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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus looked at the laptop, "Umm....ok lets see what i can do here." Cyrus looked over the main screen and selected the new character button. He looked over all the options for his character and began to construct him.

This was the end result. Cyrus looked over at Adara, "What do I do now?" he was like a lost little puppy trying to figure out where to go.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-Ninja-Boy.jpg.c31b6493ff494418e16fb86bfbdb450e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-Ninja-Boy.jpg.c31b6493ff494418e16fb86bfbdb450e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Adara leaned over towards Cyrus and looked over at the laptop screen. "Ok here...just" she clicked on a button and after loading up - his character was met by a wondrous pixelated goddess with too much...animated emphasis on the sex appeal. You know, typical this generation game stuff but surprisingly not that suggestive...yet Adara was the one that wounded up staring. The goddess began talking to the character and asked for him to pick one of a many wide selection of classes. "Pick one." Adara urged.
Cyrus looked through all the classes, "I'm not quite sure what to pick." Cyrus kept looking through until he found an odd class that has a stud but behind him was a pool of fire, "a summoner?"
"My character is a mixture of knight and warrior...a slayer. So other than that and gunner I don't really know about the rest of it." she admitted as she peered over his shoulder at the game screen. "But hey if you like it feel free to pick it."
Cyrus selected the summoner and picked a name for the character, Noel. Cyrus looked over to Adara who seemed to be focused on the screen, he turned back to the computer, and found is character in the middle of nowhere, "aww what the hell."
Adara giggled and scooted in right next to him- space bubble popped and forgotten as she messed around with the keyboard keys and began to move Noel around. "It's just a tutorial~" she smiled as pressed a button and opened up an inventory. "See you're going to want to equip this and after that you'll see..." she moved his character some more. "Those little slimes over there~" she took her hands off the keys and began to watch him do his own thing. "Kill those first. Do your own thing and try and figure it out yourself. It's the tutorial so there should be no way you'll die unless you're just TRYING to die."
"It's Sunday, so there shouldn't be that many people." Grace answered. Sunday wasn't known for being a popular day for recreational activities like that, at least as far as she knew.
Cyrus smiled and looked over at the screen again and looked over at the slimes. Cyrus checked his beginning abilities and noticed he could summon a lesser elemental, he pressed a button and a small being made of wind fell from the sky and began to fight the slimes, Cyrus kept noel in the back fireing spells from the staff, "This is quite the peculiar character."
John nodded and took her hand, "Alright then lets go have some fun! Which way is it?"
"You'll get used to it." she said matter of factly as she kept an eye on his character, not saying anything or trying to bug him with advice that probably wasn't even to be needed.
Grace couldn't stop the blush that rose to her face at the contact, but she didn't pull away. She pointed down the street with her free hand. "Th-That way." She directed.
Cyrus was focused on the slimes until they all dropped from the elemental. Cyrus looked around the area but couldn't find anything, "so that's it?"
(TK is making me rags! There are no slimed in mabi! He should be fighting foxies.) John half ran down the street laughing with Grace in tow. "You're cute even when you blush ya know."
(But I never said it was mabi QAQ I actually decided to put the slimes in there..sorry..)

Adara laughed as she sensed a bit of disappointment in him. "As I've already said it's a tutorial." she pointed at a certain part on the screen. "Go through that tunnel and you should spawn to the actual game itself. Then you'll get a real taste of the game~!"
Of course, that did nothing except intensify the redness of Grace's face. "I-I doubt that..." She muttered modestly, shifting her gaze to the ground out of embarrassment.
Finally the ride was over and Mitsuko hopped off of her glistening model horse, stumbling for a moment out of a surge of dizzyness but was quick to catch her balance. Hopping over to the group, she offered a childish, million dollar smile. "Ah man! That was great! Now I know why Kotori loved it so much~!" she then looked over at Yukaze and with a twitch of the head, signaled him to ride the Merry-go-Round himself. "Go big boy~ ride yourself a pony." she teased lovingly.
Cyrus had Noel walk through the tunnel, "So this is an MMORPG? I can have some fun with this."

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"Play for as long as you want." Adara said as her eyes left the screen and looked around her room, idle and uncertain of what to really be looking for...if anything. As much as she didn't admit to it, she enjoyed the company as it was and didn't mind him taking her computer for a bit. She was far too addicted anyways.
John smiled warmly at Grace, "you're adorable. Im sorry for being mean and making you blush. Come on I see the park up ahead, I'll pay for it."
"It's alright..." Grace mumbled, although she said it so quietly she doubted the other had heard. She raised her voice back to a normal level for her next sentences. "Are you sure? I can pay for myself if you want." Grace politely offered as they approached the entrance.
Cyrus smiled,"Thanks for helping me with this Adara." Cyrus turned his attention back to the game and continued to play. He was getting a little confused with some of the systems, but they didn't stop him forever. Eventually Cyrus got to the point where he unlocked another summon. He looked back at Adara, "I guess this will be where I stop. Need to get stuff ready for tomorrow." he gave Adara a quick side hug before standing up, "Make sure you check the phone, and if there are any problems with it just text me." he walked out of her room and made to the front door, "I'll be leaving now Ms.Haus thank you for having me." Cyrus walked out and began to walk home.

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John nodded at Grace, "Yeah, I'm not sure about here, but in America it's a social norm for the guy to pay for the date." He said as he pulled out his debit card and bought two tickets.
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Yukaze just sighed, "agh fine come on Kotori" he said with a smile. Kotori giggled with joy as they waited in line.

When Mitsukos ride was over the line moved forward," shut up" Yukaze said sticking his tongue out at Mitsuko as she made the comment. They found a few horses open Yukaze got on his, suddenly Kotori got on also. "What are you doing there's an empty on right there" Yukaze pointed annoyed. Kotori shook her head, "no I'm gonna ride with yuki" she hugged him tightly. Yukaze was about to say more but the ride started up and he just held on making sure she didn't fall.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

Adara was slightly disappointed her company had to leave so soon, but remembering what all would be happening for him tomorrow she had to shrug it off and take her laptop back into her lap. Staring at it for a good deal did she frown and close it. She just wasn't in the mood for MMOs right now. Sighing lightly she lied back on her bed and stared up at her ceiling.

Her mother walked in and gave a little half smile. "Everything good?"

Adara gave a small nod. "Yeah..." before going quiet once again. Her typical silent treatment she'd been ever so fond of here lately.

Cyrus frowned that he had to leave so soon, he liked hanging out with Adara but he did have to get a few things ready. Cyrus pulled the spider droid out of his pocket, he was lucky that Adara didn't notice him or it would have been crushed. He looked over at the watch and put the head piece back in, "Hank I'm on my way back. you better hope most of the drones have been moved."

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