Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Shido leaned back in his seat, looking at the handkerchief Rijito handed him before being placed inside the cab. The same gift as them...

"Port Island Hospital," Shido said, adjusting himself in his seat. What was this power he had. Could it be something to do? Something to make him forget. Something to make him forget everything that had happened that night. He clenched the handkerchief in his hand and placed it on his forehead, covering his face from the cab driver of the sadness in his eyes.

"Would you like me to teach you how to play?" Shido's mother spoke softly next to the young boy. He placed his small hands on the piano keys and press gently, a string of chords wafting through his ears. He turned back to his mother and smiled with his teeth, a couple missing in the front. She wrapped her arm around the young boy's shoulder and pointed to one of the ivory keys. "First, you have to learn each of the keys. But be warned!" Shido's mother poked his sides with her long finger nails, Shido laughing in glee. "I'm gonna be a hardass so you become the best of the best!"

The tears poured down his face but he refused to make a sound as they headed down the dark cold streets of Iwatodai...
As Haru began to walk away the sound of the cab began to slowly fade away until there was a complete silence. The whole island seemed to be sleeping and the only light sources came from street lamps. “I will have a lot to write on the next report…I really hope that the others had a peaceful night”. While walking Haru kept thinking about different things until he finally arrived at the dorm. Just like the street it was silence and everybody seemed to be fast asleep. Haru moved as quietly as he could through the different floors until he arrived at the door of his bedroom. It was in that moment that he realized how tired he really was. Yawning he entered his room and after taking off his day clothes he got into bed. Even if his body was tired his mind wasn’t and it kept thinking about the new-users, but finally after a couple of minutes sleep finally caught up with him.





11:00 am

Haru’s room

A loud buzzing noise woke Haru from his sleep. It was his alarm clock. “Dammit, why did I set it to go off so early?...”. Slowly Haru began to incorporate himself and after putting his glasses on he began to do his morning routine. Wake up, open the window for ventilation, take a shower, complain about lack of sleep, get changed and finally leave the room. Most of the other members seemed to still be sleeping so Haru tried to leave the third floor as quietly as he could.

The second floor was also pretty quiet but at least Haru didn’t need to move around too quietly. He headed over to the kitchen where he began to prepare his breakfast: three french toasts with butter and strawberry jam and to down it all some coffee with extra cream. Soon after he was done preparing it he began to peacefully eat it in the dining room. “Coffee, you are my best friend…” He thought while taking a sip from his mug.
Sai walked into the front doors of the dorm, sweating and smiling. He had woken up early, so he had gone for a run, learning the layout of the streets. He hadn't run into any trouble with any other person out, so he was lucky. He tried his best to be quiet as he walked up the staircase and over to the kitchen. He looked around and sighed. Maybe someone was up already. There was proof someone had been here before, so he walked over to the dining room. He peeked his head in and saw a teen he didn't know drinking coffee and had a plate of food in front of him. Sai felt his mouth watering, but he resisted to run in and take it. He walked into the room and leaned on the wall right inside of the doorway. He hadn't noticed this guy when he had gotten here last night, or when he had been in the corridor with Kaede and everyone doing his explanation. He had to go to this dorm if he was here. "Hey." He tried to say this in a pleased tone. Didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with anyone anymore by saying more than he had to. He would have to be on his best behavior if he was going to help all of them. And starting fights or enemies would not help him in that case.

Aida had always been used to early rising and she was rather quick to wake up. Weary, she fumbled up and stretched- though sometimes stretching could serve to be such an effort for her but she managed. She thought for a moment, had to take in all that went on and all that had happened. Then she had to question whether or not all of last night was a dream. That could all very well be a possibility. You glance at a face and they very well can become a character in your dreams. And her obsession with heroes..well that just could very well make the most sense and although it was sad to think it all could have very well all have been a dream she had to be thankful that, if the case, then nobody would be hurt.

