Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

You'll need to if you want to unlock their Cooperation bonuses. Your character, too (assuming you're accepted), will have Cooperation bonuses.
I see, I also edited in the stuff, and good night. (Also going to change Agi to Earth or Terra or whatever)
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@gogojojo331 It won't be for long. I'm afraid we are limited on spots and a bunch of people are signed up to apply. I'm basically accepting the ones I deemed the best quality + brings the most diversity to the RP then put the other good quality ones on a Reserves List in case anyone who got accepted drops in the future.

Just how many spots are there?
I haven't decided on a final number yet but, at the moment, 8 or 9.

EDIT: Ammy beat me to it.
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@Katakon Not in particular, no. "Nichibotsu Locations & Activities" have been updated with a lot of information if you haven't gotten to it.
Sorry if my inner-Despair is showing but I feel that this works as the RP's "opening" song of sorts. Since we're dealing with escapism and things like that. :3

Best newcomer was just murdered. Second best newcomer was secretly Pickle Hitler. What a terrible world.

The two shows that are running are both wonderful in their own way, really impressed with how they're turning out. Despair Arc opening is great, super stylish. Kinda disappointed with Future Arc's OP by comparison.

Trying hard to hide my inner despair from...pretty much everywhere I go because I could gush for a while, haha. Hopefully they stick the landing.

Edit: On that note, I really should get around to watching the last couple episodes of Despair Arc. Fell behind. Kind of worked out in that they apparently raise a ton of death flags for Future Arc, though there haven't been any serious shockers yet so I suppose it doesn't matter too much.
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@Wandering Hollow Pretty good song although not opening material for this RP. Needs to be a bit more "fun" (not necessarily upbeat). The characters are "escaping", they're having fun with their powers. That's why the tagline on the banner/picture thing says "Don't Kill My Fun". So have that mindset when going into this RP; it's not just a somber affair. Having said that, this RP will still be pretty "dark" <--- hate using that buzzword.
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@Wandering Hollow It's several kinds but that's the primary attitude I want to create. Can't wait to see what you come up with cause admittedly that other song would make a pretty good opening with the right context (like the actual source it comes from).
@TheForgottenDoll No, only one person can main Hermit. More than one person can apply for Hermit but it's not a guarantee they'll be accepted. Remember, no one is officially accepted yet.
@Wandering Hollow So. Damn. HYPED. Reminds me so much of Persona 2 which is my favorite game in the series (until P5 hopefully replaces it).

Holy crap O_O That song certainly is fun! Haha, but I'm afraid it's waaay too upbeat and cutesy. Not very close to the music style of Meguro at all. The first one is actually closer.
Oh no.... I just imagined our characters dancing to this song along with their Personas..... 



..... Someone save me. I'm off to get some Paranoia Agent openings. Ahahahaha..... *Mind snap* 

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