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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus was a bit puzzled by what she said, "Otaku? whats an Otaku? I've never heard of such a word before."
"A- an otaku is a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills! You know...it can be anything. A lot of weebs in america think it's just associated to.." she skims her room and swallows. "...Anime...but that's not actually the case! It can really be anything!" she says, still standing in front of her door. What as she now? A teacher?
"Maybe, but we don't have any evidence. I'm gonna head home for today. I'll see you guys later or something. Call me if you need anything." Dan left John's restaurant and started to walk home.
Cyrus was still puzzled,"Why would you being an otaku matter? I am still not familiar with the subject."
John yelled after Dan: "Remember, it was always Wankersham!" At this point John had broken the fourth wall so much, this narrator began to wonder why on Earth he hadn't begun talking to this narrator.
"Because the society doesn't like it..." Adara stated matter of factly like Cyrus should know this...and it would be nice if she did. She sighed lightly. He sure didn't know about a lot of things now that she thought about it. What the hell was that even about? "Look it's frowned upon by society."
Cyrus smiled even though Adara couldn't see it. He spoke, his voice was extremely calming,"Well I'm not society and i'm not going to frown upon you. Can you just let me in?"
Dan laughed a little after John shouted that from the bravest warriors. He waved while walking away and shouted. "Be careful! You could be next!"
John yelled back, "Actually in order that things are going, Grace is next then I am followed by however long that adventure takes us plus a bunch of filler that no one really cares about and we do because we're lazy and use the excuse of 'character development'. " And there goes the fourth wall again, "Yes, I just got rid of the fifth wall too mr announcer person who is reading all of the text on the forums." I think I've had enough to drink for the evening.
Dan ignored the last comment and kept on walking home. When he finally arrived he went to his backyard and got into hot springs to relax himself. Man this is so relaxing. I wish i could stay relaxed.
Adara took a deep breath before finally giving in and walking back over to her bed, sitting down and focusing on the computer screen that sat next to her. Her face still flustered and frustrated, she muttered "C-come on in..." and kept quiet.

Body pillows, wall scrolls, video games, figurines, plushies, manga, magazine pages torn and hung on the walls. Various art and anotomy books scattered about. Even wigs, odd makeups and ...even cat ears? were all in the room. All relating to basically the same things: JRPGS- video games or for the most part...anime.
Cyrus walked in looking around, "Nice set-up you have here. Even though i don't know what half of this stuff is." He chuckled a bit and pulled out the phone and set it next to Adara, "It works just like any other phone, but the best part is i built a security system on it. So if anyone gets your number somehow which is highly impossible your phone actually sends i virus to their phone." Cyrus said all of this in such a nice fashion it almost made it look like he was insane. Cyrus couldn't Help but notice the Game that Adara was playing, he sat down next to her and looked over, "Whats that?"
Adara bit at her lip slightly, not sure how she should answer this. Finally she mumbled bashfully "It's a MMORPG...massive multiplayer online role playing game if you didn't know what that was. " Sure enough she was KO, but after allowing it, her partner Shadowlegend was quick to revive her. She apologized and he was quick to understand. Not long after were they back at fighting metal skeletons as if nothing had ever happened.

"By the way..." she mumbled as she glanced over at her new phone. "Are you responsible for my lack of music?"
Cyrus got red in the face a bit, "Oh yeah um...sorry you see....I was knocking...and you didn't answer.....and well....all I could hear was....well music so to get your attention I turned it down. Sorry." Cyrus poked a button on his watch, and the music went back on but not as loud so he could at least converse with Adara, "So that's an MMORGP? I've always wanted to play one but i never got the chance I just saw them all over the internet."
"W-well.." she started as she finished off her last metal skeleton and started running through the dungeon halls. "It's kinda a preference...it may not be your thing. Some people find it nothing but tedious are dumb, ya know.."
"Well I still want to try it. Besides maybe I might enjoy it." Cyrus replied.

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(Tk's stalking my profile~ LOL)

Adara was silent for a little bit. Her character had just gotten into the boss room and well..her and shadow already spamming this dungeon multiple times, this succubus was honestly no biggee to them. Within a couple minutes the succubus had already been overkilled and they retrieved their goods and left the dungeon. Adara sincerely enjoyed Shadow's company and all but the more she thought about it the more she knew she could talk to him any other time she wanted. So, after saying her goodbyes, exited out of her login and slowly handed over her laptop to Cyrus, without saying a word in the process.

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(am not) Cyrus was a little confused with the passing of the laptop he looked down at the laptop, then to Adara, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

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(I am tho!) John looked back to Grace, "Well now that I have sufficiently broken the fourth wall, anything you wanna do?"
"Hm..." Grace thought for a few moments, but came up with nothing. Sometimes living in a small town really wasn't that fun. "I can't really think of anything, to be honest. There's not much around except for the river and an amusement park."
"Wait Yuki never went on the ride" Kotori said pouting to Raika. She looked over towards Yukaze with that face also.

Yukaze watched Mitsuko go around the merry go round a few times and smiled. He then turned to Kotori, "I'm not much of a merry go round person, I'll ride one of the roller coasters when our group is full again". He was joking as he meant Mitsuko. "After that then we can all decide on a ride" Yukaze said smiling.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Oh come on yukaze....get on the merry-go-round so I can take pictures...." she grinned " you can ride with kototri and I'll take picture of both of you riding. She looked at the two "okie? Now get in line" she started to push the two in line"
Yukaze wanted to retaliate back as he was getting pushed but he couldn't yell at Raika. Kotori was surprised at first but then she was happy, "yay I get to ride with yuki" she said happily. Yukaze laughed and patted her head.

"Well first we have to wait for Mitsuko to be finished first I guess" Yukaze said out loud.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
John thought for a moment, "Hmmmm. Either or sounds fun. If memory serves right you don't like big crowds. Would the amusement park be crowded today?"
"Duh! You said you wanted to play a MMO, didn't you? So play it!" Adara said matter of factly, still offering him the laptop she was holding.

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