Another question rose as well. Now that she had woken up, was she allowed to leave the room? She had remembered last night Ayomide was very strict on not leaving at night so..was there a certain tie when she was allowed to leave the room? Not given a clear answer, she was worried about leaving and so she didn't but she didn't go back to sleep. Instead she just sat there, stiff and in her usual lost of thought, questioning dream and reality.

Toru was jolted awake by the ringing of his phone. He yawned and groaned into his below before feeling for his phone on the bed side table. Not finding it, he reluctantly moved himself from his comfortable position to actually see where the phone was. He found the phone and answered it.

"Hello..."He said sheepishly.

"Morning, son. Did i catch still in bed?" A kindly calm voice came from the earpiece.

"Yeah...I had a long night yesterday."Toru replied before mouthing a curse and sitting up on his bed."Need something, dad?"

"Just checking up on you, you weren't in class yesterday again and most classes the past couple of weeks ."The tone was more concern then scolding. "We haven't talked for longer."

"Yeah...i am fine just feeling a little poorly that's all...."

"If you say so..."His father replied though whether he was convinced or not Toru wasnt sure."Look, I know you been having trouble since the incident but your mother and i concerned how you are managing. We want you to consider moving from the dorm to home. Mom will back from business trip tomorrow and won't have to leave for a while so both of us will be home to help you."

"I...I don't know dad. I..."

"Just think about it, son. Ok?" Father interjected."We can discuss it when Mom has settled back in. I hope you will call us then."

"I will." He replied though his mind was made up already."is that all?"

"I guess...I will let you have breakfast."The tone was normal, toru noted a slight disappointment at the last question. The usual bing of guilt hit Toru."Take care of yourself son."

"Bye..."Toru said though it was to a dial tone, he closed the phone and placed it back to the stand. He leaned his head back and sighed as he rubbed his temples. He got up and after a quick shower got dressed and made his way to the kitchen.
11.00 AM

For the first blurred and drowsy minutes of Kaede's day, the events of the previous night remained blissfully elusive. It was only when her eyes crept open and she saw the books on the desk that the grisly details flooded back. She sat up slowly, wincing as her chest protested. Glancing down she saw a deep purple bruise had flourished. She brushed it with a finger and grimaced.

No one said Shadows weren't strong. That one yesterday got a good hit in apparently.

Kaede swung her legs into a sitting position on the bed and tried to collect herself, pushing memories of Sai out of the way for now. She'd thought about it enough last night, waiting for sleep to come.

I don't need to think about it now, there'll be time enough later to brood on it.

Kaede stood and grabbed her towel from her cupboard, wrapping it around herself and taking a bottle of shampoo.

What I need right now is a pick-me-up. And nothing better for that than a hot shower.

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Haru had already finished two of his french toasts and was about to begin with the third one when suddenly an unknown voice broke the peaceful silence. "Hey" Greeted a guy who was standing close to the door whose face he had never seen before. Confused Haru just stared at the guy without saying anything, but inside his mind he began trying to see if he remembered his face or even his voice. "Who is this guy? If he was a burglar I don’t think he would have greeted me so casually. Do I somehow know him? I don't quiet remember ever seeing nor talking with him...Is he one of the new members? If so when did he arrive anyways?" Seeing how the guy in front of him could easily respond all of his questions Haru began to talk as politely as he could sound. “Hey there…correct me if I am wrong but we haven’t met each other, have we?”
Sai shook his head. "No, we haven't. I arrived last night. But I didn't meet you." Sai walked over and sat in a chair. He put on his greeting smile. "Sai Mirikuari. Currently disliked by many of your fellow dorm members. Well, not really anymore, I think. Kaede hated me, but I think we are on neutral ground now. Ayomide dislikes me, most likely. Toru seems to be cool with me. And Aida is pretty cool. Probably my only friend here. Anyways, I'm Sai." He extended his hand out to the teen.
"Well cool is a too strong word for it."Toru commented at Sai passing through the dinning area before entering the kitchen and opening the fridge, picking out a carton of milk. Not a fan of the fatty rich bacon and eggs, he opted for a bow of chocolate cereal. Once he prepared the cereal he stepped out the kitchen."I prefer the term "cautiously optimistic." Morning Haru." He moved past the dinning area to the living room sitting on one of the couches and turning on the tv to the news.
Sai turned to Toru. "Optimistic means happy. Happy is a cool feeling. So you're cool with me. Logic!" He laughed and turned back to the teen. "Haru, huh? Cool name." Sai stretches. "By the way, am I allowed outside of the dorm? I don't think that it will be pleasant for anybody if I walk by in the same sweaty, dirty clothes all the time." He waved his hand in front of his nose. "I just have to stop by my mom's house today when she goes to work."
Kaede sighed as she got out the shower, refreshed and ready to go. She wandered back to her room and changed into tracksuit trousers and and a slob shirt, before making her way downstairs barefoot to make breakfast. As she reached the foot of the stairs she could hear Sai and Haru talking. Pausing for a moment, she produced a set of earphones, plugged them into her Ipod, and then carried on walking, the others' voices drowned out by the music. Crossing the dining area without a sideways glance, she made for the fridge.

