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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Well my company has lots of different things. One thing is my company manages airports and planes. Another thing is we own a couple of malls in america with different restaurants. But we mostly work with the electronics in Japan. And i think the killers motivation is too basically attract attention so he can make an audience with the world to distribute his plans or maybe he just wants to take over the world by creating an army of shadows."
"I don't meant to interrupt, but," Grace started tentatively, "if he had wanted to take over the world then we would have seen Shadows in the real world by now. So I don't think that's it. He does seem to like to create attention though."

Cyrus's comment snagged at Hank's interest. And so leaning over, he began to ask on for further detail. "So kid, that being said...What ha-"


He was interrupted by his own phone going off. Hank lifted up his phone, expecting Oakley but instead he saw an all too familiar photo. Face flustered, Hank jolted up- more awake now. "HOW THE HELL DID THAT- URAHHGH!" He screamed as she threw the phone into the wall- breaking it.

"That's so cute!" Mitsuko giggled as she watched them and their reactions towards the petty little merry go round. "Keep this up and just watching you guys will be a blast! I won't even be able to handle the rides~!" she teased lovingly.
John nodded. "Grace is correct. Though its clear that this kidnapper at the very least doesn't have murder on the mind. Otherwise he would have changed his methods by now. That much is clear, but there are still things that don't add up. Mainly about the shadows. I wish we could question one." John sighed, "On another note, I will have to make note of your company. Maybe I could make my fortune by investing like Warren Buffet."
Cyrus looked over at the phone which slammed into the wall and hit the floor. Cyrus sighed as a small drone scooted over to the phone, picked it up and scooted away, "That was quite the waste of a phone, and i already explained what happened, he messed up and acted without thinking. Do I need to simplify it anymore?"
Dan started laughing and started patting both Grace and John on the head. "You both are too serious. While your still young you got to live lively and not so serious! And don't worry about the culprit i'm sure we'll be able to catch him sooner or later."
Yukaze laughed, "I'm sure you'll do fine, now you better hurry or you'll miss your seat" Yukaze said warning her jokingly. He saw the girls walk up, "looks like you guys had loads of fun, especially you Raika" he chuckled.

Kotori giggled happily, "it was awesome I can't wait for more" she said with glee.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika giggled and blushed a little as she rubbed the back of her head. " what ride do you want to ride next?" She asked kotori as she patted her head.
"Don't be a little shit about this." Hank growled beneath his breath as he sat back down. "What the hell did he do!? I want to know why my boss is not being....my boss."
"A little shit? That's a way of putting it." He sighed and set down his glass, "I told him to punch me, I gave him the option for me to explain the plan, but declined it. Now Adara hates him." Cyrus set a small device on the table and started to tinker with it.
"Well that's some heavy shit...Oakley must not be taking it well.." he says, stating the obvious as he rests his head on the table.
Mitsuko nodded loving thanks and she ran over towards the Merry go Round, picked herself a crystal stallion and rode around~ the carnival music playing wondrously.
"Precisely." Cyrus said as he continued to tinker, "But i'm amazed at you reaction, I thought you would have enraged yourself by now."
Hanks just sighed. "Nah...Oakley's always been depressed. Now he's just actually showing it." he said matter of factly- his once flustered face now returned back to normal.
"Well now I understand why he acts the way he does. no matter whats done is done." A small drone flew into the kitchen and dropped a phone on the table. Cyrus handed it to hank, "Here is your phone completely restored left exactly the way before you threw it, don't break it again."
Hank didn't take it. "Erase all my messages for me please..." he mumbled as he drank at his coffee again. "Aren't you going to explain it to Adara or something? I mean I know she has those daddy issues and all..damn fix it. I know Oakley is weird as hell but be nice to him." he said with a frown. He just looked exhausted and was there a little..stubble growing on his chin? He must've not shaved that morning.
Cyrus pushed the phone back, "There is a message i inserted on the phone it was my attempt to explain it to her if it worked or not I do not know. Also.." Cyrus slid a small phone looking device to Hank, "Give this to Adara her phone met an unfortunate end so this is a temporary replacement."
"What the hell do I look like the delivery man?" he asked as he fumbled around with both phones, impressed.
"Do you really wan't me to answer that question?" Cyrus asked. He stood up and grabbed the larger drone he left on the counter, "Please close the door on your way out. I don't want my drones hunting you." He said that final sentence before walking back to the door to his garage.
"what?" Hank picked his head up before jumping up and slamming his hands onto the table. "What the hell man!? I don't want to go babysit her!? What if she's all daddy issues emo or something!? I don't want to live through that! I already survived my highschool years!!"
Cyrus walked back out of the garage, "So what do you want to do? hang out here?" Cyrus sighed and looked at his watch, "Register Hank as friendly, security measures are not needed." He put his hand back in his pocket, "Look i need that to get too her. And i'm sure you guys wouldn't let me do it personally."
"Man I don't care what you and your girlfriend do. I'm not your guardian." he said as he sighed and plopped back down in his seat, going at his coffee again. "Plus Oakley's not around to stop you. He's being angsty himself."
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Cyrus was a little annoyed, "If your going to hang around here make yourself useful there are a number of working drones in the garage i wan't you to bring them into the kitchen, and whatever you do don't activate them." Cyrus grabbed the device and walked out the door.
"Wh-what?" he groaned but Cyrus had already left. All Hank wanted to honestly do though was sleep. "Dammit..." he mumbled beneath his breath.

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