a tag wrapped around her foot like she was a slab of meat ready to be sold. Dammit… DAMMIT! He pushed two patients out of his way and made his way through the front doors, the brisk cold air filling his lungs with every breath. His body still hurt but nothing compared to the imagery now forever imbedded into his brain. The nurses were still screaming his name as he made his way down the street, jumping into the middle of the road and stumbling around an SUV trying to drive by. He kicked the side of the car and screamed, “Watch it, jerkass!” The owner of the car blared his horn and shouted at him as Shido continued bolting down the street.

Where do I go now? Home? No. I can’t face Amano. That bastard was at the hospital when I passed out. He is just waiting to ream my ass. Paulownia? Escapade? No, they’d just keep ranting about mom. I don’t need their pity.

Shido made his way around a street corner and checked to see if anyone followed him. Lost ‘em. He sighed in relief and slid down the side of the wall and sat down, catching his breath. That was when he remembered. That kid. Rijito. He pulled the hanky the kid gave him from last night and checked the address. He gently bumped his head against the wall and took a deep breath through his nose. I got nothing to lose anymore… Screw it. He lifted himself from the seat and started making his way towards the train station. Time to give this guy a visit and find out about this ‘power’.
"Well..." Aida thought over it, as she usually did. "We ate breakfast not too long ago so I guess we could go shopping first." she suggested wholesome, as she thought about the more logical option at hand here. It only made sense, as they should save food for last when they were far more hungry. It being the first restaurant Aida had ever actually been to she wanted to make the best of it.

Sai nodded. That seemed like a good plan. He wasn't that hungry anyways. If they got what they needed around the store first, then they would be hungry enough to go to a restaurant. "Alright. Well, first thing we need aaare... books. I don't have any I haven't finished, so I need one or two for the next few days. Then, I need to check on the price of a laptop. I need it for personal use. Finally, I need to stop by the pharmacy to see if I can get my medication refilled." Sai believed that was all he needed. "Oh, and if you see anything you want, just tell me." He pats the pocket with all his money in it. "I don't mind paying." He smiles. "This is gonna be fun." He starts to walk towards the first wall off shops, turning back to Aida. "Come on! Let's go!"
Aida nods as she followed along. She didn't really know much about technological things such as laptops and the like but she absolutely loved books. Especially epics, fantasies with the heroes and those sorts. It's always been a guilty pleasure of hers. They were so much better than the women's romance literature and Shakespeare that her mother would always try to indulge in her. They just weren't the same as the adventures she enjoyed. The fighting in those romance novels would always be about trivial things that all summed up because of intimacy and there was no dragons or warlocks that got in the way. It was too...real, in a sorts. Now that her mother wasn't there to disapprove of her stories, she would be aable to enjoy the selection to a whole. And boy how that sounded absolutely wonderful!

Eventually, after a few minutes of searching, they find the book store. Sai walks in, and starts to browse the fantasy-fiction section of the store. Most of the books here he had read before, so he had trouble finding one that was newer. He had browsed almost the entire section, almost giving up hope of finding one, until his eye caught on a small black book. He reached and picked it up. It was smaller, but not terribly thin. He checked the back to see how many pages it had, and saw it would get him through the week. He read the title. 'A Truthful Sin'. The title of the book seemed interesting enough. He turned around to look for Aida. He was finished here, so Aida could get a book, then they could go to their next stop.
Aida concentrated deeply on the selection. Everything just seemed infatuated with every little thing- even a little indecisive on the matters. She perched her bottom lip up in a bit of a pout as she looked through every little book. She would almost grab a book to view but then suddenly stop only to look at another book in the exact same awe as before. Every little thing was just as new to her as the mall, train..really everything was.

Sai walked over next to her and looked at all the books she was seemed so fascinated in. "Are you having trouble picking a book? A lot of these are some really great titles, actually." Sai grabs three books, and smiles. "From how much I know you, I bet these books will suite your fancy." Sai shows each one to Aida. She had seemed transfixed by all the books here, so he didn't want to rush her. This girl barely seemed to know anything outside of her home. He honestly felt worse about that than when she yelled about her poor condition.
"Ok, to be afraid to..."Toru tried to say as he turned to face Kaede as she left but she was out the door before he could finish. He sighed standing at the stairway unsure of what to do next, he reenacted the events of last night in his mind which didn't himself in a good light. Disappointed with his blade work, he resolved to improve it returning to his room for his blades. His room wasn't specious enough especially with the moving boxes so returned to the living room area to practice.

"You missed quite the event last night, Haru."He said as he began doing some basic movement with the katana. He had once thought practicing like this was meditative, now it felt forced. "Even i was roped in."

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