My last day before school again tomorrow... what to do?

Her hands seemed to work of their own accord, cracking eggs into a pan, adding milk, diced bacon and tomato, and some seasoning to the concoction sizzling on the oven rings. Kaede always celebrated her Sunday morning with an omelette. Oblivious to Sai and Haru's conversation, or Toru on the couch, Kaede sat up on the counter in the kitchen and started to eat, lost in though.

I can start one of Ayomie's books today, She realised, Although I'll have to make time to practice with my sword as well, and to go running. Got to stay in good shape and all.

Kaede yawned, produced her ipod and skipped a few songs.

But maybe before all that I'll just lie down on a coach for a while... a little more sleep can't hurt.
Before Haru was able to introduce himself Toru had already done it for him. “Good morning Toru. It’s good to see you out of your room for a change.” Chuckling Haru turned towards Sai, he was now smiling faintly. “Pleasure to meet you Sai. It’s nice to have more people around here.” Haru began to slowly drink the remaining coffee off his mug. “Ayomide doesn’t like him? That’s weird…he seems okay to me. Then again I just met him.”

Haru left the empty mug on coffee on the table and then proceeded to finish his remaining toast. He finished it pretty quickly and he was about to take his dish and mug back into the kitchen when he remembered something. “By the way Sai, were you able to have breakfast? Because if you didn’t I guess I could prepare you something quickly."
Sai perked up. He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, so he had been running on fumes for the entire time. "If you don't mind. I could eat a whole elephant if I could." He laughed and turned as he heard Kaede walk down the hall and into the kitchen. He watched her prepare breakfast. She didn't seem to notice any of the boys. He noticed the ear buds in her ears, and rolled his eyes. "Well, she probably doesn't want to deal with me right now. Too early." Sai turned back to Haru. "And after breakfast, which I could kiss you if you made me some, can I ask permission to drop by my house to grab some of my stuff? I have no clothes and no money." This was definitely out of Sai's comfort zone. He didn't talk like this to people, so doing so made him feel odd. But Haru seemed like a nice guy, so he wanted to be polite. And he didn't want to screw up. He had to help these guys with Tartarus and the Shadows. And especially the Shades. Sai winced. He remembered when he had woken up...

He opened his eyes, adjusting to the transition from pure darkness to the burning white light. He sat up slowly, but he felt like he wasn't in his own body, like he had woken up and was just part of something else. He checked his surroundings. There were two men in long white coats, standing over him, and a large man with a black cloak on, and a mask on, depicting a monkey with its tongue sticking out and its eye hanging down from the socket. Sai looked around, and froze in repulsion at the twelve cylinders that lined the wall. In each on was a human, or at least what he could tell. Each person was of different ages and ethnics. But they all had the same cross-shaped scar on their chests and on the top of their shaved heads. But that wasn't the scariest part. The worst part was that they were all staring at him.

And each one had pure yellow eyes...

