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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Kotori shook her head in defiance at what Mitsuko said, "Yuki told me never to leave with a stranger by myself, so I'm gonna wait for Yuki and Raika" she said to Mitsuko. Kotori remembered after last time how much her brother had distrusted people even giving up on some of his friends, luckily as years went on he started to talk to people again and start making friends. Kotori thought smiling, she looked up at Mitsuko "if you want to go back to your friend though you can".

Yukaze smiled Happily as the ride started up, he couldn't deny he felt a little embarrassed sitting next to Raika but he was enjoying it greatly. He looked down and checked on Kotori as they started to go up, ' good she's still there' he thought, Yukaze felt bad now that Kotori was older he didn't mind her going off and having fun but ever sense he said don't go off with strangers she took it to heart and always waited for him even at home she never went over to hangout with her friends much.

As he thought this the coaster was over the hill and going down, right at that moment he could only think about the coaster he threw his hands in the air ready for whatever this coaster had waiting for him. "Thanks for this Raika" Yukaze said smiling to her.
Raika was having fun a lot of fun on the ride. She giggle and then ride went up and down and then did a loop. She looked at yukaze and smiled when she saw him having alot of fun. She was happy that kotori lwt have him for a bit. If she could she would kiss his cheek right now. She then blushed a little at the thought. When they got ti the hil she smiled at yukaze whem he said thank you " no problem! " she said with a grin.
Cyrus didn't do much other then work with the drones, Monday was tomorrow so he needed to get some work done. He checked the clock, 11:30? Time flew by fast for Cyrus....well that wasn't surprising, since that's how his life use to be.
Mitsuko smiled as she put her phone back in her pocket. "It's cool. Daisuke can totally wait." She said cheerfully as she focused back on Kotori. "Besides I just met two new little cuties that are also totally friendly." She glanced over at Chirpy and Yukaze. "And those two seem pretty cool too~"
Kotori moved away from her a little as she mentioned two cuties feeling uncomfortable. she leaned on the fence post and watched Raika and her brother riding the coaster and smiled as she saw he was having fun.

Yukaze braced for the drop as the coaster flew down the hill at full speed. It went around the tracks at full speeds, Yukaze held his hands in the air the whole time cheering happily in his mind. After a few minutes the ride was over an he couldn't believe it how exhilarating it felt. The seats lifted up and he got out, he offered his hand to Raika to help her out " Here, that was great did you have fun" Yukaze said grinning to Raika.
Raika screamed at the drop and laighed throughout the rest of the ride. When thr ride stopped she was smiling and giggling childishly and cutely. She looked at yukaze " thanks and yes!!" She took his hand and got out of the ride. She grinned a little.
Yukaze smiled "so did I that was amazing", he was feeling happier than he's felt in a long time. Yukaze walked alongside Raika as they exited the ride, he couldn't help think of how cute she looked as they walked together. When they rounded the corner he saw Kotori and Mitsuko.

"Hey Yuki" she ran over to them and giggled. "Looks like you two had a lot of fun" she laughed.
Mitsuko frowned slightly. "sorry. Hope I didn't scare you. I was just making a friendly compliment..." she said feeling a bit off but luckily the rest of their little group came in and eased the awkwardness Mitsuko had probably just caused. With that, Mitsuko swallowed and put back on her million dollar smile. "You three looked like you were having fun~" she cheered.
Raika giggled and walked next to yukaze. She hummed and smiled, she looked at kotori and smiled " yup thsg ride was amazing!!" She said happily and looked at mitsuko " yup!" She laughed a little feeling a little hyper from the ride.
Yukaze as they started talking to everyone looked around. For some reason something felt out of place and he couldn't think of what. After a few minutes he realized, "Where's chirpy" Yukaze said out loud to the group.

Kotori looked around and shrugged, "I don't know he was with you guys last".
"Chirpy was his name? Did his parents seriously name him that?" Mitsuko asked looking quite baffled by it in all sincerity. "Well..I mean...keeping it original is always great." she added on quickly, shrugging it off. "Plus that little blue guy can certainly rock that name~"
Raika looked and sighed "... he wondered of... that's not like him...." she then heard a scream. Sheblooked at the rollercoaster and laughed "there he is..." she said pointing at the ride they just ride" she looked at yukaze " yukaze.... I have an idea~" she grinned.
Yukaze looked to see Chirpy there at the roller coaster, 'why is he still there' he thought. "Yeah that is a strange name indeed" Yukaze said to Mitsuko then turned to Raika. "What do you have in mind" he said curiously to Raika not sure what she was thinking.
eaika giggled and took out her phone and showed him the picture of hank and chirpy sleeping " we can pretend we lost him and call this guy to help us out and..." she giggled and grinned " this is fun...."
Yukaze looked at the picture and was wondering who the other person was. "I guess if you want to but what about poor chirpy, also remember we can't stay here to long it's getting later in the day will have to make this quick" he laughed wondering what Chirpy would do if he was by himself.

Kotori walked over towards Yukaze to see what was going on. "Awe but we haven't done that much yet" she said.

"I know we still have time for some more rides as long as the lines aren't really crazy" Yukaze assured his sister patting her head.
Raika thought for a minute " and we are gonna need him...." she sighed " looks like I can't have my fun today..." she looked at yukaze " oh well lets grab chirpy and ride the ferris wheel!!" She said excitedly.
"Oh~? This sounds juicy." Mitsuko looked over at Raika. "You need a guy to get over here quickly? You need help?" she asked, a smile broad on her face.
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Raika looked at her and nodded " yes yes yes yes!!!" She said happily and excitedly ' maybe I will have my fun...' she grinned. Shadow laughed ' rsika calm down' 'but this is gonna be funny and fun!!'
Mitsuko nodded happily. "So what do you need me to do girlfriend?" she said as she snapped open her phone and exited out of the text messages from Daisuke. "Who am I dragging over? Give me the deets on it~"
" I just need you to bring this guy!" She pointrd at the hank in the picture " and convince him to come here and 'help' us look for chirpy when I reality I just want him to come here and have fun with him" she said with a grin and giggled excitedly.
"Oh him? He looks familiar oddly enough..." she said as she took a good look at the guy in the picture. "Then again Inaba IS pretty damn small." She pulled herself up as she began to mess with her phone. "Can I have his number? I'll give him a little call~"
Raika grinned " he is a cop so be careful" she said and the gave her his number. She giggled and hummed.

((Hank is ravial character tag her when your talking to him))
Mitsuko gave a cunning smile. "Gotcha~" she said as she rang the number. Boy, would this be entertaining as hell!

Yukaze just watched in the background and sigh not really sure what was going on. Kotori watched with Yukaze curiosity on her face.

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