Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Sai puts his hands up in defeat. "Did I do something... Oh, is it because I did this?" He rustles her hair again, making it go all over the place. Sai had at least thought Aida would have experienced this when she was younger. Were her parent's that strict about her upbringing?
Aida's eyes widened again when he made that confusing gesture and threw her hands back over her head- one of her hands just now in a fist to keep hold of her ticket. She was so unsure about this gesture and it was getting to her. She wasn't used to being this confused. Already was she having such a new and fresh time by tasting a taste of reality.

Sai laughed and looked at her hair, now a little wild. "I did that to Aiku when he was younger, and he had that same expression, though after he would punch me in the gut. Little bastard hurt." He shrugs. "It's kinda like a force of habit. I do it to you because...well, it feels like it's the right thing to do. Should I stop?" Sai tilts his head. Aida was a tough cookie to crack. Maybe he can get her to be a bit more open as the day goes on.
Aida wasn't really sure what to say. Her thinking this time took longer than usual and finally when she did speak it was a mumble of "..I don't get it.." and then her facial contents went back to that frustrated little pout of hers. Well, at least she could make facial expressions. She normally was a cold shell could you be so nonchalant with all this stuff happening?

Sai sighed and perked up at the sound of a voice on the intercom, saying their train was about to leave. "Oh shit, we gotta go. Fast." Sai turns to Aida. She hadn't seemed like the most energetic and athletic type of person. He didn't want to tire the girl out. "Can you run fast, Aida? Because we need speed and luck to get to that train."

"R-run?" she faltered, whoa there. She set her hands back at her sides and looked away from Sai. Running...her parents never dared tried to push athletics on her and for more reasons than it wasn't essential to becoming a lady. However now Sai was counting on her and also ...train ride. Aida wasn't raised to lie but..

She forced a nod. "I can run.." she said lightly.

Sai looked over her, serious doubt on his face. Aida looked to have the athleticism of a three-year-old. She was never going to make it in time if the train was leaving soon. He looked over to where the train was at the platform. They were at the other side, and the train was starting up. "Aida, no offense, but you are not going to make it there without passing out." He tapped his foot, trying to come up with a solution to their problem, and fast.

"Aida, no offense, but you are not going to make it there without passing out."

Something odd overwhelmed Aida when Sai said that. It was a feeling she hadn't exactly felt before but oh how it washed inside of her brought nothing but pain within her. She had always remembered moments when being sickly and frail like she was, with the knowledge she wouldn't last as long as the average human being had added a serious weight on her shoulders and sometimes would send her in a fit of odd depression she didn't like in the slightest but now she if this physical state was nothing but a disappointment. And even a burden to people like Sai. Aida faced Sai's face- her eyes glazed with an emotion that she was devastated that it was trying to leak out and she shuddered. In a reckless act, she winced and dashed as fast as she could towards the train.

Sai stepped back as Aida ran past him. For such a small girl, she really COULD run. But how far was still the question. He turned to chase after her. "Aida, wait!" With that Sai was off in hot pursuit, trying to gain ground between him and Aida. He had noticed an odd look in her face, like he had hurt her. He didn't want her to get hurt when they got to the train, so he pumped his legs harder, getting closer and closer to Aida.
Aida panted and she was an awkward runner. She grabbed at her chest with her free hand and strained herself to keep running. This was ridiculous though. She could be just like everyone else! This physical state wasn't going to ruin her fun! or even ruin Sai's first train ride! She continued to dash towards the train pushed out of people's ways, her body in no state to both run and scold her for her disrespect.

Sai managed to catch up to her. She was clutching her chest, making Sai freak out inwardly. "Is she having a hard time with her breathing? Or her heart...?" He managed to fall in next to Aida. She was definitely not in a state to run. He had either stop her and let the train go without them. Or...

Sai reached over and grabbed Aida's hand, slowing her enough so he could pick her up. She weighed almost nothing in his arms. He held her and continued running. Now they were making ground. He ran as fast as he could, noticing the doors of the train about to close.

Aida felt her hand suddenly grabbed as she ran and she was caught off guard. The next thing she knew was that she was suddenly being picked up and was in the arms of Sai. She struggled to catch her breath at the same time as gathering all that was now going on. It was strange like in the stories. The hero saving the girl and holding her in his arms but..reality check: sure he was a hero, as far as she knew (that dream thing still unconfirmed) but she wasn't exactly a damsel in distress and still..she didn't know how to react to this gesture. Nobody taught her this. It wasn't completely knew though.

There were times when Aida used to get dizzy and throw up, and not shortly after losing any strength or energy she had. It would happen suddenly, when she seemed fine and Oakley would always have to rush to her sides and scoop her in his arms and rush her to her home's doctor who lived there with how often she was sick. She was plenty familiar to this but..just not in this situation when she was still able to stand. Or at least maybe, as after all she was madly trying to catch her breath and that frustrated her much.

Sai kept running, getting closer to the train. The doors were just about to close when he and Aida burst through, Sai panting from the effort. He had never ran so hard in his life. And Sai could run for hours. He put Aida down on her feet, and leaned against the now closed door of the now moving train. He closed his eyes for a moment, recollecting himself and slowing his breathing, then looked at Aida. She seemed to be a little winded, but wasn't clutching her chest like before. Still, Sai worried. "You...okay...? Sorry...If I didn't...pick you up....we wouldn't have... made it..."
Aida nodded slowly, as she caught her breath. She didn't know what to say or even think. Even though she ran, she felt no better. She still felt weak and useless...even a burden and that actually kind of ...hurt. She bit at her lip and, with shaky legs, stumbled over and took a seat. She didn't know what to say and she went back to her statue like impersonation.