Sai pushed the memory out of his mind. He hated when it came back to him. He smiled at Haru. "
Sorry. Got lost in thought there for a moment."
11:56 AM

Port Island Hospital

When he had arrived at the hospital last night, he could hardly walk through the doors and the nursing staff had to drag him inside and get him fixed up. But the only thing he kept yelling as they tried to treat his injuries, “Where is my mother?” More than half of the staff knew who he was and continued to try and get him fixed up but he kept trying to fight them off with what little strength he had before he passed out.

Morning arrived and Shido could finally move his body, though still in a little bit of pain on his chest. His arms were covered in bandages and a single bandaid was on the bridge of his nose. He was greeted by a nurse, placing his cellphone on the table next to his bed.

“Good morning sunshine,” the nurse said sarcastically as she opened the curtain of his hospital room. Shido moaned as the sun hit his eyes and covered his face with his hands. “Your father told me to leave this with you.” The nurse tapped the phone on the table. How? I thought I left it back at the train station. How did he…He started to lift himself from the bed, grabbing his right side and getting on his feet. It was strange; he was still exhausted from yesterday. Usually he starts to feel a little better the next day after a big fight but that phenomenon he encountered must have knocked the wind out of him more than he realized. “Where did he get this?” Shido asked, grabbing his phone and flipping it open.

“Said he found it around where those vandals started roughing up the town. Can you believe that? They caused all this damage from here to uptown! Somebody tossed a park bench into that nice flowershop up the street too.” The nurse shook her head and sighed. "Damn kids."
Cyrus mumbled as he got up, "Why am i always waking up so late." He got changed and made his way down to the kitchen making sure that he didn't get caught in any conversations, Today is another boring day.

Cyrus got down to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and some cereal. He lumbered over to the Table and sat down making sure his arm didn't make a dent in the table. Cyrus rolled his shoulders a bit and began to eat.
Toru finished up his cereal quickly, a recent habit born out of the need to avoid being social. He got up and entered the kitchen to clean up his bowl noticing in the process that Kaede had settled in there. She seemed oblivious to him as he passed her to get to the sink though he figured it had to do with the audible music in her ears. Once done washing up he stood infront of her waving his hands at her and predented to call at her in an comically exaggerated way to get her attention.
Sai noticed what Toru was trying to do and chuckled. "I do believe she wishes not to have to deal with us today, my good man." Sai stood up and walked over to stand in front of Kaede, and leaned down to look at her face. "I think she's trying to drown us out with music. How rude." Sai faked a look of shock and crossed his arms. "Not even I am that rude to people... Well, I take that bad. Not ALWAYS that rude." He laughs and sits on the counter next to Kaede, imitating her, in almost the same pose and same facial expression.
"Your brave to push her, considering she was willing to open two new breathing holes in your throat last night."He said to Sai crossing his arms and taking a preemptive step backwards away from the two. He was annoyed at Sai pudding in, only wanting to check up on her and coax out a smile rather then piss her off." Well, your funeral."
Sai laughed. "Sorry to break it to you, Toru, but I don't scare easily. At least death doesn't." Sai knew his actions would probably piss Kaede and Toru off, but it was just in his nature. He couldn't help it. He sighed and hopped off the counter. "I guess not tempting fate this day will be a nice change. I'm just bored." He starts to pace around the kitchen, keeping a steady pace. "I have nothing to do accept exercise here. I need something. Anything!" He got on his knees and put his hands together, looking like he was making a prayer. "Anything to save me from a daily routine!"
"Of course you can leave. This isn't some kind of jail after all, but I beg you to return before midnight". Seeing how Sai was starting to talk with Kaede and Haru didn't want to interrupt he simply entered the kitchen and began to make breakfast for the new member. "I must try to talk with Toru or Ayomide for information concerning last night, after all my reports should always be as complete as possible." Haru glanced at Sai momentarily before he continued with his task. The faint smile had faded away. "There's something about that guy that I just can't seem to be able to pinpoint. He looks normal enough but there is just something about him that doesn't feel right...Or maybe I am just over thinking stuff up."

