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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Hank woke up when he heard his annoying ring tone play and, hoping it was the boss reached for it. However what he saw instead was an unknown number. Being a cop though, he was more than obligated to answer it. "Hello?"
"Hey~" she said with a bit of seduction of her voice..though something in that voice was amiss as if it was in a desperate and hot panic. "Is this officer Hank...?" she said giving off a whimper of desperation. "Please say something..."
He didn't know who was talking to him but she sounded desperate and in need of help. "Hello? Are you ok!? Miss tell me your location!" he spoke loudly as the fear within the girl's voice rushed adrenaline in him and he suddenly wasn't so weary.
"I thought...by going to the amusement park they wouldn't be able to find me in the crowd..." she continued on with her weak and worrisome voice. "I guess I was wrong though..." she choked out the words softly, sounding as if she was holding back pleading sobs.
Hank looked around and hastily grabbed at his shoes and forced them onto his feet, being careful to keep his shoulder up holding the phone at his ear. "You said amusement park right!? Stay on the line miss! I'm on my way immediately!!"
"N-no! I can't! They'll track me down!" Mitsuko rushed in a hesitant and fearful voice. She swallowed once more and when she spoke again her voice was much more quieter than the previous outburst. "...Please come soon..." and with that she hung up and turned off her phone, following up a gleeful snicker. "I got him in the bag!" she called over as she ran to Raika. "He's on his way~! Easy peasy Nice and cheesy~" she sang, even if that probably wasn't how the song even went.
Raika watched thr entired thing and her mouth gapped in aw " your brilliant!!!... but..." she thought for a minute "..... lets hope we dont get in trouble...." she laughed and gave mitsuko a hug "thanks for the help!!" She grinned .
"That might have been over doing it, this is not gonna end well" Yukaze said sighing not really pleased with this plan.

Kotori nodded in agreement at what Yukaze had said.
Hank ran out of the guest room and caught eye of Cyrus minding his own business. "Somebody's in trouble so duty calls! Thanks!" He didn't have time for small chat as he rushed out the door.

" I just wanted him to come... I never said anything about acting like someone is coming after you" she said shrugging " plus if things go wrong ill take the blame for it" she said without hesitation.
Cyrus ignored hank, "As long as your out of my house i'm fine with it." he said to himself. He had more important things to take care of.
Mitsuko was happy for the praise but displeased when Yukaze had to go and ruin it for her. But she let it slide as she pulled away from the comforting hug and held onto Raika's hands. "Don't worry girl. Don't be so modest~ it'll all work out just smashing and if things go wrong let me be the scape goat! It'll be super fun~!"
" by it was my idea...plus we just met and I don't know you well enough and even if i did wouldnt want you to take the blame for somerhing I came up with"
"Let's just go and enjoy the rides as we wait for this guy" Yukaze said trying to delay this conversation. 'Hopefully nothing does happen and we can just enjoy the day' he thought to himself sighing inwardly.

'Things seem to be getting interesting' Houki said in his head laughing. Yukaze sighed 'damn I wish you had a off button '. ' Oh but if I did that would ruin the fun and I'd be lonely without someone to talk to' she snickered.

Kotori was all for going on the rides and looked at them. "Can we go on another ride" she pleaded.
' houki you can talk to me' shadow said to her ' plus I am also bored...' she sighed a little. Raika looked around for a bit '.... wow now he is really lost...' she also looked around a bit " hmm... we can go on that" she said pointing to the ride with huge teacup that goes around in circles. And thr line seems to be small " and thrn maybe we csn go on the bumper cars!" She suggested with a smile.
"Yeah..that'd be fun." Mitsuko said idly as she looked in the direction that Raika pointed at. "However...How is that Hank guy going to find us exactly?" she pondered out loud.
Yukaze nodded at Raika picking out the ride, "sure that sounds fun" he said smiling but wanting the whole police thing to be over with.

Kotori nodded and walked towards the ride happily "yay" she said smiling. She was enjoying herself.

"You seem to be really happy riding a kids ride even when your a middle schooler" Yukaze joked with her. Kotori just turned around and stuck out her tongue then smiled.
Raika smiled ' they seem worried.... I should fix this when I am alone....' she mentally sighed a little. ' dont worry raika...' shadow said to her ' but... I was actually terrified of how she did it... I need to fix this before a whole bunch of police people end up in the amusement park!!' Raika looked at mitsuko and then at yukaze " ill go and us some food to eat... would uou guys like anything??" She asked
Instead of returning home, Grace decided to detour to her favorite bench. It was usually her go-to place for when she didn't want to return home. She sat down on the chilled wood, but then after a quick glance around laid her head back and closed her eyes. The slight chill in the air was more soothing than annoying. She replayed the days events over and over again, a slight smile on her face.

Suddenly, she heard something rustle behind her. Grace's eyes opened and she bolted up, but not a moment later someone struck her from behind. The flash of pain was quickly swallowed by darkness as she fell unconscious.
"Mm~ A nice little icecream would do~" Mitsuko said with a clap. "Also if you see a little purpled hair boy with lost puppy dog eyes pay him no real mind~" she giggled. "He's always so mopey!"
"I'm fine" Yukaze smiled not really hungry the breakfast they had still filled him up.

Kotori raised her hand "oh I want ice cream...no maybe a Popsicle...hmmm I'm coming with you to see for myself" she said walking with Raika.
Raika smiled at kotori and nodded " okie.." she looked at mitsuko " careto join us??: she asked her hoping ahe would say yes.
(I didn't get notifications for this...)

Mitsuko gave a smile to Raika that was followed by a light shrug. "Sure I don't mind. But I'm hiding behind you guys when I catch sight of the boy with the puppy dog eyes~"
Yukaze decided to stay in line and hold their spot for the ride. He sighed feeling a little annoyed when they walked away but just kept moving forward in the line waiting for them to return.'Good thing I'm still use to being lonely' he thought to himself. 'Hey you still have me I can't leave even if I wanted to' houki's voice said in his head. 'Oh great I get a devious fox to talk to now' but he smiled inwardly. He stepped forward in line sighing again, 'man this line is long'.

Kotori walked along side Raika and looked back to see her brother she could tell he didn't look pleased. She frowned feeling a little bad, but she decided not to think about it not wanting anyone to notice her frowning especially her brother. Kotori put on a smile again and kept walking thinking then about what she was gonna get.

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