Sai watched her, and cringed at how she had gone from a fun-loving Aida back to a statue. He walked over and sat next to her, thinking of something to say. Did he mess up? He had only tried to help her, so they could enjoy the train. He started to chew on his knuckle, another stupid habit from when he was a kid. He kept glancing at Aida quickly, making sure she was okay. He felt bad for doing that to her. "Aida, I'm really sorry... I thought I had your best interest in mind by picking you up so we could make the train. You were so excited, that I..." Sai's word's trailed off, thinking he was just making it worse. "Anyways, sorry..."
She quickly looked at him. "I'm sorry!" she blurted, much louder and more like..a normal voice? "I don't like being weak! I don't ask for it!" she said as she struggled to grasp for words. "I don't like being ill! I don't like knowing I have a higher chance of dying than everyone else! I don't like being a burden.." she finally said, voice faltering but what did she really even care at the moment? She bit hard at her lip and pricked at it but even that all was petty right now as she looked down at her small pale little hands that were crammed into her lap.

This was the last thing Sai expected to hear. It was so sudden, and loud, that he didn't believe Aida would say that. He sat there for a few moments, then shook his head. He looked up and down the train car, and noticed that it was surprisingly empty. The other cars seemed to be more full with people. Sai grabbed Aida's hand, trying to do it in a comforting way. "Why WOULD you like those things, Aida? Sure, you can be weak. Sure, you can be ill. Sure, you can have a higher chance of dying than other people. But your not the only person like that. There are hundreds more people who are going through the same thing. They hate themselves for being like that, and they feel like it's their fault. But they didn't do that to themselves. They can't control destiny or anything like that." He leans his head down so he can look Aida dead in the eye. "But let me tell you, you are by no means a burden. Never say that." He grips her hand a little tighter, but not enough to hurt her. "Never." He says this with a little more intensity than he meant to, but he hoped he had gotten his message to her.

Aida looked him in the eyes- eyes glazed ever so slightly as she so selfishly spilt her emotions out like that in front of Sai. She was thankful she wasn't a burden by all means but...

"I'm so sorry.." she mumbled, back in her normal voice. "I kinda just was rude of me. Disrespectful. Not very lady-like." she said bashfully as she placed her free hand over her mouth, but her eyes never left Sai's. She was thankful he didn't scold her for the disrespect and comforted her but it was still by all means uncalled for on her part.

Sai smiles. "It wasn't disrespectful at all. And I don't care if your lady-like, man-like, any-like." He noticed that she hadn't tried to look away from him like she usually does. He looked back into her eyes. They were an interesting shade. He smiles wider. "I find it funny how you apologize for being disrespectful and rude, when I'm more of that than you. I should be the one apologizing."
"Well...just because somebody else shows any kind of disrespect doesn't mean I should not apologize for doing the same." she said matter-of-factly as she seemed to be back at her normal state again. "I mean..I don't find you disrespectful though. At least I haven't yet." she offered a light smile, showing that she was feeling much better.

"Well, I just think you have nothing to apologize for." He sits back up and looks out the window. He smiles when he sees how fast they are going. They shouldn't be far from the mall now, and Sai was looking forward to it. He turned away from the window, wondering how fast it was really going. He checks to make sure he still had all the yen in his pocket with one hand, sighing with relief it didn't fall out during the run over. He then checks his other pocket for the paper, forgetting he still had his hand around Aida's. He looks away embarrassingly and let's go. "Whoops! Uh, sorry..." He waited for Aida to get mad at him for being rude.
Aida realized the mishap too and lets out a small giggle. "Seems like we were both in comfort." she says smally before returning her attention back out the window, enjoying the view as the train zooms past everything- expressing and interesting palette of colors that could not so easily be deciphered. "It's actually comforting...this train." she said in that same soft tone of hers, not even embarrassed or uncomfortable in the least but rather, quite the contrary.

Sai looks out the window, too. He loosens his grip on her hand, but doesn't take it away completely. He watches the vast colors fly past them, enjoying the peace and just the sound of the train on the tracks. He notices people far below them, walking along the sidewalks. Did they see them in the train? Did they even care about this one train? Did they worry? He shook his head. He, for once, didn't care about anything. Not that he really had in the first place, but now he just sat there, listening to the train and looking between Aida and the terrain the zoomed past.
It was a calming ride and it almost put Aida in her sleep but the ride was over shortly before she could even fall asleep and they arrived to their destination. Yawning, Aida peered out the window of the train- now able to actually see where they were. "This is the place, right..?" she asked with a tilt of the head, not quite sure of it herself.

Sai had stayed up the entire ride, and looked outside. "Yeah, it should be it..." He pulls out a picture of what the mall is supposed to look like, and looks out the window again. "I think we just have to walk a bit to the center and then we'll be at the mall." Sai stands up and stretches, raising his arms above his head and out, looking forward to the ride back. He holds out his hand to help Aida up.

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