Haru was finally able to finish Sai's breakfast. It was composed two fried eggs, various strips of beacon, a small blueberry muffin, some orange juice and some black coffee. "I wish I didn't overdo it..." After leaving the breakfast on the dining table Haru re-entered the kitchen where he began to clean his own dish and mug and also the frying pan he had used to prepare the eggs and the beacon.

Aida was having a battle. She felt as if she was able to leave her room and head downstairs downstairs, and as long as she didn't actually leave the dorm, perhaps she'd be good. So maybe she was allowed to leave her room...but what if she wasn't? All she could remember (of what that she was sure was reality) was Ayomide forbidding her to not leave her room at all at night. So did that mean that any hours that weren't considered night she could leave?

"Mm.." she let out a noise in frustration, her head already hurting. She never was this confused back at home...and she didn't want to defy any rules, even if she didn't know them. But oh how her stomach growled and demanded a solution NOW!

Almost in a fit of tears, she slumped over to the door of her bedroom and opened it. Still in her nightgown, she began to walk downstairs and pathetic was it that by the time she reached the bottom she was already panting lightly.

She heard voices in another room close by and so that must mean that's where the majority was. So it was all ok right..? The tears that settled at the edge of her eyes didn't reassure her any though and swallowing, she slowly made it over to the next room- which just so happened to be a kitchen!

And that's where everybody else was..well for the most part.

Kaede simpy raised an eyebrow at Toru, but when Sai appeared she scowled and recoiled, setting her plate down beside her on the counter and crossing her arms.

When will Sai learn that I just want to be left alone. I thought the headphones would send a message loud and clear, but apparently not...

She tried to read Sai's lips, and thought she caught the gist of what he'd said.

"It doesn't matter if your not scared of death, Sai, I don't plan on killing you. That would be far too merciful- I prefer to play with my food before I eat it. Now if I were you I'd back off and leave me be."

Kaede rolled her eyes at Sai on his knees.

Why does he have to be so loud?

Sliding off the counter, Kaede stood, wincing once again at her chest but pushing it out of mind.

"I need space- I'm going to take a walk up towards the town centre."

Kaede pulled one of her headphones out as she made her way out the kitchen and back up towards the stairs.

"Text if you need me."

She didn't expect them to text her, and for that she was grateful.

Grab a book, find a cafe and hunker down there for the day. Gets me away from here at least.

Once Kaede was back in her room she put some shoes on and shrugged a coat over her shirt. Grabbing her satchel, she loaded it with Ayomide's books before slinging it over her shoulder and making her way back down towards the lobby.

Sai watched Kaede leave, and sighed. "I'm such an asshole. I really need to stop." He suddenly perked up as a smell wafted over from the dining room are. He smelled bacon, eggs, coffee, and...

BLUEBERRY MUFFINS?!" He got up, almost tripping over himself, and into the dining room, where a beautiful display of breakfast sat on the table. He had started eating before he even sat down, and chugged the coffee in one gulp, and practically inhaling all the food. As soon as it was all done, he heard movement by the door. He turned to see Aida. "Oh, the sleeping mademoiselle awakes! Hi, Aida. Sleep well?" He noticed her panting slightly, and tilted his head. "You okay?"

Aida looked over at Sai. He was friendly, like last night actually happened. Spoke the same way from her 'supposed dreams' as well, so maybe...

No it was best to be weary of it. She stared at him for a moment, thinking as she usually does- trying to catch her breath entirely. And once she did, did she make a soft nod. More or less in answering both of his questions. Other than the dream- she slept relatively well and whether or not she was ok- well, she was. As ok as she may ever be in the sickly physical state she had been cursed to have.
"Yes." she said softly, not sure whether to familiarize him as a stranger or friend, considering her uncertainty.

Sai nodded and looked down at his empty plate, and laughed. "Sorry, if I had known you were coming down, I would have left you something." He stands up and walks to the fridge, opening it. "I can attempt to put together something for you, but I don't trust my cooking skills. But you seem hungry, so..." He shrugged. He felt that Aida had been one of the nicest to him, next to Haru, so he tried to be equally kind. He turned back to her. "Oh, and I need a bit of help, if you would like to. After breakfast."

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