Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

@jonamonszx Nah, didn't cause any problems at all. We won't have access to Cooperations until a little later anyways.
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@Veradana Noticed you made the same tiny error as Tarquin. Takano is the one who suggested Hibiki introduces himself to the class.
@TheForgottenDoll Instructors showed up. Took roll. Female instructor tells everyone about what the class will be doing. Male instructor leaves. They go to the forest and looks at a hole in the ground. People want to throw shit in the hole in the ground. Chaos.

Alright, the Velvet Room thread was a bitch to create cause I had to fix a bunch of errors in the skills and whatnot. I hate all of you now.
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I'm about to make a short post right now. Maybe it'll give you more of an idea of what you want to post.
I'll have to put up my post later. My internet went down and I don't want to retype what I finished on my phone.
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If you don't use on already, I highly suggest typing your posts in a word (or equivalent) processor and just copy-pasting it here when you can.  it'll save you headaches of accidentally losing progress.  
Yep, that's what I did. Was typing on here, lost internet connection, so I saved it over to a word doc. Hopefully my internet comes on a little later tonight so I can finish it up.
Heh, RPN actually saved my post so I didn't need word at all. RPN still shit though.
Just an fyi for everyone, in this world, all electronic devices are unusuable. Your cell phones will just have a frozen screen.
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Ah, that's the worst. Hate it when that happens. ~_~

Gonna delete my post and put it after yours so it makes a bit more sense. Will try and be more patient. Have a pent up urge to write as of late so I guess I was bit too eager.
I can't really say I've been having urges to write but I've been eager to post in this RP often. Also, Hibiki appreciates the joke. He just has trouble voicing his opinions...
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