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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus grabbed an ear piece from his jacket and put it on it was connected to the speakers in his house, "When i come back at least 10 drones should be in the kitchen then you can sleep, remember i'm watching you." He took the headpiece of and continued to walk to Adara's house.
Hank jumped when he heard Cyrus's voice suddenly boom from the ceiling or...wherever the hell that was coming from! He groaned and began to walk over towards the drones. Good thing he was a police officer. He had strength.

(Totally made me think of that one episode from spongebob....)


John laughed as he looked at Dan. "I find this fun! It's. Exciting! Oh the thrill just is almost too much. How did Murray Head put it? 'I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.'" John laughed, "Honestly I was worried id have nothing to do, but here I am having fun and helping people."
Cyrus made his way to Adara's house, and knocked on the door. making sure the device was still in perfect condition.
Ms. Haus answered the door, surprised when it wasn't one of the police officers. "Ah...the...military boy?" she blinked. A little chihuahua from behind her began to bark madly at Cyrus and the woman snapped back. "Tinsel, shush!"
"Um..." she raised an eyebrow. But none-the-less she opened the door and let him in. "Pardon the mess...wasn't expecting company." she said as she pointed towards the hallways. "All the way at the end. The room that's blasting techno." she said nonchalantly.
Cyrus walked inside, "Thank you" he said with a smile. Cyrus walked up to the door and Knocked, "Hey Adara it's Cyrus."
There was no answer as

drained any sound from the knocking and even from the insides, Adara was in serious dungeon crawling mode in her MMO.
Cyrus sighed as he could hear the music, He tried knocking one more time before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small spider looking drone, "Please answer the door."
The music changed to Denpa suddenly. And that blasted just as loud. That sugar-coated high pitched gunk that made some people cringe. And it still managed to drain away the sounds of any kind of knocking present.
Cyrus sighed once again, "I'm sorry..." he said to himself he placed the Drone on the door as it came to life and made its way through under the door. The small drone made a beeping noise then lowered the volume on the music, Cyrus then knocked on the door again.

Denpa was blasting loudly as the two figures continued their mission of survival.

Tah slashed through the kobold with her lollipop sword. "Shit..I'm low on health!" She said as she windmilled the three kobolds charging after her- insta kill.

"Those damn archers!"

"Heal!" she demanded, struggling to take a rest as the obedient little kitsune dashed over to it's master's side and began to heal her. However, it was slow and tedious process. After the little red headed loli flew around and slashed at the last kobold metal skeletons suddenly spawned.

"Oh god!"

Luminitsa was still healing but the metal skeletons were not so patient. They started crowding the two and the pink and busty Tah summoned berserk: her ultimate move as a slayer. A red energy surged around her and with her twin lollipop swords wielded, she dashed towards the horde of metal skeletons and unleashed-

The denpa music suddenly cut off, startling Adara suddenly and breaking the balance from her gaming. "Wh-what the hell!?" She heard the knock at the door and sighed crankily as she stood up from her bed and opened the door to see- that wasn't her mom.

"Cy...rus..?" she blinked. Oh shit! Out of reflex she slammed the door back shut.


Adara was freaking out a little bit. She looked around her room. Oh yeah, there was no way she could hide the fact she was an Otaku. Urgh! Those stupid weebs in America on the forums always saying "I'll go to Japan because I love anime~!" Oh yeah, they were in a surprise! Anime was completely frowned upon in Japan! Cyrus may very well think of her as a freak. F-R-E-A-K! Or a loser...that works too.

But what if he already expected such lowliness from her? What if he thought 'well if she was a hikikomori than she's probably an anime Otaku too' Oh god that was horrible! Her face flustered, she kept a tight grip on her doorknob (mind you though, she's not the strongest maiden out there). "Wh-what!?" she asked in a fluster.


"Oh shit!" Adara yelled as she opened the door slightly before slamming it again. "Y-YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT HUH!?" She asked a little too loudly. "G-GOOD JOB!" She faltered as she still looked around not sure what to do. Then she remembered she had left her friend alone to face the metal skeletons in the dungeon, didn't tell him brb and her character was probably dead.

"Shit!" she cursed again.

Cyrus was still confused at what was going on, "Just open the door really quick and i'll give you the phone, you seem to be busy so i'll leave you alone."
"N-NO! I'LL NEVER OPEN THIS DOOR!" She screamed back in defiance. She didn't know what to do. If she opened her door, she'd reveal her room and that would be...no. She just couldn't risk it.

"Oy! That's the spirit now how about we all sit down and have a normal conversation? and if you have any questions for your upperclassman just ask. HAHAHAHa!
Cyrus responded, "So how are you even supposed to get the phone?" Cyrus looked over at the watch to check if hank was moving the drones, and sure enough he was actually being useful. Cyrus put his hands back in his pocket, "You know if it's something about your room i'm not going to care, What you modeled your room after isn't really going to matter."
"Um, Dan, I was wondering," Grace began, "Do you know why you didn't have to fight a shadow to get your persona? Everyone else did." She had been wondering about that for a while, but she hadn't had the opportunity to ask until now.
"Well you see Grace. The answer to your question is! IMPOSSIBLE TO ANSWER! I myself don't know why? It probably is because i already accept myself for how i am."
John thought for a moment. "Or maybe it was already self aware? That could be a possible solution as well. Which means that it might just be our lead."

Oh god! So he DOES know!?

"N-No! I'm not a creepy otaku!" she faltered as she looked around frantically. Maybe he could just slide the phone under the door..? no, not enough room. She bit at her lip and wondered what to do. Ah! Shadow needed her in the game right now! What to do oh what to do!?


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