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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

John entered the room with the others, waving excitedly, clearly happy to just be on board with the others, "Hi lady we're supposed to rescue! Hi doppleganger of the lady we're supposed to rescue! I'm new and it's nice to meet you, both of you."
Raika jumped down and followed dan" rei!!!" She yelled. She looked at the shadow "....nice dress" she shook her head " hand over rei!!" She yelled again
"And why should I do that?" Rei's shadow answered. "I want her, therefore she's mine." Rei glared at her shadow. "No I'm not!" Rei's shadow ignored her and smiled a bit. "I bet you haven't even told them the truth..."
John waved his hand, "Is the truth that the dess looks absolutely fabulous on you? Because it really does. Also if you're going to try and kill us, as a last request I want the dress. I want to at least feel pretty while I die."
Raika sighed and list her patients and wacked john in the head " shut it...or else" she said with a glare. She then looked at the shadow" .....it doesn't matter what the truth is.... I'll still be her friend and I will help her any way I can" she said without any hesitation
"Oh? So it doesn't matter if Rei is actually R-" "Shut it!" Her Shadow whirled around kicked her. "Are you trying to command me?" Rei was crying a bit, the kick had hurt her more than it should. "As I was saying, so it doesn't matter if Rei is actually Rey Morgstern?" The Shadow pushed and kicked the chair off the steps.
Chirpy landed on the ground next to raika. Raika wasn't surprised at all since rei already told her the truth. ' she is actually alot prettier as a girl...'
Dan stepped close to Rei's shadow. "It doesn't matter. People do what they want and no matter what I accept them." Dan then passed the shadow and saved the chair with Rei on it.
John rubbed his head, "Okay I deserved that, but Miss Shadow, can you please expand on that? What are you trying to implicate? That Rei is not the gender that she poses as? If so that is quite normal, and her friends will accept her regardless. "
Cyrus sat in the background and listened the only thing he was there for was to save whoever this person was and get some good practice for fighting with his persona.
Raika smiled and went over to rei with dan and helped her. " oh yeah...I never got to say this but that for helping me when I had to face my shadow" she said with a smile.
Yukaze felt bad this was the same girl that was at his house he wished he could have done something different. For now he waited in the background ready if this didn't go well he swore to save this girl with the group.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Ahh naive...that's what you all are..." She said. "Let me tell you a story...the story of a girl who was so selfish that she got her parents killed." Rei's Shadow said. Rei heard her and shoured "Please don't!" The Shadow laughed. "Once upon a time in Germany, there was a girl named Rei Morgstern. She was such a spoiled brat that she takes everything she wants, often having her parents fix the problem. Her parents didn't do anything to fix her for they loved her so. Then came the evening of her birthday, her parents knew that she wanted something and went out to get it. But it was stormy that night, they shouldn't have went out but Rei insisted." She paused for a while. "You know how the story ends...don't you?" Rei was crying so much that she could only nod. "That's right, they die. And all that time you were only wondering when your gift would arrive."
".....she was young and didnt know any better....now she understands and has been trying to help people and not be a spoiled kid anymore....what she djd in the past was a mistake....but now she has spent who know how long trying to fix it...." raika said to the shadow " shebis a different and better person now and that's what counts..." she said as she wiped rei's tears away with a napkin.
Dan walked right up to Rei's shadow leaving Rei with Raika. He punched the shadow straight in the face. "How about you shut it! She made a mistake but she's different now so understand!"
She spat at Dan's face. "You don't get it do you! I am a part of her!" "You're...not...." Rei sobbed out. "You're right, how could I ever be part of someone who hides who she really is? I am a Shadow! The true self!" She suddenly took the form of a huge armored figure.

Chirpy flew in and grabbed raika and rei and put them on the ground eith the other " thanks! " " no problem" "now h-" " just watch dan" raika nodded watched.
Cyrus fixed his jacket a bit and pulled out his card, "Persona!" Cyrus' persona rose out of some magma and Roared, "Agi!" Cyrus yelled his persona responded with spitting a magma ball at the shadow.
"I think I understand miss Rei's shadow. Though I must say because a person has committed a wrong action makes them no more of a wrong person than someone evil committing a good action." John's speech and demenor had changed entirely. He went from the goofball to an air of quiet sophistication. "I only wish we could speak more before we fight." John adjusted his collar as he rolled his shoulders. "I shall protect miss Rei. My glove is better suited for defense anyway."
Dan calmly looked at the shadow and prepared himself. "Come to me. My PERSONA!!!" Dan crushed the card and his persona came out. Dan saw Cyrus use his attack and got ready. "Ziodyne!"
Raika watched cyrus and yelled "persona!" A card appeared on her hand and tapped on it and her persona shadow appeared. Shadow handed her a knife and went after rei's shadow throwing knives at him. Raika used the kinfe and freed rei from her bounds " are you ok?" She asked her.
Yukaze was ready the second the shadow transformed. "Alright let's do this, persona" he said crushing the card in his hand. The giant fox appeared ready for battle, "cleave" he yelled. The fox charged at the shadow and slashed at it with her claws.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
The shadow flapped it's wings once and took flight. It started to twirl it's weapon around and caused a dark colored tornado to form.
The fox's claws missed as the shadow went up into the air. When the tornado formed Yukaze thought fast, "fox get back ". The persona jumped back dodging the tornado then glared at Yukaze, in his head he heard "I have a name you know". "I'll learn it later get ready for another attack" Yukaze said to himself.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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