Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]


gotcha, although I do have another idea now.  what you said reminded me of a scene I'd thought of for my OU I have for my characters.
@Veradana Doesn't really need to be a tragic backstory. Hell, she's into some seriously occult things. I'm guessing not everyone is accepting of that kind of thing. The video shows an increasingly distorted version of events so build on that. Make the memory stranger and more sinister. Remember, I mentioned the memory doesn't even base itself on reality anymore only that your characters won't be able to distinguish the real memory from the false one.

@Kumiko Same things I said above. Build on a fear or something. The video reaches a point where it's basically shoving fake memories into your characters' heads.

Hope that helps, guys.

The purpose of those videos is to break your characters' psyche, making them lose their sanity. I guess I should mention I use the term "memory" as a starting point but you can deviate from that however you like. Plus, this is only for one post so you don't need to make it too elaborate.

@Tarquin Temporarily insane. They'll recover by my next post.

Quoting myself just so others can see it on the new page.
womp womp, mine got kinda long woops I got rambly

EDIT: if there's any significant errors, I'll fix them tomorrow when i'm not mega tired
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I found something funny to me. My character overall has the most hp, and the lowest Sp, and I put myself in a pickle. My Base magic must be so bad, that the damage remains but it's around at 55 SP.
I found something funny to me. My character overall has the most hp, and the lowest Sp, and I put myself in a pickle. My Base magic must be so bad, that the damage remains but it's around at 55 SP.

Simple. You are the Kanji/Junpei of the group. AKA the tank who uses mostly physical skills.
@Blu I'm really starting to like the theme this RP decided to follow. Its like a fun mix of Persona 2 and 3. 

Also, I'm thinking of trying my hand at drawing a group logo. I'll post the results once I get a rough sketch done.

P.S Another suggestion for an this RP's opening. 

Hail our Goddess Haruhi. 
@Wandering Hollow

I think we need something more...


On the topic of stats I think it's funny how my character gets into fist fights yet he has the lowest amount of HP in the RP and I was planning on making it even lower~
I wanted mine to be an all-rounder with a focus on magic, so as we go on her SP growth will probably outclass her HP growth.  I'm not really sure how stat growth will be handled here, though. 
Depending on how leveling up works Hideyoshi's hp will be a lot lower then his SP since he is a strong magic/debuffer user who does high damage but can't take much himself so he's a glass cannon of the rp~
@Blu I'm really starting to like the theme this RP decided to follow. Its like a fun mix of Persona 2 and 3.


Also, I'm thinking of trying my hand at drawing a group logo. I'll post the results once I get a rough sketch done.

Oh damn! Would love to see that.

As for the song, still not what I'm looking for music-wise. Not your fault though, what I want is music that sounds like it's from Persona. Unless it's actually from Persona, it'd be hard to find that type of music.

On the topic of stats, Protag is going for more balance with just a small edge to physical but then goes heavy into magic later on. As for HP/SP level up, it'll be incorporated into the story via a Cooperation.
Hey @Blu is it possible to have a reverse Cooperation? Like say somebody says the wrong thing and it causes an argument can Cooperation be broken of if it's bad enough?
@Katakon I thought about it before but I don't know if that should be a thing or not. For NPC cooperations, most likely not. I dunno if you guys want to do that for the party members. The goal in the end is to have them be a unified team/good friends.
Well I think having reverse Cooperation between party members should be a thing since not everybody's going to get along at first and arguments between friends can happen especially with a group as volatile as them. But I think it'd should be impossible to sever it since they have to work together to solve this thing. So I personally think Reverse Cooperations should be a thing but not breaking it.
Hmm, I wouldn't describe the group as volatile (there hasn't been anything that really shows that to me) but it makes sense that they'll have their times of arguments and such between the characters. Reverse Cooperations can be a thing as long as the group can unify as a whole and generally have a good atmosphere among the party during the important story parts. I don't want this to fragment the group dynamic in any way.
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Packing time go. Responses may be scarce/of a lower quality for the next couple days. Apologies.
Well I guess since we're talking about stats, Junko's SP will eventually ovetake her HP with a focus on Darkness, a single Almighty spell and Debuffs.

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