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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Face burning from the compliment, Grace turned her head away. She still had the traces of a smile, however. "S-So, um, what should we go on next? You can pick this time."
John shrugged, "I don't know where anything is or what rides you have, so you're in the lead this time, plus I don't visit amusement parks very often."
"The lead?" Grace repeated. She had always been more of a follower, so being put in this position was a little odd. "Alright...let's go over here next then."
John nodded, "Alright! Lead the way captain, just make sure its a really fun ride."
Hank sighed. "What the hell is with this guy...where did all the techie stuff even come from?" he said to himself as he looked over one of the drones. "This is just way too much like one of props for a movie...these things can't actually be REAL can they? Maybe the kid's just a rich movie buff.." he looked around the home which wasn't...really that expensive looking. "...maybe.." he swallowed before sighing, decided it was best to just sleep.
After several rides, which included a couple of roller coasters, Grace decided they should take a short break. She found an unused table and sat down. "That last roller coaster was great! Although I think we need a short break after the loop. How about we get a snack or a drink?"
John nodded, "Yeah sure, what kind of snacks do they have in Japan?" John smiled as he sat down, "I'm having a really great time, I'm glad you decided to go on a date with me."
Cyrus had returned home and checked if all the drones had been moved, and surprisingly enough the job had been complete. Cyrus chuckled a bit as he grabbed one of the Drones and set it on the table, "Time to get back to work."
"There are several things here that I believe are in America as well, but as for those that aren't, there's ramen, dumplings, and various types of rice." Grace responded, and then glanced away in embarrassment. "I'm, um...really glad I came here too."
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Kotori smiled happily and looked at the group, "hmmm" she said and giggled deviously as she looked at Raika and Yukaze. She pretended to think it over but had already made up her mind, "well I guess I can let you have Yuki for the day, so I'll ride with Mitsuko and you can ride with Yuki" she smiled.

Yukaze wasn't gonna argue but the thought did make him feel embarrassed. 'Sitting next to Raika huh' he gazed off and thought about it to himself. Kotori laughed seeing Yukaze looking off into space, then she turned "does that sound fine with you Mitsuko" she asked politely.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika smiled and patted kotori's head. She whispered in her ear " thank you" she giggled and looked at yukaze and she blushed a little. After mitauka's response, they got on the roller coaster. Chirpy sat with some random person but he still ended up having a blast. A weird thought ran through his head 'hmm... I wonder if that's normal...' he thought
Grace nodded, and although she averted her gaze she was smiling. "Of course...I'll be back in a minute." She left temporarily to go to the stand for their food. When she returned she set their snacks down on the table and sat back down.
John smiled, "Looks great!" He said as he started chowing down. "Remind me to pay you back for the snacks." John happily munched on the fried tofu snacks.
Grace was about to insist that he didn't have to, but then decided against it. Considering what he had said earlier, she highly doubted that he would accept otherwise. "Alright." She agreed, and then started to eat her own food.
John finished and smiled, noticing it was getting late, "We should probably head back soon, I think the park is going to close."
Grace nodded, swallowing the last bit of her food. "Yeah, that's a good idea." She shifted her gaze down to the table in embarrassment before continuing. "And, thanks for taking me on this, um...date. I really appreciate it."
Dan looked at the time and saw that it was 11:30 and the midnight channel was going to start in half an hour. "Everybody better be prepared."
TheDigiMaster said:
Dan looked at the time and saw that it was 11:30 and the midnight channel was going to start in half an hour. "Everybody better be prepared."
((already? really? It's only been a day in there))
John parted with Grace and slipped into bed, falling asleep quickly. (At the very least go in tomorrow. ) In his dreams he was greeted by a man who was like him, yet slightly different. "Shall we begin the great debate?" it asked.
After parting ways with John, Grace starting heading toward her house. However, once she was about halfway there she changed her mind and decided to take a walk around town. Even though it was getting late, she wasn't quite ready to go home yet--she was still feeling happy from their date and wanted to keep up her good mood as possible.

(So should Grace and John get their personas in the same trip?)

(And we're back you guys~! ♥ btw @Ravita you need to reply~)

(Also I didn't know what to reply but I needed to reply something in apologies for me getting depressed and not posting on here so...'dere we go~.)

Oakley: The 'Good Cop'

The elderly police officer woke up in a daze. It took a minute to relocate his thoughts but quickly he remembered the mixture of coffee and booze (mental note: not a good combination in the least) that he used during his all nighter of trying to figure out things from his past.

