Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

Oh, I was going to mention that anyways. Just saw an opportunity and responded to you.

Still a ton of people who've joined this RP that has yet to put up a CS. I'm planning to start this soon.
Weekly Pay(In yen)





File Clerk:





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@Veradana Oh, you're fine. Poor choice of wording on my part. I meant people who I accepted their request to join the RP but have not shown up since then either in the OOC chat or in Characters.

@TheForgottenDoll Nice breakdown. Looking at it, now I need to increase the pay for some of the jobs to balance it out a bit.
Those seem kinda low for weekly pay, remember that 1000 Yen is roughly 10$.  I know it can't be too easy to earn cashmoney.  Maybe that mechanic will need to be rejiggered/reworded.  idk though,  
I was thinking the same thing, but expenses in roleplaying games - especially JRPGs - always seem a bit ridiculous in that they lean toward obscenely cheap or "mortgage your house for a Dasani". Gonna fall back onto suspension of disbelief, myself. So long as it's balanced properly for item acquisition I think it's okay if it's a bit unrealistic.
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I was going by Persona 4 standards for pay. I think the highest paying job in that game is 10,000 yen daily while most were like 1,000. I also wrote those are the rates initially. But yeah, might as well increase the wages now to be a bit more realistic.
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I don't think the wages are to bad actually as long as it balances out with the pricing of items.
I was thinking the same thing, but expenses in roleplaying games - especially JRPGs - always seem a bit ridiculous in that they lean toward obscenely cheap or "mortgage your house for a Dasani". Gonna fall back onto suspension of disbelief, myself. So long as it's balanced properly for item acquisition I think it's okay if it's a bit unrealistic.


No worries, lol.  I tend to get hung up on silly details like this, that's all.  ^^;
No worries, lol.  I tend to get hung up on silly details like this, that's all.  ^^;

I do too, I totally get it. Just offering my thoughts on the matter. Granted, I've played a lot of really, really bad RPGs over the years so I'm probably numb to this particular detail by this point.
Look guys! The economy collapsed, gosh! Demons over run Tokyo. Cats and dogs living together; mass hysteria.
Off-topic right now, but I am working hard on my CS as we speak.

Just so you know I'm not gonna be a deadbeat before the beginning!
@TheForgottenDoll I'll answer your question about the Compatible Arcana here. You can 2 Compatible Arcana. But there's a limit of 3 people to 1 Compatible Arcana. Example: The Star Arcana can be the main of [user] and up to 3 other [users] can also have Star as their Compatible Arcana.

@gogojojo331 No can do. We're focusing on the main group so a villain character would essentially have nothing to do until the story calls for it.
@TheForgottenDoll I'll answer your question about the Compatible Arcana here. You can 2 Compatible Arcana. But there's a limit of 3 people to 1 Compatible Arcana. Example: The Star Arcana can be the main of [user] and up to 3 other [users] can also have Star as their Compatible Arcana.

@gogojojo331 No can do. We're focusing on the main group so a villain character would essentially have nothing to do until the story calls for it.



okay. So I have to be a student, huh... hmmmm....this is a packed persona game...

Okay, my character is up.  If there're any issues I don't think I'll be able to fix them tonight because I was just trying to fix up the formatting and the site kept locking up.  
@gogojojo331 It won't be for long. I'm afraid we are limited on spots and a bunch of people are signed up to apply. I'm basically accepting the ones I deemed the best quality + brings the most diversity to the RP then put the other good quality ones on a Reserves List in case anyone who got accepted drops in the future.

@Veradana I'll get to yours right now. And yeah, the site's being pretty annoying today.

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