Oakley didn't just wake up one day and decide he'd be a cop and pursue that dream from the very beginning. No, at first he was just a strong kid. But when family and an 'average life' didn't work for him, he took advantage of his strength and settled to working as a body guard. And boy, did he get better work than he could ever ask for. He worked for a family with the sir name of Duran, whom had passionately sheltered their young daughter from the outside world as they raised her to be the quote on quote:
'ideal woman'.

This young beauty went by the first name of Aida. and boy was she a wondrous beauty- porcelain pale skin just so soft and fragile by only the look (of course soon he would realize the touch had met his expectations just as wonderfully). A delicate voice and mind that would so stubbornly and naively obey every command and saw no wrong from her parents that effortlessly tried to mold her into this ideal and false being. And the most entertaining child-like mind and love for stories that involved good guys and heroes that always won. And maybe that whole childish love and being sheltered away from everyone else is what caused her to fall in love with Oakley, and Oakley was glad to take the cake.

However, as much as Aida always said it was and hoped to be, this reality was not that of a fairy tail. And Oakley, the hero, was not able to save the damsel in distress. Hell, he wasn't even able to get a good blow at the bad guy.

He didn't even know who the bad guy was..

At one point Aida's parents decided it was best for their sheltered little girl to get a fine taste of the outside world by her lonesome and thus discharged Oakley from his ever so respected duty as Aida's faithful bodyguard. But even then, had he made sure they still kept in charge. However, as she attended the academy...something changed about her. And it wasn't the fact that she was sickly and frail. Wasn't the fact that reality was really taking a drastic toll on her. It was something not even Oakley, in all of his years of private investigating, could get a grasp on.

And that very thing became the death of her.

Hank: The 'Bad Cop'

Yes, Hank was tired. He was extremely tired. He had stayed up worried sick over his boss that, admittedly, was the guy he looked up to. Essentially a role model (even IF he was a questionable one at times.) However, as Hank began to fall asleep he couldn't help but to remember something. And that very something began to haunt his dreams.

"Thanks for letting me stay here boss..." Hank mumbled, almost lifelessly as he stumbled into the house. Oakley didn't say anything at first as he left Hank there and entered his kitchen. But walking back into view he held...

"Want to drink to it mate?" Oakley asked, a friendly smile on his face. Hank stared over at the alcohol for a while, thoroughly unsure.

"I don't know..."

"Don't worry...I won't do anything to ya'." Oakley teased, never seeming to take anything seriously. But how could he still be like this even when-

"Boss...we failed her." Hank said in utter defeat, biting at his bottom lip, trying to keep his pride and masculinity in front of Oakley. But it was just so damn hard.

Oakley frowned and his jaw tightened slightly as he set the alcohol over on the counter near them. With that given he walked over closer towards Hank- a solemn and empathetic look in his eyes. With a heavy hand, he began to ruffle at his hair. "We sure did." And with that he stepped back away and turned around. "I'm going to go change. I'll be back and we can drink."

Hank stared helplessly over at his boss's back until he had turned a corner and was no longer in sight. What...the...hell? Oakley had even agreed that he failed Marie. He just accepted it, didn't even act like he cared. They were assigned a heavy duty to help this girl from her stalker and they did. They tried their very damn best. Especially Hank. He would stay nights over with Marie, by her side- even losing precious sleep just to pull shifts to watch her like a dog. And Marie was not the shy type. She even was kind to Hank and befriended him easily. They found endearing company within one another and became good friends. But no matter how hard he had tried- Marie's stalker was able to win. He got what he wanted and Marie had to accept her fate as she suffered. Hank couldn't even get to feel just afterwards. He began to pound and beat at the murderer but Oakley had pulled him back. Had refused to let him gain revenge. And even though Oakley allowed to let him stay at his place for the night, he hardly acted like he even gave a rats ass about he felt. And he wasn't the only one that bonded with Marie too.

Shoulders shaking and his lip now bleeding as he tried so hard to hold emotion back, he fell to his knees- losing it. Oakley came back to find a sobbing Hank- a Hank who lost control and his one so calmed attitude. "You bastard!!" he wailed as he spat hatefully towards Oakley. "Why don't you care!? Why don't you care!? Why the hell don't you care!?!?" he choked on his words before he just lied there on the floor and sobbed his heart out, as Oakley just stared at him monotonously and without a single word of condolence.
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Mitsuko cheered. "Sure this is totally fine! A playmate is still a playmate~!" she smiled. Looking down at Kotori she gave a small little cat smile. "So~ Kotori~" she purred her name happily. "Whacha plan on doing? we can do whatever you want!" She said as she pulled out her phone and gave it a quick check. "See I kinda ditched a friend at the food stands so we can go catch up with him first if ya' want~" she said with a light shrug of indifference.

@Shiro Okami

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